Dear Readers,
Please excuse Unknown Mami’s absence for the next few days. She is not feeling well. It started off with the whole family coming down with the stomach flu. Now, that she is recovering from that, she has caught a cold. Throw in a few panic attacks just for fun and you can imagine that she is just not her normal witty self.
She is now 36 weeks pregnant and went to the doctor for a checkup. Although, she has not been feeling well and not eating much, the baby girl in her tummy has plenty of fluid and seems to be doing just fine.
Thank you,
Unknown Mami in the third person
P.S. Normally, Unknown Mami posts “I Comment Therefore I Am” on Mondays. This week she wasn’t up to it, but her buddy gaelikaa posted. Click on the link and give her a visit, won’t you?
I’m with you, feeling ick. Get better soon! 🙂
Hope you’re feeling better Mami!! Take care!
I hope she feels better soon!
Aww…hope she feels better real soon! That is such great news about the baby! Not much longer…
Lots of prayers for you, putpie and mini mami and your husband! You’re in the home stretch! Keep up the good work!
pregnant, ill and panicking – recipe for a husband with earache I reckon – get better soon 🙂
Get better really soon! Glad to hear baby is growing and has everything she needs to wait out the next month!
oooh! I hope you feel better soon – lots of good vibes and prayers headed your way!
Get well soon x x
Hope you are feeling better soon!
Oh {{{HUGS}}}} Get well soon! Rest and rest and rest some more! We will watch this place for you. 🙂
Feel better soon!
Feel better soon!
get funny soon
i hope you get to feeling better soon!! being ill while pregnant is just the pits!! i hope you can take it easy and just rest!! just a few weeks away to snuggling baby time!! yaya!!
Hope you feeling better soon. 🙂
Poor you.. I hope you’re feeling much better soon.
Feel better!!!
Please do feel better soon. And I can’t get the virus through my laptop, I hope.
Please tell her I said MUUA! and I hope she feels better soon.
Feel better!!
You are so excused! Take all of the time you need to recuperate. We are patiently waiting for that bun in your oven to fully bake.
36 weeks? WOW!! I’m super happy to hear that your baby is doing well. On the bright side of being ill now is that you will more than likely not be ill when you deliver. Get plenty of rest!! And for goodness sakes, eat something. 😉
I am so sorry that you are under the weather, but I am so thankful to God for the health of your precious little baby! I am glad she is doing great and I think it is absolutely wonderful that you are now 36 weeks along!! Soon so very soon you will be holding that precious little girl!!
In the meantime, do try to get as much rest as you can and drink plenty of fluids.
Love love love – take good care of yourself, sweetheart!
Hope you are feeling better 🙂
Feel better soon! 🙂
Get well soon!
I got a flu last night…soon back to bed…
Oh… take care of yourself. Funny, at the end of every one of my pregnancies I got sick. I think it was my body saying “that’s enough”… get this little out of here!
Hope you are feeling better soon! – G
Get well soon – Glad all is well with baby 🙂
So Sorry your not well! So glad baby is well! I hope you will be back up and running sooner then later!
Oh Mami, It’s going around– I had it too. So hang in there and take it easy. Don’t worry about blogging… or anything else. Just feel good.
xoxo jj
PS YEAH on the 36 week check up!
Hm… I’m going to need to see a doctor’s note…
Feel better, mami.
Yaaa she’s doing well with the pregnancy, but bummer about being ill.
I hope she’s better soon.
We have only 4 weeks to go until our new granddaughter is born too.
i feel you — i had a cold two weeks ago, then a horrible stomach flu last week. throwing up at work, and as i left i made it clear to those with blank stares: i am not preggo!
you’re almost there!!! how exciting.
feel better mami, thinking of you
Take Care of yourself , not long now 🙂
Hope you feel better soon. So glad to hear that your little one is doing well.
I hope you’re feeling better soon, sweetie! <3
Yay that your little baby is doing well!! Boo on the flu though. Hope you will be up and around soon!
Get well soon.. I’m so happy for your 36 weeks!!!! the baby probably did not notice you feel miserable and she’s bouncing up and down splashing amniotic fluid all over the place.. Have lost of rest and drink a lot of water.. God Bless you! *Hugs*
BTW! It’s me, Maybelline hahaha! I’m using my blog account 😉
just found this – give it a listen you’ll feel better – get funny soon
I hope, by now, you’ve recovered from your cold and are feeling better. Glad to
hear the pregnancy is progressing well. Take good care of yourself!