This post is part of a sponsored campaign in collaboration with PediaCare and Latina Bloggers Connect.
Thank goodness we had an incredibly happy and healthy holiday season because as soon as it was over it became cold central over here. Make it stop! It feels so unfair because my husband and I do our very best to keep our kids healthy.
We do things like:
- Give them multivitamins with Vitamin D because according to the American Academy of Pediatrics children who take 400 IU of Vitamin D a day reduce their chances of getting a cold by half.
- We encourage them to wash their hands often to kill germs and decrease the spread of viruses.
- We constantly remind them to keep their little fingers out of their mouths.
- We make sure they are up to date on all their immunizations.
- We get them to bed at a decent hour so they get enough rest because tired kids are more prone to viral infections.
Well, even with all the precautions we take, they still manage to get sick and it’s always a bummer. Once they are sick we worry because that’s what parents do and we keep an eye on their temperature because even though it’s normal to have three days of fever at the beginning of a cold, if it last longer than four days it could be a sign of something more serious and time to call the doctor. Luckily, knock on wood, we haven’t had to take them to the doctor, instead we’ve done what we can to make them as comfortable as possible and nurse them back to health.
It’s terrible to see your children sick and uncomfortable and you want to do whatever it is you can to soothe them that’s why we always keep certain medications like PediaCare Cold & Runny Nose Plus Acetaminophen on hand because the last thing you want to do is have to run to the store with your sick kid. There’s no cure for the common cold, we know that, but that doesn’t mean you can’t ease the symptoms for your littles.
We are smack dab in the middle of cold and flu season, people. Which means it’s the perfect time to go stock up on items like Pedicare Cold & Runny Nose Plus Acetaminophen at your local Dollar General and be sure to take advantage of this $1 off Pedicare products coupon.
Also, it’s a good idea to click here to download the PediaCare® dosage chart, which helps you match your child’s symptoms with one of their products. When using the chart, it’s best to weigh your child first to determine proper dosing of PediaCare® products. If weight is not known, use age.
Oh and while you are out shopping might I suggest that you also pick up some art supplies? Kids can only watch so much TV and once the medicine kicks in and helps them feel better, they get some energy and an at home art project is a perfect activity for a child stuck indoors.
And also, getting your hands on some real live kefir grains and making your own kefir at home helps. Homemade kefir packs a pretty big punch in the good bacteria department. Check it out. I flavor mine with honey and cinnamon. Both of which, I’m told….has some beneficial healing powers when it comes to cold and flu season. It’s the Holy Trinity of virus fighting.
Really? Oh, I’m so going to look into this. Thank you.