Yesterday, I had a regular prenatal appointment and I was not looking forward to it partly because I am sick of going to the doctor and partly because I had to do the 1 hour glucose test to screen for gestational diabetes. I did not have a sitter so I had to take Put Pie with me. Put Pie is getting quite used to going to the doctor with me so she was quite delightful.
The place was swarmed! Remind me never to make appointments on a Monday. You would have thought they were giving away free drugs or something. Even the parking lot was full. I ended up parking 4 blocks away where a charming homeless man smitten by Put Pie offered her some popcorn from a huge garbage bag. I kindly declined.
Once we got into the building it was a bunch of hurry up and wait. I went to take my glucose test, which consists of drinking a “soda” reminiscent of slightly flat generic orange Crush and then I headed to my prenatal appointment.
My ob/gyn is super cautious with me because I’ve been having issues with low amniotic fluid. Well, she ended the exam by saying she thought I should go to labor and delivery for observation because my fluid was a lot lower than last reported. My response was, “Right now?!” She said, “Yes. Do you have any one to watch Put Pie?”
I left the appointment in tears because gosh darn it, I’m supposed to be enjoying this pregnancy and called Unknown Papi who was at work. Unknown Papi turns into a superhero whenever I really “need” him. I told him what was going on and that I needed to go finish up my glucose test and then head to labor and delivery. He was there in less than 10 minutes.
I will shorten the rest of the story. Everything is fine. After being observed, my fluid was at a “normal” level, the baby is moving like a champ, and I was sent home. I was so drained by the experience that when I got home, I fell asleep for 3 hours. Worry really sucks the life out of me.
The good news is that baby and mami are fine; I have a wonderful and supportive husband that will drop anything and be at my side at a moment’s notice; and I passed my glucose test.
Ugh. The highs and lows of your pregnancy are really hitting home for me. The inconsistencies of amniotic fluid made sense to me once I realized what the fluid actually was. Doesn’t make the monitoring of it less frustrating, though.
Glad you’re okay. Glad new baby is okay. But so so so sorry you have to be put through the wringer for this one. *hugs*
Oh good lord. You really can’t catch a break, can you? But at least you don’t have diabetes. So you can console yourself with chocolate.
I was so happy about passing the diabetes screening. Last pregnancy I had to go in for the 3 hour screening and it sucked even though I ended up passing that one!
You’re continually on tenterhooks with this pregnancy and I can see why you were left feeling wiped out after your latest appointment – worry *is* extremely tiring. Each antenatal appointment is another hurdle passed and another step closer to holding your new baby. I’m so glad that it was – eventually – all good news again.
way to look on the bright side! praying for you and your gestation… your healthy baby is right where she’s supposed to be… enjoy (as much as you can) this time of expectant waiting. imagine Mary waiting to have Jesus!! ; )
it is so horrible when they scare the living daylights out of you. I am glad you are all doing well and i pray for peaceful moments ahead.
Oh boy that was all you needed, no wonder you felt drained emotionally and phsically afterwards. Glad it was all ok, Take Care.
Ugh. I totally hear that.
It sucks having to take a kid with you first of all, but then you get asked if there is someone who can watch her while you do something else! Happened to me yesterday and thankfully, there was someone to watch the bubs!
Thinking of you!
What a little drama queen baby mami is turning out to be. You better watch out because when she’s born I’m sure she’ll throw fits if the spotlight isn’t on her for even one second.
I know, right?! Yesterday, when they were taking even more sonogram pictures of her, I was like, “This kid is going to have more photographs in the womb than outside of it.”
I held my breath through this whole post. I am so happy that you were okay to go home, and that you have such a good man that a 3 hour nap is no big thing. And the fact that you have a child who can get through that loooooong test with you and still be labeled as “delightful” is a wonderful blessing!
You aren’t very old but do you remember ever hearing the name Sarah Bernhardt? She was a great dramatic actress. I am thinking your little uterus occupant is giving Sarah a run for her money 🙂
Praying that today is much better. XO!!
This has to be incredibly stressful for you. I had a few weeks-long experiences during my second pregnancy which pointed to the possibility of serious problems and I was a basket case. Mine was a mini roller coaster compared to yours. I’m happy to hear that all is well, after all and I wish you a peaceful, smooth pregnancy from here on in.
I can understand how tiring and annoying it can get. Although… I also think its a lot better to be safe than sorry. I am SO glad you and Patty Cake are doing okay!!!
What the what??? Did they measure wrong or something? How scary. SO glad everything is okay, you are giving me small heart attacks! 🙂
Maybe the baby peed in transit. I don’t know, but it’s exhausting.
So glad you are all fine. Worry and stress do drain a Mami.
So glad everything is going ok!
Thank goodness. From the title of your post and the first few lines, I was holding my breath. Good news wins out. And God bless good hubbies.
Phew, glad all is well! Regarding your ‘supportive husband’… I would expect nothing less from a braddah from da islands 🙂
I guess it’s that dang island spirit. He’s a keeper.
I’m glad it came out OK! Worry sucks.
man oh man Mami, you do need a break. I am so glad your husband is there to support you. I am glad you passed your glucose test. You are in my thoughts and prayers. worry does suck the life out of anyone. I know saying try not to, is like hitting out heads on a brick wall. each day my friend, each day. hugs.
I’m so happy you passed your test and both you and baby are good. I wish I was your neighbor I would so babysit your sweet girl. Your hubs is a champ!Hang in there girl sending ((hugs)) your way.
Hi Mami!
I am glad all is well with the little one, and yourself! I haven’t stopped by in a while but I am so glad I did. I STIll enjoy your blog and fragmented fridays is STILL my favourite segment.
