This might look like a picture of my shoes on grass and yes that is in fact what the picture shows you, but what makes this picture special in my life is that the grass my shoes are laying on is grass found in the Great Lawn in New York’s Central Park. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. I’m pretty sure it’s not against the law to smoke Central Park grass, but it may be against the lawn.
Global citizen that I am, I am claiming NYC as my own this week.
I showed you mine, now show me yours.
Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography carnival or photography meme (with or without words) that not only lets you share your part of the world, but lets you visit other parts of the world virtually. If you link up, please link back or post the Sundays In My City button either in your post or sidebar to let people know that other bloggers are sharing their communities too. Happy trails!
Grab the code from my sidebar.
Did you like the taste? 🙂
NYC!!!?!?! Jealous… and so happy for you. I hope you loved every minute.
xo jj
NY is an exciting city. Love the shoes!
great shots!
nyc? so happy for you!
and jealous lol!
Pipe officially smoked! And I’m so excited for you!
What fun for you and your shoes…..I hope you had many wonderful NYC adventures.
Enjoy your travels!
NYC??? Awesome!!!!!!!!
nice grass – did you take any pictures of the 9/11 memorial and the new Freedom Tower?
Yes, I did. Will share later in the week.
That is special grass! I’m somewhat jealous. lol, hope you had a wonderful time.
That grass is so green and lush. It looks perfect for running through barefoot.
I know your feet were happy, but we all know, there’s no place like home.
Exciting! The last time I was in NYC, I sat in the audience of the Phil Donohue Show. Yikes.
Wow, that is vintage TV! Obviously you were an infant at the time.
I did a blast from the past post about my city. My childhood best friend passed away this week and I just wasn’t up to writing. I didn’t want to miss this party. It’s one of my favorites as I don’t get to travel as much or as far as I’d like!
I am so sorry for your loss ending you much love.
P.S. I love NYC and have been twice but have never seen Central Park! Love that shoe picture!
Wonderful photos, beautiful building at night … beautiful colors!
i have those crocks myself- best 30 bucks i ever spent!
Very cool! Hope you’re enjoying yourself.
I forgot to mention last week that one of the “clues” to recognizing you were your shoes! 😀 Hope you are enjoying your time out there, I love NYC, it reminds me of SF on steroids 🙂
Love it!! Hope you’re having fun in NYC!!
I just love your description for the shoes on the lawn picture! What fab sense of humor you have. 😀 NYC. Sigh. I gotta wait till 2015 to visit.
P.S.: The vertical sharebar looks cool!
How great to be in New York City!! I haven’t visited in twenty years, probably…but I am back in India for six months. Home Dec 3.
I don’t see the linky!?
I’m sorry, Rebecca; it’s coming up on my end. I can see it so I don’t know how to fix it on your end. If you would like, you can send me the link and I can link it for you.
Have a great time in NYC. Two great pictures. It’s nice to know the grass is so green over there.
One of my dreams is so go to Central Park in New York….way to go!
I’ve thought that living in NYC would be kind of neat if I had a lot of money. Not stinking rich maybe, but enough not to live in squalor or on the streets.
Tossing It Out