This is a personal blog, so I’m about to get personal. Today started off like any other work day and then I got laid off. Cue the sound of screeching brakes because I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING! Oh my Dios! I have so many metaphors and a few similes to use for this experience because one can’t possibly cover it. It’s like I was sucker punched in the gut by life and all I could do was take it like a champ, then cry my eyes out.
There are of course very un-personal reasons why I got laid off, but in the end for me it can’t help but be personal can it? I have nothing bad to say about my job or former employers, on the contrary, it’s a great place and we were good together, it’s just that now it’s time to move on, but FRACK! It’s been my livelihood for almost two years now and I’ve gotten used to the steady paycheck and so have my creditors. FRRRRRRACK!!!!
This is by no means the end of me as a writer or my online writing because I wouldn’t know how to stop and is still my little piece of the internet not to mention there are already other opportunities percolating … thank you UNIVERSE … BUT FRACK!!!
I wish I could say that I only see it as an opportunity for greater things to come, but COME ON I’m human, it freakin’ hurts. It hurts BAD. There is a part of me that knew this job wouldn’t be forever, but I guess I thought it would be for a bit longer than it ended up being.
I come out of the experience being a better writer simply because I had to write so much on a regular basis. I come out of it with more discipline than I’ve ever had. I also come out of with the unabashed confidence that no matter what, I am a writer and I will find a way to make a living from my writing.
Now excuse me while I curl up into a little ball, hold my gut and sob uncontrollably. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine, but FRRRACK!
so sorry to hear, it is a gut kick for sure!
Frackity frack frack!!
So sorry! I don’t know why places can’t give some warning. I’ve heard of so many people that walk in and unexpectedly get laid off. I’m sure it will open up new opportunities for you. But Frack, that sucks!
Thank you.
Oh shoot! What a blow. Especially without any watercooler talk about layoffs ahead to warn you about it. I don’t have any words of wisdom because I would be dumbfounded as well. I’m thinking positive thoughts for your new adventures ahead.
I am so sorry….((HUGS))
Thank you.
Hugs, hugs, hugs, Claudya. Last year, in January, my biggest client decided to close shop and I was devastated. I know exactly how it feels. Vent it out. Like it or not, there ARE better things coming to you.
I think you are a champ! And I love how you picked the positives.
Fraaack. Yes.
That sucks on so many levels. Sorry to hear.
You have my condolences. I have never been laid off, but I have been fired once. I knew it was coming though. As far as FRACK, that’s a dirty word here. I live over a natural aquifer that is renowned for its pure, sweet water. In fact, my well in the backyard draws from it to supply my home with water. In this Louisiana town, there are signs dotting yards, Fracking is BAD. So is being laid off. So sorry.
Just checking older stuff I missed. Wow it does suck. Hopefully they treated you with respect on the way out. It’s happened to my twice, 2001, and 2006. Two different companies and oh what a difference a different company makes. Neither one was too bad but the second one was much much better. Best company to be laid-off from. The lesser of the two treated me that day like I had a contagious disease. Did you have some vacation time built up?
All the best in your next move.