This is how we bowl.
San Francisco, CA
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Aww, that is so bright and happy! Wish I could play too.
Happy SIMC,Mami.
xo jj
Wow, those are some vibrant colors! Looks like fun 🙂
Love the pins – I was on the same track with games this time 🙂
Those bowling pins are so cute.
Fun pins, are you competitive? Looks like a good family game. x
That looks like so much fun!!!
Cute game!
Fun! I love bowling!
those colors would keep my awake for hours.
You guys are awesome!!!! 😉
Cutest bowling ever!
What a fun game! It sure is fun to have little ones to play with! Enjoy your week! Hugs!
What adorable shots!
Hugs, miss you. Will be by for a visit soon.
That bowling set is adorable…..strike!!!
…those are so cute!!
You know, I was going through some old toys this week, too!
Your bowling pins look incredibly cheerful! I was so sad to miss SIMC last week. Happy to be back again, Claudya!
Very funny and cute! …