While visiting That Girl Blogs, I found out that her cat is named Widget. Well, that made me realize that I could come up with all sorts of pet names inspired by blogging. If you are in the market for a pet name, feel free to choose from the following list.
- Plug-in
- Feedjit
- Dashboard
- Meta Tag
- Blogger
- Linky
- Meme
- Scripts
- Disqus
- Bladge
Tell me those aren’t great pet names? Do you have any to add to the list?
If my dog had a blog inspired name it would definitely have to be Spammer.
See? How could I miss such a good one?
“URL” pronounced as Earl, “Dotcom”, and “Dubyadubyadubya”. – G
We had a cat named Widget. She lived to be 19. She was a feral cat & lived at the airport & we named her after the “Widget” that was on the side of our airline planes at that time. She was a sweetheart…..
Button, Post, comment…..that’s all I got!
How about Comment; or maybe Verification?
Had a friend who named his dog Dee Oh Gee. Didn’t even need to read a blog to make it up.
I don’t have any blogging pet names, but I used to have a cat named Vger after the probe in the first Star Trek movie. You can’t trust science fiction geeks with pet names:)
Spam. Monetize. Stats.
Bladge – I’m wondering if you picked that one up at my blog. It did pop up in my head one time back when I collecting blog badges. Just wondering.
oh a few more names – unknown, lisleman (I prefer a dog or fish named after me), tumblr, flickr, like it, feed.
Bladge was definitely inspired by you.
… how about “Captcha”? ‘Twould have to be a dog or a bird of prey though…
or [animal]-press… like Dog-press or Cat-press… or BIRD-PRESS!
hehehe interesting post indeed!!!
i would call my dog..”seo”
Kind of unrelated- I had a friend who wanted to name her dog something that made her sound rich. She was deciding between bling and cash… I talked her into “Rims.” It made my year.
OMG! You are brilliant! Rims is hilarious.
What about Anon (anonymous)?
Good one. You made me think of another one: Lurker.
That’s a fantastic name for a cat.
Your so creative! How about comment?
I like it.
I’m voting for Dashboard. That’s super cute.
I’ve seen some word verification words that would make good pet names or good curse words….or both.
Service Unavailable?
Leave it to you to out-funny me.
Hey! A shout out on your blog? I’ll take it, Mami, thanks!
My yorkie’s name is Martini. That shows you where my mind is. ***ashamed*** not really 🙂
Great idea and the only ones I can think of to add would be:
Blogspot and WordPress of course. LOL
Oh Alexa is perfect.
OOooo I might have to send that list over to the shelter where I used to volunteer. They did themes for the month for cats that came in to try to avoid having 154 Sams, for example. This could be a super fun one.
What about Mouse? Spam? Troll? Scroll?
Seriously going to have to go through your comments and pull names for them. This is AWESOME!
Oh, I like like the ones you came up with. In particular, Troll and Scroll.
*smiles* awesome!
have a great day from start to finish.
big hugs!
betty xx
Those are great! I’m not as creative and can’t think of any right now, but I bet you in the middle of the night tonight I’ll have 2 or 3 good ones wake me from my sleep!
too funny!
you know some celebrity will probably use this to get their kids name….
Fun idea. How about Click, Gadget, Sidebar, Jpeg, Archive, Italics?
Follower. definitely have a dog named follower…
would “POST” be so obvious !??! hhahaha!!!
They are all very funny!!