Brought to you by Britax
I have a driving phobia. I don’t like to talk about it because it makes me sound weak or paranoid or anxious and maybe I am all of those things, but my fear stems from a very real accident that happened when I was a child. The accident didn’t happen to me, but I was still extremely affected by it.
For many years I was able to avoid driving. I live in San Francisco, which is a great walking city and also has easily accessible public transit. As a mother, I found that public transit isn’t really kid-friendly at least not tiny kid-friendly. You are expected to fold up your stroller before you get on public transit and I’m sorry, but I just don’t have enough arms to fold up my gear, carry it onto the train, and hoist my two kids along at the same time. So I drive now more than I did before I had children. I still walk as much as possible, but sometimes driving is unavoidable.
How do I deal with my driving phobia now that is exacerbated by having two of the human beings I love the most in the car with me? I take deep breaths, drive as carefully as I can, and know that I have my children in the best car seats possible.
I became a blogger because I became a mother. I’m pretty certain that the blogging would not have come if it weren’t for my children. Blogging turned into a passion that has led to wonderful relationships with both people and companies. One of my regular relationships is with BRITAX. This is a company that I wholeheartedly support because I’ve seen what goes into producing the car seats that they make. I’ve seen the crash tests with dummies in person and after seeing that, I would be a dummy to put my children in anything other than a BRITAX car seat.
I am one of the cheapest most frugal people you will ever meet and BRITAX products are not inexpensive, but you are not paying for fabric, foam, and plastic, what you are paying for is engineering, safety, and peace of mind. Also, if you break it down to cost per use, BRITAX car seats are really an investment you can’t afford not to make when you have small children; they are worth every penny and then some.
I still have a driving phobia, I’m not sure that will ever go away, but at least I know that I’ve wrapped my kids in top of the line safety devices and that makes me feel better.
Peace, love, and drive safely!
You can connect with BRITAX on Twitter and Facebook.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. I am a Britax Latina Advisory Board Member and Blogger. As always, all opinions, ideas, and stories are my own.
Oh, I agree 100% I feel exactly as you do whenever I have one of my two Grans with me. I want them as safe as I can get them and that’s why I bought a Britax carseat for them.
Happy 4th of July week!
Safety first, always! Glad your family is safe. 🙂
I feel you on this one, we live in theworstdrivingcityintheworld Mexico City. And theattitude I have had to put up with (inlaws) regarding my kiddos carseats (gasp, 3.5 yrs old and still in a carseat?!) has been ridiculous. Its a good thing I’m a Bad Attitude Mami, or my kiddos wouldnt still be in their seats.
But they are. Congrats on the seats! Which ones did they send you?!
We have an Advocate and a Frontier. Love them.