I never believed in Santa Claus. It’s okay, don’t pity me. It saved me the effort of writing letters and later wondering why I hadn’t gotten things my mom couldn’t possibly afford. It also didn’t stop me from enjoying the holiday. No harm, no foul.
I did believe in the Tooth Fairy until I ran out of teeth to place under my pillow. She was good to me and I will never forget her.
My favorite was the Easter Bunny. I don’t know how he managed to do it, but every Easter morning I would wake up to find a basket full of goodies that had materialized over night. Until… one night when I was about 7 and my mother walked into my room the night before Easter and told me that she was sorry, but she couldn’t afford to buy me a basket that year. I looked at her from my bed and told her it was alright, but as soon as she left the room I cried my eyes out, not because I wasn’t getting a basket but because that was the night the Easter Bunny died. The next morning I woke up a with a little less of the magic of childhood.
What’s left when Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny have passed. I’ll tell you what’s left: Reality with a capital R. But wait, there was still one mythical scenario that I believed in because there was no way I could disprove it. You see a part of me has always believed that if I could just get to the end of a rainbow I would find a pot of gold.
Well, yesterday I saw a rainbow!
It was beautiful and I decided to chase it.
I’ve tried chasing rainbows before, but they always disappear before I get to the end of them.
Not this time! I breathlessly made it to the end, but I did not find a pot of gold. Instead I found myself in the parking lot of Target with Target at the very end of the rainbow.
Was I disappointed? A little, but I had some shopping to do so it all worked out!
May you find your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
ALSO READ: 10 Tricks Kids Pull at Bedtime
And, may you find just a little magic at Target!
I'm sure Target has a very cool looking pot of gold on sale for a very good price!
Today, I cried because of a lovely gift my daughter received in the mail. I can not tell you how touched I am by your thoughtfulness. Heidi, thank you very much for thinking of my Put Pie. The gifts are awesome and I kid you not that I was looking into getting her similar items. I'm so very happy to have reconnected with you. It has been a pleasure.
I so love target, I would kinda think of that as a pot o gold……I must admitt I shed a bit of a tear when you wrote, thats the night the easter bunny died;(
much blog love
Those Target people will do ANYTHING to get you to go there!
I wonder how much they spent on that rainbow…
great post.
the day the magic dies is certainly a sad one…but a very important one in the next beginning of the giving continued through our lifetime–for the goodness of others.
i love rainbows!
Tarzshay IS gold, to some people. 😉
At the end of the rainbow? You are going to find a mirror and you are going to see that you are the precious treasure that you have been looking for. YOU. m'lady. GOLD.
Wow! Some people come into our lives to teach us something. You just taught me something!!! Thank you. Seriously, your comment really sparked something lovely in me and I am grateful.
Rainbow is a magic no one can take away. It has no function but simply a gift by God for you to enjoy.
I cried hardest at the loss of the Easter Bunny. I remember the feel of the yellow couch on my cheek as I sobbed and my mother looking at me like I had 6 heads. lol sigh. I like that you found the end of the rainbow at Target. What a hoot.
I love Target, so that is very fitting, to me!
I do love me some Target. I hope you enjoy the holidays with your family.
Great rainbow pics 🙂 We tried to convince the kids the pot of gold story was for real but they didn't buy it, they were however quite amused by the idea of having to fend off the leprauchaun to get at the gold.
My strongest Easter Bunny memory is of being kind of annoyed with my mum for doing too good a job of hiding the eggs and I'm pretty sure I've done a good job of continuing that tradition with my own kids!
Goodness…I love this post.
Merry Christmas, my friend!
I love this post. Thank you
Well, Target is like a goldmine to some, right?
That is a funny pot of gold! Hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas!
This made me smile. 🙂 Thanks. I still believe in Santa…not the big guy in the red suit, but the idea. of Santa.
I love how Target ended up being the proverbial pot o' gold! LoL! I love that place. 🙂 What about La Llorona and El Cucuy? Do you still believe in them?
Rainbows are cool on many levels. Beauty, folklore, mystery, science
I don't know if you read the blog “A Little Piece of Me” but if you didn't see it she had a good post on rainbows recently.
Here's a quote she posted over there.
“The work will wait while you show the child the rainbow, but the rainbow won't wait while you do the work.” anon
I don't know…..for me Target is like a pot of gold. I'm sure this time of year Target is also selling the Hershey's Pot of Gold too…humm………That tricky little Leprechaun!
My daughter chases rainbows. I'll have to find the post on the other blog I had that talks about her chasing rainbows…….she sees them at night while we are driving down the road. It took me a lot of searching but I eventually found one and was pleased.
Rainbows do have something special to them, even if they end up in Target. And a *hug* for the little girl who found out there was no Easter Bunny…
The dollar section at Target has always had a bit 'o the magic for me. Reading your posts, my dear, is always magic as well. So glad to have “met” you.
Mami ~ You have been the pot of gold when I have been at the end of my rainbow on many a day. Thank you for being real and posting it. Merry Christmas and Feliz Navidad. I'd say it in Latin too but I don't speak Latin, remember.
Beautiful rainbow!
