Being mom means different things to different moms. I’ll tell you what it means to me: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Being mom means…
- I never get to go first.
- My food is almost always cold by the time I get to eat it.
- I am always tired.
- I don’t remember anything.
- I never travel light.
- I lose my temper.
- I laugh a lot. Sometimes I laugh right after I’ve lost my temper.
- There are two little girls that look at me like I am the most beautiful woman in the world.
- I am the most beautiful woman in the world to two little girls.
- I feel like I’m never allowed to complain about any part of motherhood without adding the disclaimer, “but it’s totally worth it” or else whoever is listening to me will add the disclaimer for me. No sh!t it’s totally worth it, but sometimes I just need to vent. Give a mother a break!
- I finally had to grow up.
- I get to act like a kid again.
- I don’t always know what I’m doing, but I do it with the best of intentions.
- I’m not always right and it’s okay to admit when I’ve made a mistake.
- No one, but no one is as tired as I am. Not possible.
- I don’t mind cleaning up after my kids, I just don’t really like cleaning.
- Sometimes I feel like I’m not enough.
- I love my kids more than I ever thought possible.
- I can’t watch the news or a TV show without crying if it has anything to do with children being hurt.
- My kids made me love the world more.
- Sometimes I want to be alone, all by myself, and do whatever I want.
- I want my kids to like me when they grow up. Not just love me, but genuinely like me.
- I always need to nurture myself as a person because I am not only a mother, I am also me and I will continue to be me once my kids are grown.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Mother is a verb, not a noun. -Proverb
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
It sounds like you are doing it very well. My attitude about being a mother was always that I don’t take blame and I don’t take credit….I just did the best I could.
Amen, you hit it on the nose….and it’s totally worth it!
Oh it’s just a phase – just kidding.
I like the ” My kids made me love the world more.” That’s true for Dads too.
I think you voice the experiences of most mothers. We all experience and want similar things. And those longings continue when the kids are grown!
I always see things like this that OTHER women have written, or someone has written about their mom, and I feel that I must have been the WORST mother on the planet – – – I know there were times I saved the BEST something or other for MYSELF for LATER.
I just know it.
I think that means you got it right ’cause sometimes you should save the best for yourself.
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EXCELLENT list!!! Yea, motherhood can be more than a challenge, and there are some mornings when I just don’t want to climb out of bed, but I have to. I get the venting, really I do 😉 I wouldn’t have my life any other way…well, maybe on the “every bodies sick and throwing up” days…maybe those could change, hahahaha
You are an amazing Mom and women!
It takes one to know one or right back at ya!
Wonderful that you laugh a lot – it’s so good for the health. I predict your daughters will like you very much.
It is very much worth it and you get to be selfish again once they’re grown.
I agree with everyone! It’s funny. Motherhood does mean different things to different women but there are core essentials that cross all lines. This is especially true of being the most tired that you have ever been and that we all do the best we can even when we don’t know everything.
Great list and great mama!
This is awesome. We have a lot in common. I know your girls will love you, not just like you 🙂
I’ll take your word for it because you obviously know what you are talking about.
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True. All of it is so true. I’m struggling a bit with the last point… I have some balancing out to do…