Hola Chulas y Chulos! I don’t know about you, but my chancla and I are so over 2016. We were over it a long time ago because as far as we are concerned 2016 sucked big time. Now, I am not normally a negative person or at least I try my best not to project negativity, but one would have to be dumb, deaf, blind and clueless not to acknowledge the cacastorm that 2016 has been.
As a way to exorcise all the bad mojo, my chancla and I put together a review of 2016 in tweets. Let’s take one final stroll down nightmare lane 2016 and then bid it a not-so-fond GTFOH.
The year started with the death of an icon, which seems to have set the tone for the rest of the year.
Now Bowie is gone … 2016 really hates me … #2016Sucks
— The Gotham Knight (@zep_97) January 11, 2016
See what I mean?
I can't believe Alan Rickman passed away. The man was a brilliant actor and will be sorely missed by everyone. #2016Sucks
— Maggie FTW (@lyssa9600) January 14, 2016
A devastating pattern was set.
When Prince died, the mass dislike for 2016 was on.
RIP Prince pic.twitter.com/iyXyKUY5W0— Steve Hickey (@Hickster6) April 22, 2016
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We started crying, “Enough 2016!”
But 2016 was on a horrid roll and kept taking more of our icons.
The news was so awful that we started looking for anything to distract us from so much death.
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Distractions were all too fleeting before we would get hit with more sad news.
Not Garry Marshall, you bastards! #2016sucks
— Dan Delgado (dandelgado.bsky.social) 🇵🇷 (@_Dan_Delgado) July 20, 2016
We felt helpless against 2016.
2016 needs handcuffs. #2016sucks
— water (@ZezOfficial) July 23, 2016
Who could have predicted that the year would be a constant funeral procession?
Mrs. Cleo dead. Who's next? Tom Bodett? #2016sucks
— Amish Ambush (@Amish_Ambush) July 28, 2016
The news seemed like a bad joke.
Clowns trying to lure kids in the woods? Yup sounds like 2016 #clowns #2016sucks
— .. (@caramellow28) August 29, 2016
A horribly bad joke.
Gene Wilder too? #2016Sucks
— Charlie (@coxasaurus) August 29, 2016
Our collective morale took a beating.
No breaks.
No luck.
Nothing easy.
Over it. #2016sucks
— T (@tmarsh8364) September 13, 2016
Relationships we had come to depend on came to an end.
Legends continued to die.
RIP Arnold Palmer #2016sucks pic.twitter.com/1Uq0dBy4uv
— Daniel Tran (@1DanTran) September 26, 2016
So many of us felt like we lost a bit of our childhood.
We settled into a kind of numbness because it was all too much to bear.
Do you ever have so many bad things happen at once that you transcend to an entirely different level of not caring? #2016sucks
— Sharyn Helene (@StorySpinnerSH) October 15, 2016
2016 even managed to kill a social network.
I can't believe #Vine is no more. I HATE YOU 2016!!!! #2016sucks #Ihate2016 #AnnusHorribilis #EndOfAnEra #WorstDayEver
— Spencer Karter (@SpencerKarter) October 28, 2016
Halloween could have been a welcome distraction, but it was poorly timed.
And the death announcements kept coming in.
Oh, feck, no. Leonard Cohen Dead at 82 https://t.co/RoG8AmzHvV #2016sucks #RIP #SayHiToMarianne #Dammit
— Corvida (@CaroCrow) November 11, 2016
We worried over who might be taken from us next.
Trailblazers were not spared.
A beautiful dedication to #GwenIfill | ‘Dear Gwen’: Letters from women journalists of color: https://t.co/azMFQ8pAds via PBS @NewsHour pic.twitter.com/hpvqE1vp7Y
— Well-Read Black Girl Festival ™ (@wellreadblkgirl) December 18, 2016
Celebrities that felt like family left us aching with their passing.
RIP Mrs. Brady #2016sucks
— Katie 🌙✨ (@Kjudge94) November 26, 2016
We got pissed!
Hey 2016 would you kindly remove your d*ck from my a$$?#2016sucks
— April Farina (@AprilFarina25) November 26, 2016
2016 didn’t care, it kept coming at us when we were down.
Damn it. Damn it. Damn it!
What a bummer. We'll miss you, Ron Glass! #serenity #2016sucks #rip https://t.co/jrJrBhMCgH
— Chris Noyes (@Mystic_Cabbage) November 26, 2016
It was an abusive beatdown.
Raise your hand if you've been personally victimized by 2016. 🙌🏻🙌🏻 #enough2016 pic.twitter.com/fGDYNI1yKk
— Rahaf Harfoush (@rahafharfoush) December 2, 2016
And to quote the musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda that most people couldn’t get tickets to, “the world turned upside down.”
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I guess you could say we got really good at saying goodbye.
Even sadder – 2016 taking it to the end #enough2016
⚡️ “Zsa Zsa Gabor dead at 99”https://t.co/1lpdr4DFt3— Darryl Hurs (@darrylhurs) December 19, 2016
After all, we’ve had so much practice at saying goodbye.
So here it is. Merry Christmas everybody 2016. #evensantadied #lemmydiedin2015 pic.twitter.com/XbUex25iOt
— christhebarker (@christhebarker) December 23, 2016
And wouldn’t you know that 2016 would be bitter until the end?
Carrie Fisher Suffers Massive Heart Attack on Plane https://t.co/Oh1HcLK8xD via @TMZ #Enough2016
— Claudya Martinez (@ByClaudya) December 23, 2016
(Updated 12/26 because 2016 is a relentless abuser.) Now, George Michael is gone.
This is too much now. #ripgeorgemicheal #LastChristmas #sgtpepper2016 #sgtpepper2016 massive thanks to @Carl_Price pic.twitter.com/Gj1bl1MTMM
— christhebarker (@christhebarker) December 26, 2016
(Updated 12/27 because this year is a nightmare we can’t seem to wake up from.) Carrie Fisher is gone.
Carrie Fisher wore glitter in her hair. When I said I liked it, she ran her fingers through it and lobbed a handful at me. #TheGreatest 💔 pic.twitter.com/T7NWGdJp8w
— Anna Kendrick (@AnnaKendrick47) December 27, 2016
No more, please.
I'm really sorry everyone. This is so sad. I feel awful. #RIPCarrieFisher #sgtpepper2016 May the force be with 2017. pic.twitter.com/3HJM8mJPVQ
— christhebarker (@christhebarker) December 27, 2016
(Update 12/29) Unfreakin’ believable! One day after Carrie Fisher dies, her mother Debbie Reynolds dies.
#RIPDebbieReynolds Terrible sad news. I have had enough of this year now. #sgtpepper2016 pic.twitter.com/f09uHVLrs8
— christhebarker (@christhebarker) December 29, 2016
Enough 2016! Enough.
That’s it for this week’s The Flying Chancla Report. I love you mucho and remember, spread love, not chanclazos!
And now George Michael!!! Make it stop!!!
I’m still in shock. Too many wonderful people who have left us this year. ((Hugs))