Target's at the end? I am not surprised! I may not have found a pot of gold in there, but they have a ton of other fabulous stuff!
Beautiful. I had to high tail it out of my Target yesterday or I would have been stuck there. Hmmmm, I guess there are worse things than getting stuck in a Target.
I was devastated when I found out the truth about the Easter Bunny,Tooth Fairy and Santa. I was really mad at my parents for lying to me but I happily played those characters for our kids. This is the first Christmas that I will not be playing Santa in at least 17 years. I hope I survive….
Hope your holiday is filled with magic!!
Hugs and love,
You are too kind!
Awww…this is giving me gooose bumps…so touching and how true..I felt it when you said ..”thats when the easter Bunny died”……I Love the Target rainbow…too funny..Im a new follower…just taking a break from wrapping to enjoy some blogging with Xmas carols..Merry xmas..!!
I remember sobbing and calling my Dad a liar when he came clean about Santa. It was terrible.
Target is at the end of the rainbow??????
Next you will be telling me that when I wish upon a star, it is really a WalMart search light.
Love your topic! Guess what. I just posted on the opposite – why I still believe in Santa. 🙂
I think I'd be disappointed to find Target at the end of the rainbow! Lol!
I agree 100%
I love the photo. We get rainbows once in a while here and they are just beautiful.
It was absolutely my pleasure to do it. I wanted to thank you for all the love and support you've given me since we've reconnected. I'm so glad you like them–hopefully she will, too. Merry Christmas! xoxo
Gotta love the determination of a gal who literally chases rainbows.
That's funny you belived in the Easter Bunny and not Santa. I don't know that I was ever 100% convinced there was a santa, but I honestly never thought I was even expected to believe in the Easter Bunny. I kind of think I might have been terrified if I'd thought for a minute a giant rabbit with opposable thumbs was going around boiling eggs and stuff. Still, it would have been much nicer if you'd have a more gentle transition from make believe to cold hard reality for sure.
Gracias, Ms. Unknown! And FELIZ NAVIDAD to you and your family!
What a sweet post!! I just love it!!!
Hoping matters! Wishing you PLENTY of well-deserved happiness to you and yours!
Haev a very Merry Xmas!
Love that you chase rainbows! Next time I see one I will too!
Merry Christmas!
*LOL* The marketing men have got their hands on the rainbow? Nooooooooo!!
Stopping by my lovely bloggy friend to wish you a very happy Christmas. I hope your day is wonderful. xxx
You are so funny! I am SO glad I didn't have to go to Target this week. That place looked like an absolute MAD house when I was driving by! EEEEKS! Merry Christmas UM! I hope it is a wonderfully special day with your favorite baby and your favorite husband : )
Beautiful images
Feliz Navidad
Hey there! I have never been here before, but I see your name everywhere, so I thought that I would stop by. That was a great post! The innocent mind of a child is such a treasure. Are we really better off when we lose our fairy tales? Merry Christmas!
Wow! The pot of gold is at Target? Now I truly believe!
So glad you found the end of the rainbow!
Just think – as Put Pie gets older, you'll get to reclaim the magic of childhood through her eyes. And I absolutely agree with submom – you ARE gold! 🙂
Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas! 🙂
That makes me giggle that your rainbow ended in a Target parking lot — probably a little more than it should, but … that's ok. I've never seen the end of a rainbow myself but have always wanted to chase it. I love that you took the time to find yours!
That is a great “something” to believe in. Keep chasing because when you stop believing in something, you become that 7 yr old again losing hope and sad. I was surprised to hear my 9 yr old daughter tell me there is no Santa and that me and dad were the ones getting the presents. My husband snooped through her things a couple of weeks ago and found, my daughter had started a partial letter to Santa but then trashed it probably thinking she was wasting her time. My husband picked out a few items on her list that she tossed and after this morning she believes again because she never told us about them. Santa to me is who you need for him to be, even if it's you for your kids.
Merry Christmas even if you think there is no Santa right now. I like chasing rainbows too.
Of course, I believe in La Llorona and El Cucuy! I grew up with them and I know they exist.
Beautiful! I don't really remember when was the last time I saw a rainbow.
I've never chased a rainbow to the end…but it's pretty cool that yours ended at Target of all places. Not sure…I think I'd have rather found a pot of gold this time of year lol.
Hilarious. I'm not suprised though that the end of the rainbow is at a chain superstore. It just makes sense, huh? Love your blog. You are a super writer. Come visit me sometime too if you want. organicmotherhoodwithcoolwhip.com
Wow, do I so remember that first Christmas that I didn't believe in Santa. Some of the magic was definitely sucked out of it. Although, I gotta say. Target is my kinda end of the rainbow destination. Ah ha ha
This is awesome. I loved it. Target, at the end of a rainbow. Who knew?!
So Target is the pot of gold? I like that!
PS I never believed in Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Prince Charming or any of the other bs that is shoved down kids' throats. And look how great I turned out.
I never believed in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny.
Cute that Target was at the end of the rainbow. I love that place.
That to me is Heaven. And if there is a Starbucks included inside, it's my Mecca!
Generally I do not post on blogs, but I would like to say that this post really forced me to do so! really nice post.