Air hockey at Sea Bowl in Pacifica, CA.
I love me some air hockey and it appears that my eldest, Put Pie, has fallen in love as well. She is super shy and while we were waiting for the table to become available a little boy who was up next asked her to play with him, normally she would have been too shy to say yes, but she didn’t even hesitate.
I showed you mine, now show me yours.
Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography carnival or photography meme (with or without words) that not only lets you share your part of the world, but lets you visit other parts of the world virtually. If you link up, please link back or post the Sundays In My City button either in your post or sidebar to let people know that other bloggers are sharing their communities too. Happy trails!
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Very nice of her to play with the boy. I wish relationships would stay so simple. Nice glow in a few of the pics.
I find that when I agree to play with the boy in my life, things go well.
That could be a post title.
Wow! that’s nice. I don’t even know what air hockey is – I must look it up. But the photos are lovely. I love her hair! 🙂 Happy Sunday, Claudya!
Air hockey is almost more fun than should be allowed.
That’s so sweet. Happy New Year. The Universe is telling me the gift I bought my son is perfect. We’ve postponed Christmas until the family can be together and I got him a table top air hockey set!
Get out of town! That is a brilliant gift and I may have to pinch the idea.
Nice and funny pictures!
Looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing!
I used to LOVE air hockey. I like the colors in this set of photos. Well done.
I love your compliments on my photos. You’ve been around since I was using my automatic point and shoot, so I always appreciate your input. Happy new year, amiga.
Love that last shot from behind!
Happy new year, friend! I’ll be visiting soon. I’ve been feeling too overwhelmed to make the rounds lately, but know you are in my thoughs.
That’s so sweet……..
Fun shots and I bet it was lots of fun watching them play. I too can’t resist a good go at air hockey.
I love air hockey! I so want to get one for my basement! also your daughter has the most beautiful hair, I am so jealous
My kids love air hockey. I might be a bit partial to it as well
That’s such fun for boys and girls…of all ages! Enjoy your week! Take care!
My kids loved to play air hockey when they were young. Linking up from Grace Grits and Gardening. Join me for my Friday linkup called Six Blocks From My House! Thanks!
I LOVE air hockey! So much fun!