I am not a morning person (never have been), but my kids are. They wake up chipper, hungry, and ready to go. I wake up reluctantly, tired, and dragging my feet. On most mornings, cereal is a lifesaver for me because when my kids demand breakfast, I just want to keep it simple. Simple for me in terms of effort (i.e. prep and clean-up), and simple for them in terms of ingredients. However, not all cereals are created simple. Some cereals have a list of ingredients that reads like a chemistry chapter in a college textbook.
Recently I was offered the opportunity to learn about Kellogg’s Seed-to-Spoon approach and receive 5 boxes of Kellogg’s cereal including:
- Kellogg’s Raisin Bran
- Kellogg’s All Bran
- Kellogg’s Corn Flakes
- Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Original *
- Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Gluten Free *
I said yes to the offer because…well, I’m lazy for one and was happy to get more cereal to have on hand and also because I hoped that the ingredients in them would be decent since they are promoting themselves as simple with a seed-to-spoon approach.
When my cereals arrived, the first thing I did was check the list of ingredients because I can’t tell you how many times I’ve grabbed a “healthy” looking box of cereal just to find out that it has high-fructose corn syrup and/or partially-hydrogenated fat included. These cereals had none of that AND 4 out of the 5 cereals that I received are made up of just 6 items each. The one that had more than 6 items was the Kellogg’s Raisin Bran, which lists 7 items and I’m pretty sure the extra item is the raisins.
Now I’m not saying that I always feed my children cereal for breakfast because I don’t, but I love having the option to start simple, start right.
Visit Kellogg’s “Start Simple, Start Right” webpage to learn more about their approach and their cereals. You can also watch the following videos to get a better idea of the journey from seed to spoon.
- Wheat video
- Corn video
- Rice video
Are you a morning person? Are you a cereal lover?
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Kellogg’s. I received sample products to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item as a thank-you for participating.
* If you are concerned about recent reports of arsenic in rice, please do some research so that you can make an informed decision on whether you need to limit the intake of rice in your family’s diet.
I love cereal but because of corn syrup etc..we never have it. But I do love Rice krispie and Raisin Bran…..yum! Also Lucky Charms too!
I hate mornings too, and waking up every morning to prepare breakfast for my child is such a struggle. Thank God for cereals!
Another brand used to have a “Cereal Adventure-land” at the Mall of America. We got to go to the “sneak-peek” free because my husband was a contractor on building it – basically it was that chart in three-d you could walk into. OMG it was lame. Although knowing is cool – paying $9 each to walk through a cornfield then buy overpriced cereal toys and shirts is lame.
What do you mean you don’t feed your kids cereals everyday? Mujer- you’re making the rest of us look bad!! ; ) BB2U
I am NOT a morning person either. I actually love feeding my kids cereal because of the vitamins and minerals that are in the cereals. Also, my kids are sent to school with snacks on Monday for the whole week. Isabella only has 1 snack time per day but Joey (since he’s in kindergarten) has 2 snack times per day. I like packing different things for each snack so they don’t get burned out on eating the same thing all week. I also like packing something with fiber/vitamins/minerals so they aren’t just eating junk for snack. I’ll have to check out the nutrition labels for the ones you listed.
Not a morning person but a cereal lover. I’ve eaten a bowl cereal in the evening before. Many years ago when our oldest daughter was a kid we took a tour of the Kellogg’s plant in Battle Creek MI. They stopped doing the tours about 1990. It was very interesting to watch corn flakes being made. I got the freshest box of corn flakes ever that day.
I eat cereal in the evening sometimes too. If I’ve already had dinner, but I get hungry again before bedtime, cereal hits the spot.
Hey Claudya! This is reassuring. Besides, I think you have to do a long way to beat a bowl of cornflakes with ice cold milk. Indigo x
I adore cereal for breakfast!
Honduran children love American-type cereals. I guess it’s a bit of a novelty for poor children. However, it’s quite expensive. Fortunately, Kelloggs Corn Flakes are less expensive than most brands. Maybe they are made in Central America. I never checked the label. When we are experiencing a kitchen nightmare, we serve cereal and milk as a snack for our kids at our center. They love it, and it’s easy to prepare.
I am a morning person, and Cheerios or Oatmeal Squares are my favorites! I have cereal at least 5 mornings per week!
As long as the cereal has nutritional value I think that it can be a great breakfast in the morning. Who wants to do eggs, pancakes, etc. each morning. I hate the mess!!!
I like a cereal breakfast once in a while, especially when in a hurry. I like plain corn flakes (we get those locally here in huge packs) to which I add fresh and dry fruits and milk. Yum. Also love muesli.