I can’t front and say I’ve ever lived the #ThugLife because I haven’t, but I will tell you that I am currently living the #MomLife and crazy as it sounds these two have something in common. What is it? It’s that both the #ThugLife and the #MomLife are not for wimps. Am I right or am I right?
Don’t believe me, then check out these 15 tweets that perfectly describe #MomLife…oh and a mom can’t even get away with saying, “I didn’t choose the #MomLife, the #MomLife chose me,” which would at least make us sound cooler.
Not to brag or anything, but I know every word to every song and commercial on Radio Disney. #Skillz #MomLife
— Madeline Martin (@MadelineMMartin) August 18, 2015
Nursing baby on one side, checking social media, playing fetch with puppy on the other. #multitasking #momlife
— Britt \\ ✌️ (@JustBriitt) August 18, 2015
When you don’t have princess bandaids, you improvise. #momlife #parenting http://t.co/zCTwD84jFg pic.twitter.com/t0c29UQs0p
— Darcy Zalewski (@DarcyZalewski) August 17, 2015
Time to put this baby to bed so I can have my me time, and by me time I mean drink beer #momlife
— Tanya (@Mrs_Gutknecht) August 10, 2015
ALSO READ: My Kid Asked, “Do You Know What Sex Means?”
When you find a 1 hour and 21 min video of babbling and darkness in your phone #momlife pic.twitter.com/gKqqtS0uOs
— nicole j. (@ardynnenicole) August 10, 2015
Biggest fear in life is that I’ll do something or not do something, say something or not say something that will screw my kids up. #momlife
— Emily (@dntcallmeM) August 10, 2015
Well I have poop on my shirt, apricot in my hair, and my ears are still ringing from bedtime resistance, BUT I WON! #Mwahahahahaha #momlife
— Kat Inokai (@bumpandhustle) August 9, 2015
ALSO READ: I Am a Dirty Stinkin’ Sticker Thief
The kids have been home 20 minutes… I’ve already had to vacuum twice.. #momlife
— Laura Rosado (@tessanotreally) August 9, 2015
When you have to threaten to sew your kids together so they will learn to get along. #momlife #stoparguing
— Missy (@missy_820) August 9, 2015
ALSO READ: 16 Things That Go Through Your Head When Your Kid Gets Lice
Just got pee’d on #MomLife #ShowerTime
— κ. (@kristenelizaam) August 9, 2015
When the baby pukes all down your shirt, but you don’t bother to change, because you aren’t leaving the house again today, because #MomLife
— Adrienne (@adri5) August 9, 2015
My youngest is using me as a jungle gym and licking me while wiping her snot on me at the same time. #glamorous #momlife
— JessKammCathell (@jesskamm) August 9, 2015
ALSO READ: 10 Tricks Kids Pull at Bedtime
It’s all fun and games until someone poops in the pool. #momlife
— beckymochaface (@beckymochaface) August 9, 2015
‘I’m doing my last load of laundry’ said no mom ever…. Because in the time that load is done, there will be another, if not two. #momlife
— Aimee (@HelloChickLit) August 9, 2015
When I was little, Dad would say bedtime & I was in bed; 5 yr old has 45 min bedtime routine: bath, books, Legos; this is progress? #momlife
— Jee (@Swasian) August 9, 2015
What kinda life you livin’?
I loved this post…because I can totally relate!!! The following tweets were my favorite
When you don’t have princess bandaids, you improvise. #momlife #parenting http://
and When you find a 1 hour and 21 min video of babbling and darkness in your phone #momlife
The video one cracked me up because it has so happened to my phone.