See that child? That’s my 11-year-old. She’s pretty new to this whole being an 11-year-old thing.

Her birthday was last weekend.

I still can’t believe that she’s 11! Doesn’t that put her officially in tween territory?

In honor of my new 11-year-old, I’m sharing these pictures along with 11 wonderful things about her.
- She likes to skateboard. She gets that from her daddy and it’s so sweet to watch them bond while skating.
- She is not afraid to be herself. She dresses and presents herself in a way that makes people think she’s a boy and when they call her a boy, she simply tells them she’s a girl without getting irritated or offended.
- She teaches herself how to do things all the time. Like she can solve a Rubik’s Cube in less time than it takes me to brush my teeth.
- She loves to read and stays up way past her bedtime reading with a flashlight under her covers.
- She is a generous person. When she was in first grade and found out that teachers don’t make enough money, she insisted on giving all of the money in her piggy bank to her teacher.
- She likes going to school. Learning is her jam. Homework is not, but can you blame her?
- She’s a great friend. From time to time there’s drama at school between this person and that person, she’s never a part of it and doesn’t take sides.
- She gets joy from doing nice things for others. On my birthday she got up super early to make me breakfast and when she came home from school she was still beaming because it made her feel so good to do something nice for me.
- She loves being affectionate. The hardest part of being sick for her is that she doesn’t get as many kisses or snuggles as she’s used to from us.
- She is really good at building things. From Nanoblocks to robots, if it’s got tons of tiny pieces and instructions that make no sense to most people, she will build it.
- She is a good person through and through. What more could a mother want?
ALSO READ: Rainbow Stairs at McKinley Elementary School
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My daughter is wonderful too!
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She sounds very content with herself. That’s awesome. Happy 11th Birthday!!!