This Christmastime I am feeling particularly grateful. My family is safe and within arm’s reach. I get to hold my children, love my husband, and bicker about whether to have chicken parmesan or roasted chicken (we’ll probably have both).
And yet, I know there are so many grieving this Christmastime. If you are lucky like I am, I want to remind you that “in our world of plenty we can spread a smile of joy” “we are the ones who make a brighter day so let’s start giving.”
It’s Christmastime,
there’s no need to be afraid
At Christmastime,
we let in light and we banish shade
And in our world of plenty
we can spread a smile of joy
Throw your arms around the world
at Christmastime
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
There’s a choice we’re making
We’re saving our own lives
Its true we’ll make a better day
Just you and me
There are so many ways we can make the world a better place for each other, I would like to suggest just one. I was made aware of the story of Diane by Mrs. 4444. She understood that this mother’s story would resonate with me. I wrote the following update in a private Facebook group, but now I want to share this with you because I am hoping you will be moved to send some love and encouragement this woman’s way…
As many of you know when I was pregnant with Luna Pie, I was told that the chances were strong that she had no kidneys. A child can not survive without kidneys. It was very scary and we weren’t 100% sure that she would be okay until she was born and given an ultrasound. We got extremely lucky and my baby has one kidney and that is all she needs to survive and thrive. I call her my one-kidney wonder.
The reason I am in tears is that there is one beautiful amazing woman that is 38 weeks pregnant with a baby that has no kidneys. When she gives birth, she will not get to bring a baby home. She will have to comfort her baby until he passes on. Her attitude and outlook amaze me especially because having come so close to being in that situation myself, I just don’t think I would have handled it as well as her.
I tell you this because one of the amazing things about the blogosphere and particularly the women in this space is our ability to support each other. I know this woman is a stranger to you and she is a stranger to me too, but she is doing an amazing thing by sharing her story. She is going through this during the holidays no less. Please if you have a moment stop by and show her some love.
I will be forever grateful for all the outpouring of support and love I received during my pregnancy with Luna. Sometimes when I felt like I had nothing left, the kind words of a stranger lifted me up and made me realize that no matter what, I was never alone, that there would always be love in the world.
Please share a little love with Diane and her family.
Thank you for reading. I wish you a very happy holiday season with much love to spare. I’ll “see” you after Christmas.
This is so sad. I remember when you were pregnant and I could feel the pain in your writing and then the joy when she was born with one kidney. I hope many women reach out to Diane.
Sending Christmas (( hugs)) your way!
Wishing you plenty of joy to spread. Merry Christmas
merry christmas to you and your beautiful family!!
Heart breaking….
xoxox jj
So sad to have to go through so much pain. My heart breaks. I hope Diane can find comfort and support from her friends and family.
This is such a touching story.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this. I needed it. Your support is amazing. I wish I could hug each and every one of you.