Blimey it’s just one thing after another with this pregnancy. hear you were OK today! I hope the rest of it goes by without too much stress!!
What a man!!!! Does he have an older brother? An Uncle? I’m so happy to hear that everything is going as planned. I hated that Orange Crush junk, too!
So glad things are okay. I was holding my breath there for a couple of minutes. It’s natural to come home feeling drained by that experience!
Oh my goodness I was sooooo worried for a minute. Do doctors not know that they shouldn’t put so much added stress on a pregnant mama. You have enough crazy hormones running through your body already. Yay for your husband, what a guy!!! THANK GOD you & the wee one are ok & doing well. I wish I lived closer, I’d have watched Put Pie for you in the first place (I sooo know what it is like not having too many options for babysitting). Of course you would know me A LOT better if I lived close & you wouldn’t think I was some crazy lady offering to watch your little one. Plus, she would TOTALLY have a blast with my 3 girls. Dang thousands of miles between us! 🙂
Whew! I’m glad things are still normal! I hope all future appointments are worry-free and filled with great news. 🙂
A friend of mine had to be on total bedrest for 6 months for each of her two pregnancies. She was only allowed up to go to the bathroom. That was frustrating for her, but she never seemed too worried, maybe because the only thing she could do, she was doing.
With you, I don’t think there is anything you can do except wait and pray. I hope you can enjoy the pregnancy as much as possible. It seems like the Dr. is being extra cautious and that isn’t necessarily bad except it gets in the way of the enjoyment part!
Plus, you avoided the popcorn from the trash bag:)
On a more serious note, I am thrilled to hear that everyone checked out fine!
Yikes…parenting is hard. From the fetus stage on!
Glad it had a good outcome though! (and i’m totally jealous of that nap!)
Sorry, love! You have had WAY more than your fair share of stress lately. And theat glucose test sucks (no other word for it!) I am so glad that you have such a great hubby.
Glad everything is ok. You don’t need the added stress of worrying.
I’m really glad that everything with baby is looking good these days. Before you know it, it will be arrival day!
PHEW!!! It is one stressful event after the other but you are hanging in there like a champ 🙂
Here’s to a break coming your way, but most of all, I’m glad all is good.
Sweetie, this is such great news. I have sure been prayin’ for you and that little babe’, I just didn’t want to ask how it was goin’. God is good and I’m here on the Ponderosa all by myself (unless ya count the cows) doin’ my special little happy dance!!!!
Sounds like your Hubby is a true keeper!!! God bless you both! :o)
Thank God for all of the tests we have today but I think they can be a double edged sword. They worry the hell out of us in the process! I’m glad all is well!
Letting out a big sigh of relief…I think I held my breath until I got to the part where everything is okay. So thankful that both of you are doing good. 🙂 XX
How stressful! I’m so glad that everything is okay. Hang in there, Mami!
How incredibly scary! Having gone through two very stressful pregnancies myself I feel your pain. I’m glad that everything is ok and that it continues to be ok. A little stress for a healthy baby is worth it in the end.
What a blessing to have someone that can be there for you at the drop of a hat. Sorry you had a bit of a run around, but I’m glad that everything was OK in the end. I’m always baffled by the medical folks who say do this, do that, go down the hall, go to the lab, etc, etc, without thinking about how exhausting and stressful that can be. – G
I’m glad everything is OK and you didn’t need to induce labor. I’d have gone home and slept, too. Glad your glucose test was fine, too. I hated doing that when I was pregnant with my son. It made my stomach burn. Indigestion, I suppose. Blech!
good to hear the observation came out good. I wonder if the ob/gyn is being overly cautious? Hey I just watched Lewis Black talking about SF and your ban of happy meals and circumcision. I had heard about the happy meals but not the other. So what’s up with that.
I think you are right about the ob/gyn. Check out today’s post for details.
As far as the Happy Meal toys and circumcision bans- people are trying to get them on the ballot. I doubt either of them will ever pass. Although, we do have a ban against plastic bans in supermarkets.
Oh goodness! I’m so glad everything turned out okay!
Oh, you poor, brave girl! And I was in a horrible mood yesterday because it was raining and I missed my train to my appt and was late and the girl at the desk scolded me. I’m so glad all is well – they’re just being extra cautious as you said, which is a good thing! But how stressful.
I’m sorry you had to go through all that worry of heading over to labor and delivery, after all you have already been through in this pregnancy I am sure it made for a very traumatic few hours.
You really do deserve a break. I’m so sorry you have to suffer through all this worry. {{{Mami}}} I was squeezing really hard, did you feel it?
In the end, everything worked out fine – which is good. So glad your test were good. Can’t wait to see baby!
Oh wow – that is some stress. I am so glad for you that you have your husband to count on, and that he can leave work when he has to. Praying for you!!
glad you passed the glucose test! What a great hubby you have!! sorry about the scare and the stress with this pregnancy. I am sure the doctors are being overly cautious and extra concerned, which is good, but at the same time a little disconcerting……
you and your baby are in my prayers; one can only hope the rest of your pregnancy will be joyful and happy and relatively stress free
Oh Unknown Mami – I wish you lived by me. I’d absolutely have watched your sweetie! These are the times I love my babysitting co-op.
And ohhhh the overly sweet, flat orange pop. Yuck. I don’t have fond memories of that one. Fingers crossed you passed! YAY that everything was ok but boo for the stress.
Yikes! I’m glad all was well in the end. Nothing like scaring the daylights out of you!
As I was reading this I was getting scared and thinking oh no no way! So glad that all is well and sorry for the roller coaster of a day. Keeping you in my prayers.