Last month I had the pleasure of flying to North Carolina to check out the brand spankin’ (not that I believe in spanking) headquarters of Britax, purveyors of phenomenally safe car seats as well as strollers and other children’s accoutrements. The building was awesome and custom made for Britax, I’d show you pictures and all, but due to trade secret stuff, I’m only going to show you a bit of the outside with their pretty new sign.
It was cool to see the building and all, but in the end a building is just a building. It’s the people in the building and what they do that really makes the place of interest to me. I fell in love with Britax as a company when I went to visit their former headquarters. Seeing the way they run things really made an impression on me and made me realize that as a company they keep people in mind; they keep the people who work for them and the people they make the products for in mind. None of this is abstract, they work with people and for people.
Visiting the new headquarters actually brought me to tears this time because right in the work area where everyone can see, they have a board filled with letters that have been written to them by people who truly appreciate what has gone into making Britax car seats the standard of safety in children’s car seats. I’m actually tearing up writing about it right now because these letters told stories of children in Britax car seats surviving accidents where the adults were not so lucky. It is in no way an exaggeration to say that Britax car seats save lives and that means that the people who build these seats for us are helping to save lives. They take their work seriously and are empowered to speak up if they think something needs immediate attention. It really is a beautiful thing and makes me feel so fortunate that my children get to ride in safety.
Another wonderful part of the trip was getting to see so many of my fellow Britax Latina Bloggers, not all of us could make it because trying to get a group of 11 bloggers who are all mothers living in different states to get together at the same time in the same place is pretty much impossible.
It was a very quick trip, flew in one day and flew out the next, but I’m so glad I got to go because I came away as excited as ever to let everyone know just how great a company Britax is and if you have kids that are in car seats, you are going to FLIP over their new ClickTight Technology, this stuff is revolutionary. No more struggling to install a car seat and having to put all your weight into it. You just click and that’s it! Crazy easy and crazy tight! Check out the video to see what I’m talking about.
What an amazing experience and how gorgeous are you!!! Thanks for telling us all about your trip!
Britax is such a phenomenal company… I was also happy to see their checks and balances in the work place lend itself to the most safe product for the consumer. It was also a real treat to finally meet you! <3
I’m so glad we got to hang out in Charlotte. BRITAX is, by far, the best on the market!
It was delightful to spend time with you.
Oh, I have Britax in my vehicle for my Grans. It is the BEST for sure!
Always great seeing you and yes the new Click technology is awesome!
I love that people whose children were saved actually reach out and celebrate those who make the product — awesome!
I really regret missing this trip! Britax products are the BEST in its class! Thanks for sharing your experience!
It is always fun hanging out with the Unknownmami!! Can’t wait to hangout, you know where??? Thanks for the suggestion!!
I can’t wait, girl!
That’s awesome, Britax is the only car seat we use for our children. I had the chance to speak with a few of the company reps at BlogHer and hope one day I can visit them in SC.
We are getting a second car and we just got our new car seats for it, I might be more excited about the car seats than I am about the car.
It was a great trip!!I am so glad I could see you. Next stop Hawaii 😉
you are quite pretty!!! Xx
NOW that is awesome. I must show Steve and Bex and Lacy that seat. Getting baby seats into the car can be a nightmare! Lovely to see you enjoying what ya do Chick.
I love and trust BRITAX, thanks to you and the information you share, but I think I love the adorable photos of you more. Happiest lady at BRITAX! Love, MoMo
Well, I just love you bunches and bunches and feel so lucky to have you in my life especially since I made such a bad first impression. What can I say, I really don’t like onions in my burritos?