If you have a child who has hair, the day will come sooner or later when they will get lice. I’m sorry, but it will happen. I’ve been through it twice now and I ain’t gonna lie to you it SUCKS.
ALSO READ: 10 Tricks Kids Pull at Bedtime
So here are 16 things that go through your head when your kid get’s lice:
- Nooooooo!!! No, no, no, no, no! Oh, please, NOOOOOOO!
- Oh my gawd, I’m so itchy.
- Aghhhh, I’m itchy. I must have lice too. I swear I can feel them crawling all over me! They are eating me alive.
- Okay, calm down it’s just lice. They are gross, but you can handle this. You got this.
- Maybe, it’s not really lice. Maybe it’s just some kind of funky shaped dandruff. I mean I don’t really see anything that looks like…
- Ewww, nope, it’s totally lice.
- Okay, let’s buckle down and smother these lice and then get down to some serious nitpicking.
- Pinche piojos (if you are Mexican)! Freakin’ lice (if you’re not Mexican)!
- Why? Why my kid? I have enough to do without having to exterminate my kid’s head.
- Frack! The lice are probably covering the entire house. I have to wash everything. It might be easier to just move and let the lice keep this place.
- How the heck am I supposed to get this nit comb through my kid’s hair? It’s like a torture device, like a comb of nails.
- Stay calm. Stay calm. It’s enough that your kid is screaming, you don’t have to scream too. You can do this.
- ARRRRGHHHHHHH! I can’t do this.
- I did it. I did it. I rid my kid of lice. I never want to do that again. Please, don’t make me do that again.
- I’m totally gonna have to do that again, aren’t I?
- I better put this nit comb somewhere safe.
Oh THANK GOD we have never had lice in our house. Ugh, I probably just jinxed myself!!
Currently in process. Did it last year too. Thankfully, it has only been one kid at a time!