Would you like to butter me up, put me in a good mood, make me your BFF? It’s pretty easy to do. All you have to do is tell me that you think I’m funny and mean it. Don’t say it sarcastically, like Unknown Papi does sometimes. If you tell me I make you laugh, I am putty in your hands.
Imagine how pleased I was yesterday when I got a tweet announcing that my blog is pee-your-pants funny…
I was tickled and flattered. I also choose to believe the compliment because the other bloggers mentioned are friggin’ funny, so obviously I must be a teeny-tiny bit hilarious too. Check out the Funniest Mom Blogs Article on allParenting.
Now that someone else other than myself has appointed me as funny, I think I can give some advice to the question: Am I Funny? Not me, I mean you. You know like if you are wondering if you are funny.
Do you strive to be funny, but aren’t sure if you actually are? Here are a few ways to know if you are funny…
- When you make a joke, people laugh instead of sigh in disgust. Keep in mind they will not laugh at every single joke. Plenty of your jokes will fall flat and that’s okay ‘cause you gotta take chances with humor, but if you never hear laughter or all the laughter is forced…well, that’s not good.
- People tell you that you are funny, not funny looking. If only one person tells you you are funny, that person may just have a bad sense of humor, but if various people tell you, go ahead and believe them.
- You can find the humor in just about any situation, but you know that not every moment is the appropriate moment to showcase your hilarity.
- You realize that being funny does not have to come at everyone else’s expense. Making fun of others is easy and sometimes just plain mean, not funny.
Okay, that’s it for my expertise at the moment. You can check out my funny in action by reading my post, Email Scam (from earlier this week).
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
Have a good weekend, my funny blogging friend 🙂
I love your funny message
Ain’t this all just the truth? Someone once told me my blog post made her snort and the same day another gal said the same post made her spit her coffee across the room! Since then it is my goal to make my readers spit and snort!!
A noble goal, my friend!
What a great compliment. Being funny is a good thing.
You are pretty funny….always make me laugh!
Why, thank you!
I think you’re hilarious!
You obviously have an excellent sense of humor!
You are funny, I admire anyone who can make written word funny, It’s an art I’m a student of this art and maybe one day I’ll master it. I’m more comfortable with watching my audience and feeling their cues, letting people have it, live.
Oh, I like it live too!
I’ve said it before so why repeat it? Discussing and analyzing humor is not funny. Your stories of Unknown Papi and your mom are the funniest. Do you like British humor, like Monty Python?
I like British humor, but Monty Python is not my cup of tea. I am a fan of shows like, “Are You Being Served”, the British version of “The Office”, and so forth.
Ricky Gervais is one of the best. Have you seen his discussion of Humpty Dumpty? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd9H70gYIeM
I used to be funnier. Not I am often worried, pensive, and too grim. Time to lighten up. My cousin posted some common acronyms that old people could use. BFF is Best Friend Fell. BTW is Bring the Wheelchair. I like funny stuff. Most times, you deliver the goods.
My friend Brenda always uses the line, “We’re two of the funniest people we know, and we know a lot of people.” I think that’s funny, but maybe it’s just me? I love to make people laugh. My husband, of all people, probably finds me the least funny, but at the same time he’s charmed by me. He thinks slapstick is funny, and that’s not a genre I’m willing to try.
You are definitely funny. You make me laugh often. Have I thanked you for that?
You’re very welcome!
You can be very funny Chick!
we are watching a new to us comedy on tv at the moment called “Mrs Brown’s Boys”… it is a British comedy and it is HILARIOUS!!!
I enjoy your blog tremendously…
Love ya.
Loved the “in bed” fragment this week 🙂 And yes, you are funny; I love your sense of humor and always enjoy your wit.