Do you remember the Calgon “take me away” ads? I do. I thought they were a pretty safe cultural reference, sort of like “No one puts baby in the corner”, but I guess I was wrong. My husband is younger by 6 years and I guess that is enough of a difference for him not to know about the Calgon ads.
He came home recently, after I had just had a terrible day of dealing with a toddler and a dog. The toddler wouldn’t sleep and kept crying from exhaustion, the dog was acting weird. I finally got the toddler to go to sleep and the dog had settled down, I went into the kitchen barefoot and stepped in something wet and mushy. It was dog poop!!! I just wanted to disappear. The following conversation occurred upon my husband’s arrival…
Unknown Papi: How was your day?
Unknown Mami: It was awful; I just wanted to disappear for a moment. I was having one of those, “Calgon take me away” days.
Unknown Papi: Huh?
Unknown Mami: You know, “Calgon, take me away!”
Unknown Papi: Who’s Calgon?
Unknown Mami: (thinking: you’ve got to be kidding me? How can you not get this reference?) Oh, Calgon is this really cool guy I knew in high school and I just loved it when he would take me away.
Unknown Papi: (slightly irritated, but somehow amused at the same time) Nice.
Later he explained he thought Calgon might be some sort of Greek mythological reference. I did end up telling him about the commercials after I stopped laughing.
Just in case you don’t know what I’m talking about or you need a reminder:
I remember those commercials…don’t think i was ever quite old enough to have Calgon take me away in those days.
Maybe i’ll give it a whirl this weekend!
ps– i loved your comment yesterday about your hallowe’en costume!
That is funny also because in the UK Calgon is a softener for hard water and you would never bathe in it 🙂
I think that even in this case Calgon stands for Calcium be gone.
How funny that your brought this up. I always say “Calgon, take me away,” but I’ve gotten used to no one knowing what the hell I’m talking about. Your cultural reference is a total no-brainer, at least with me.
Thank you! Honestly, the commercials are not that old.
How old is he 20? I know of the Calgon commercials…and if I know…everyone should know
That cracks me up! I’ll bet if you sing “I’m going to wash that grey right outta’ my hair”,he won’t get that either. Heck you’re both probably to young to get that one!
Oh, I remember that one too. I’m sure he wouldn’t. He says sometimes it’s not an age thing, but that he grew up in Hawaii and didn’t see the same commercials. I don’t buy it.
I am almost 4 yrs older than mine and sometimes when we talk about chuildhood it seems like were are really from a different era,… Hang in there mama,….those days only happen to us cause we rock! 😉
a couple of months ago I told my husband I liked this song – it was on when I got back to the car from running into a store – HE GOT PISSED!!! Because it was, Orianthi – According To You, and he thought I meant that HE says I’m stupid, blah, blah blah. It took like an HOUR to convince him he was the “According to HIM and all my past boyfriends where the “According to YOU.” I mean how dumb. 😛
Unknown Papi is a baby. I don’t mean the wah, wah kind. I mean the probably less than half my age kind. Sad he didn’t understand such a sulturally iconic reference. He needs to bone up on his TV ad history….Plop, plop, fizz, fizz; I can’t believe I ate the whole thing; Where’s the beef….poor child.
Oh drat, dog poop. What a day is right. Do you have Calgon for emergencies?
Oh, I’m old, too! I remember and I curse myself for not buying a house with a tub in the master bathroom! Who wants to use the kids’ tub? That is SO not Calgon! Mr. Bubble take me away doesn’t quite have the same ring to it!~
I SOOOOO remember these commercials & I actually use the reference once in a while too. DUH, how do people not know these things LOL!
Hilarious! I know of them, but I like the idea of having a boyfriend named Calgon who would take me someplace where I would forget the misery of the real world!
I remember those commercials and I’m not *that* old (29).
Whoa Mami, I didn’t know you were a cougar :-)))
The Greek reference is a hoot!
xo jj
PS Bad dog.
Dude! He doesn’t know that?! Crazy! I mean, that and the “I’m gonna wash that grey right outta my hair,” commercials are classic!
Really? He didn’t know them? Oh I feel old now.
Isn’t it funny how moms totally remember those commercials but most guys probably don’t??? Someone was pretty genius in that marketing dept.
Ummm aren’t you like my age? And why have I never heard of these ads? I know the reference only because my mom has explained it to me. But now I need to watch the commercial. And today? I so had one of those days – it involved a sick child who wouldn’t let me do anything.
This crowd makes me feel young…
How could he not know about Calgon?
I did not know what Calgon was all about either – but my excuse is I’m English 🙂 However I also have a husband 6 years my junior so I know all about those conversations where you get a puzzled look in response and realize you’ve hit an age specific topic 🙂
hhahahahaa clasic.
I remember those commercials. And Dirty Dancing is one of my all time favorite corny movies.
I could not live without my Calgon moment! Do you remember, “When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen?” – if you don’t, that should make you feel incredibly young!
I love it!!!! made me smile!!! My son got out last Wed!!!!
came across your blog via OHN and so glad I stopped by, lots of fun! And I remember Calgon and most def will say things like it’s a ‘calgon take me away type of day!’
What’s up doc?
You just can’t assume everyone knows your references. I had a similar problem with foreign-born co-workers. Now if the “unknowns” are into video games, I would be at a lost with some of your gamer references.
Not everyone was around to drink the koolaid (remember that one?).
I grew up overseas and never saw those commercials but when my friend (10 years older than me) used that reference once, I played along as if I knew. I’ve gotten very good at reading context and guessing so I look like I know more than I do. Sometimes it even works……
Oh how about the 20 mule team for Borax.
okay, I admit I’m old. I do remember those commercials and hubby and me are always saying “Calgon take me away”. I can only hope tomorrow is a good day at your house!
Oh that does sound like a rough day. I haven’t seen that commercial in forever! I bet my hubby wouldn’t understand the reference either, but that is because he wasn’t allowed to watch anything that wasn’t Christian until he was almost 17 years old. That is a whole other story.
I think if I was ever struck with amnesia, besides being scared of not knowing who my friends and family were, I’d feel lost without all those pop-culture references. “Look Madge, I’m soaking in it!”, “Mikey likes it!” , “Where’s the beef!” etc, etc. – G
Take me away too!!!
I knew instantly what this was about. I’ve had that conversation with the Bear almost verbatim. His excuse: He’s from Britain.
I just love the conversations between the two of you.
That’s what happens to those of us who robbed the cradle, Mami. Our hubbies are wonderful but not quite…”seasoned” enough to always understand us. ;o)
I swear that I think everybody is my age. I’m always appalled to find out that isn’t the case. How can people not know these things???
I still make references to “Calgon take me away”, even though I have never used the product.
I remember them well and have lived very many Calgon moments.. not soaking.. just wishing.
I use that Calgon reference at school every now and then, and of course the kids just stare blankly at me. It makes me laugh 🙂
I use that phrase all the time. As well, as “Now, you’re cooking with gas” and “You got it, Toyota!”. My kids just stare at me. I do not use “Ancient Chinese secret”, however.
Oh I remember 🙂 Love your response lol
I remember the Calgon commercials. Funny that he didn’t get it. Let’s hope he doesn’t remember the Enjoli commercials!