Conversation between Unknown Papi, Put Pie (about 2 years and nine months old), and Unknown Mami (about 480 months old).
Unknown Papi: (enthusiastically) We are going to try no diaper tonight!
Unknown Mami: (skeptical) Really?
Put Pie: YEAH!
Unknown Mami: Are you sure?
Put Pie: NO!
Unknown Mami & Papi: Hahahaha…
I admire her honesty and willingness to try something even though she’s not sure she can accomplish it. And since it wasn’t my idea… if she doesn’t make it through the night successfully, Unknown Papi is gonna have some laundry to wash before work.
Update: Put Pie made it through the night without incident. No laundry duty for Unknown Papi just bragging rights.
Yep, I see laundry in Unknown Papi’s future!
She made it through the night. Unknown Papi doesn’t have to do any laundry and he gets to be smug.
Can’t wait to hear how it went/goes!
She did it!
What a cute conversation! Pit Pie sounds adorable!
Put Pie, I mean, lol
I might start calling her Pit Pie when she’s grouchy.
Gotta love her answer. Good for her to at least try. Hopefully Unknown Papi won’t have laundry duty.
Good luck! lol Strangely enough, My oldest son was dry at night before he was potty-trained in the day time.
You’d better make sure he doesn’t sneak out and leave you with it, haha!
Hmm… seems a little young imo- was there laundry after all?
Nope, no laundry. She did it.
Did you do the “hooray dry pants” cheer with her?
Yea for Put Pie! I bet she is proud of herself. She should be as that is quite an accomplishment!
hahaha! well, you’ll have to take that risk eventually! 🙂
I love it!
Cute conversation and I love the results!
Yay!!! Good girl Put pie!! I believe there is a window of opportunity and if you miss it it’s another 3-6 months before that window is open. Sometimes the men have to win sometimes!!
LOL… I wonder if he has to do the laundry then??? Good luck with the night training!
She’s a doll! And, Luke is 3 years and 3 months…and still doing the diaper thing. Doesn’t bother me nearly as much as it does the other moms in the ‘hood, tho. 🙂
woo hoo. way to go put pie
Hope it went well! We are starting potty training with my youngest here!
It went really well.
nice…way to go…wish her the best of luck tonight!
Yay Put Pie!!! Yay Papi!
Kudos all around!
Can she have a chat with the dude? Haha! He’s still happily using diapers.
Can she have a chat with the dude? Haha! He’s still happily using diapers.
That’s cute! She wants to, but isn’t quite there yet.
Hurray! Way to go. But living with smugness is hard… 😉
Yay Put Pie!