- The holiday decorations in your home that looked so festive a few days ago now look tired and beyond ready to be put in storage.
- You keep thinking of all the things you should have asked for as gifts, but it’s too late. Dang it!
- Your kids are asking you how many days are left until next Christmas.
- The streets are littered with fallen Christmas trees.
- You are sick of candy canes.
- The gyms are crazy full with resolutionists who have yet to lose their resolve.
- If you hear ho, ho, ho, you know it’s in reference to three hoochies on the corner.
- Threatening your kids with “Santa Claus is watching” doesn’t do a damn thing, so you have to switch to threatening to take their holiday haul away.
- You think that it was great to spend time with extended family, but feel a sense of relief about going back to your normal routine.
- The thought of one more glass of egg nog or rompope makes you want to hurl.
Ha ha! Great list! #1 is why the night of Christmas or, at the latest, the next morning everything comes down. I love it, but after a month or more I’ve had enough of the clutter!
Hope your holidays were wonderful! Happy New Year!
They were. I hope yours were good too. Back to the routine now.
I wasn’t ready for #7. Almost choked on my water. lol Love your list. I thought I had everything put away, but I keep finding more Christmas “joy” around the house.
Ha! Glad I managed to surprise.
Your list is perfect however I’m still loving my decorations. I enjoy them more after Christmas then before.
Yes, but you are like an honorary Christmas fairy.
Love it! *heads off to tweet*
Mwah! Cyber hugs and kisses.
Back atcha!