Are you here for Friday Fragments*? ‘Cause if you are, you’re in the right place, Baby! I mean “Baby” in an affectionate and totally respectful way. I realize you are a grown up and am not trying to infantilize you. If you are actually a baby, I am very impressed that you can read and I’m super honored that you are reading my blog.
Father’s Day is coming right up and although I got my husband a store bought present, I still wanted to make a one of a kind gift for him. So the girls and I got together and made this little tribute to our main man.
It might not look like much to you, but it was made with lots of love and the girls and I have been super excited to give it to Unknown Papi. This morning I brought it up in front of everyone and told my hubby that I couldn’t wait to show him what we made for him and that maybe we should just give it to him then and there. Then Put Pie, my four-year-old says, “I already told him.”
She totally told him and then told him to keep it a secret from me. Unbelievable! She’s worse than I am. I guess she has an excuse since she’s only four.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Make the most out of life’s bits and pieces.
*Friday Fragments normally lives at Half-Past Kissin’ Time, but is staying at for the summer!
If you’d like to play along, grab a button from the sidebar, link up, and frag on!
Also, feel free to check out the dos and don’ts of Friday Fragments.
I absolutely love the card!!!! So creative! Glad I stopped by. Thank you for stopping by Nelesc Designs
Nice to see FF at its Summer Home! The Father’s Day card is SOOO sweet!
Cute Father’s Day idea! I love having my kids actually make a present, too! Thanks for hosting Friday Fragments!
My kids can’t keep secrets like that either. I never tell them, but if I do it’s blabbed. LOL
Hope your kids secrets stay this cute.
I want you to know that your hosting and some background music has inspired my FF post this week. thanks
That is one great gift. My dad already passed away so I don’t have anyone to greet this Father’s Day, but of course he will be forever in my heart.
Love the ‘hands down’!!!
I love how kids keep secrets 🙂 You didn’t stand a chance with a 4 yr old 🙂
Oh it’s so beautifu,l and I think you’re going to be in trouble when she’s a teenager. 🙂
Thanks for hosting for the summer! I love how little ones can’t keep secrets! 🙂
That is too cute! She was excited, too!
I miss you! I am so behind. Can’t wait to catch up at your place.
Visit me at:
What a sweet gift they made. I can’t believe she told him….that’s too funny!
Cute card! Love that your 4 year old couldn’t keep a secret any better than mommy! lol
Sounds like Joey. That kid is such a blabbermouth. But that’s good. I have always told the kids they can keep surprises if they want but they can’t keep secrets.
awww so sweet and great colors for the card. I think homemade cards are the best. Happy father’s day to Unknown Papi and his lovely girls.
It’s actually a canvas, but it’s hard to tell from the picture.
Ooh even more exciting. That makes sense, now that I look closer, it looks bigger than a card.
I love it and I’m sure he will too! Happy Father’s Day Unknown Papi!
Thanks for hosting Friday Frags! Your Father’s Day card is adorable. And your fortune is so true. It’s the bits and pieces we remember.
Aw, Put Pie will figure it out soon enough and I’m sure your hubs will be thrilled when he actually sees it.
When godson was young I kept coaching him to “keep his gift for mom a secret unitl Christmas”. Sure enough, Christmas morning he handed her his gift and told it her it was before she opened it. Ha!
Happy Father’s Day to your Main Man.
xo jj
That is a really sweet gift and I love the story with it, that is a memory your family will share forever 🙂
Beautiful card you are so talented. Wow it feels like a summer slumber party, it is going to be fun hanging out over here:) Thank you for filling in for the lovely Mrs.4444.
Put Pie is too funny and how adorable.
Woah! I suddenly had a weird feeling looking at the links..then realized you’re hosting! What fun. Love the tribute! Great color scheme!
Aunt Claudya, I am glad FF found a summer home with you. San Francisco is a cool place to be for the summer anyway. Who knows? I may start fragmenting again.