I’ve said it before and I will say it again: I AM NOT SUPERSTITIOUS! Nope, not at all, but I am a sucker for love so when it comes to certain Latino “love” superstitions that I was raised with well let’s just say I follow them because I’m being cautious NOT superstitious. You might want to follow them too, so here are five Latino love superstitions you should know about:
- If someone sweeps your feet you are doomed to a single life. For reals, I heard this one so much when I was growing up that even though I didn’t know if I ever wanted to get married or not, I just stopped sweeping or being around people who sweep because I wanted to keep my options open. Now, that I’m married, I vacuum instead of sweep because I don’t want to risk divorce.
- Giving knives as wedding gifts is WRONG. According to my mother it’s wrong to give any gift that cuts to anyone because it pretty much means you will be severing the relationship. She’s a hairdresser and once she made me pay her a penny when I asked her to give me a pair of haircutting scissors. Giving her the penny insured that we wouldn’t have a falling out because the scissors were no longer a gift. Anyway, the point is that you shouldn’t give knives as wedding gifts because you are basically setting the couple up for divorce.
ALSO READ: What Does Marriage Mean to You? - Do NOT get married on a Tuesday. I’m not really sure why Tuesday is an ominous day for getting married, but there is a saying in Spanish that goes, “En martes no te cases, ni te embarques, ni tu puerco mates.” This basically means don’t get married, set sail (as in embark on something new), or kill your pig on a Tuesday.
- If you are in a relationship, do not give your significant other shoes because they will walk out on you. I use this as an excuse to by myself more shoes ‘cause why not?
- A boyfriend who gives you a necklace is not gonna give you a ring. A guy I dated brought me a necklace on our first official date. I should have known it wouldn’t work out.
Oh and a bonus one: Happy wife, happy life. Okay, fine this one isn’t a “Latino” superstition, but I TOTALLY believe it, my husband’s not convinced though.
I haven’t heard the shoes one, but I’ve heard that a woman should never give her significant other cologne, or else he’ll end up cheating on her.
We Latinos sure have some funny love superstitions. The broom one is a classic one!!!
Wow, I hadn’t heard the cologne one.
Those were fun, I will have to remember them!