I was contacted by a company via email, the opening line reads: “I came across your website while conducting research on sites that have a similar demographic to ours… nice site, by the way!” It goes on to say that I can display ads on my site for a baby contest and I will get $12 for each baby that enters. Wow! Sounds great! There are a lot of cute babies out there and I’m sure some of their mom’s visit my blog, not to mention I could use $12 bucks a pop.
The thing is, it all sounds a little to good to be true. To begin with this was sent to undisclosed recipients, so the “nice site” compliment bugs me because they are saying that to everyone, not just me. Upon further investigation, I found out that entering the baby contest is supposedly free so how can they offer to compensate me for every baby that enters via my site? Let me just say that something is rotten in the sate of Denmark.
This just smells like a scam to me. When I visited their website they claim that not only can your child win $25,000, they can also be “discovered” by industry pros. I call bullshit! I bet you somewhere along the line you are going to be asked to spend some money.
If you have a kid, I’m sure you know your child is the cutest thing since buttons. Surely your child is as cute as Shirley Temple
or at least as cute as one of the Olsen twins.
If you would like your child to pursue a career in acting or modeling by all means go for it, but beware! If you are asked for money I am willing to bet you are being scammed. A legitimate agent or manager takes on a client because they believe they can get that client work. The agent/manager only gets paid when the client books work. If an agent, manager, or supposed “talent scout” is insistent about pictures or classes being purchased from people they refer be wary, be very wary! I am an actor and I have NEVER EVER had to pay for an agent or an audition and if I ask my very legitimate agent for recommendations about headshots or classes, she makes it very clear that I am under no obligation to take her advice.
Yes, there are expenses associated with being a model or actor. Headshots are expensive and you will have to invest in them, but if you are told by someone that you must use a particular photographer- run, do not pass go, do not hand over your credit card info (as pointed out by Traci in the comments section, you don’t even need headshots for small children – in most cases a snapshot will suffice).The same goes for being told that your child needs to take particular modeling or acting classes. Sign your child up for classes if you want to, but you are at liberty to choose where you would like them to go.
It makes me sick to think that there are those that prey on the hopes and dreams of parents. There is no excuse for it. Remember you are your child’s advocate and it is up to you to do your research.
If you are interested in getting your child into acting or modeling do a search for SAG franchised agencies in your area and follow their submission process. Keep in mind that this kind of work is a lot of hurry up and wait. If your child does not enjoy it, let it go, let them focus on being a child and student.
Needless to say, I will not be contacting the baby contest people. $12 a pop is not worth taking advantage of unsuspecting parents.
“Nice site! Become a follower on my blog!”
I haven't gotten the baby contest ones, but I have gotten ones like above. They drive me crazy. I like to be honest and upfront and honest, honest, honest. I knew I liked you 🙂
Kristin – The Goat
Good for you! Although my kids definitely are cuter than the Olsen twins, I don't really want to pay money to get that opinion confirmed.
Whenever I get a “random” email about my blog, I am leery. There are just so many scams now that I almost always assume that's the case. Sad, huh!?!
That's helpful info for parents, thank you. Those emails are so irritating.
Amen sister!
I teach kids acting and everything UM says is correct. You should also know that most legitimate agents will accept snapshots as submissions for children. Do not feel like you have to run out and buy expensive headshots to get representation (this is only true for kids!). If you have an interested child, there is a lot you can do without spending much moola as you gauge the sincerity of the interest level. Remember, they're kids and you should only invest as much as you would for any other hobby. For every Dakota Fanning and Abigail Breslin, there are thousands of others. Remember, too, that schools and community based theatres are great places to allow your child a creative release without spending much, if any, money.
Thank you and I will now officially step down and put my very worn soap box away.
I love you, UM!
Definitely sounds scammy! Good call….Bloggers Beware
I totally agree with you! That was such a scam!
I got one the other day offering to pay me for posting a link to some giveaway on some other site and for every X entrants, I would get X amt of money. What is that crap?
No thank you.
Good for you for questioning! And sharing!
At least you had sense enough to question this. Most people would not check the things you checked and would dive right in! Great job in warning people!
Great advocacy, girl! We all have to stay on our toes! When my girls were little we would get one or two flyers a week for “Little Miss” contests. I'm glad my little ADD girls sucked at interviews and auditions. I didn't have to go through all the stress.
Also, moms, don't forget about getting that sweet pea TO the places he/she needs to be. It's one thing to have a talented child, but you will end up spending as much time at their auditions as they do. And, as I am sure UM will back this one up…stage moms are a very different breed! As long as you are okay with this, go for it!
Great post UM!
liz – noexcuses
Sounds scamy to me too!
It's so crummy that people are preying upon honest bloggers with this crap. Thanks for providing us with this info!
Hugs and Mocha,
Baby and children models scare me. I watched that show on TLC with the kids in pageants and yes they were pretty but man I can't help but feel like those kids are going to grow up with issues. I think parents live through their kids too much. Then again it wouldn't have killed my mother to have let me do something other than girl scouts. I wish she would have tried to live a little through me, LoL. Hopefully I don't mess my kid up too much but activities and letting her try new things.
Love your site! New follower!
I appreciate this. This is so thoroughly a big scam!
I enjoyed reading your blog and agree with everything you wrote. I received the same email several months ago and unfortunately fell for it and put their ads on my site to earn $12. The good news is that I haven't earned even one penny. So obviously the Mom's on-line are smart and not falling for the scam … way to go Mom's. (Note – as soon as I get a chance, I'll remove the ads!)
<a href=”http://www.FunnyPhotosContest.com”>www.Fu… Submit CUTE or FUNNY photos and tell friends to vote for them. No entry fee.
Great info, Mami. I think you just helped a lot of people.
So many scams. How do people live with themselves?
That's why I say no to all requests. I don't have time to figure out which is a scam or not.
Very helpful information. They shouldn't have messed with you.
Those are so scary. I hear about those on the news all the time. Thank goodness I do not desire to be in the entertainment industry. I'd be a sucker for sure if I did.
The sad thing is that people somewhere must be falling for these scams or else they'd stop sending out emails like that.
(PS: The fact that they said your blog was “nice” should've tipped you off right away. Your site kicks “nice” ass.)
Your PS cracked me up. You know I feel like I won the lottery if I get a compliment from you. I'm still waiting to hear if you guys want to adopt my family. I know it's a big decision take your time.
I haven't gotten any of those. Sounds suspicious.
Good looking out for all those parents out there.
Yep that is a scam. Sick people out there preying on people's hopes and dreams……
Good girl!
And you do have a nice site 🙂
HA! I got one of those “URGENT INFO” emails about transferring US$10.5 million into my bank account… The funny part…
it is supposedly….. RISKY FREE!
Can't help it. I'm still LMAO.
When I was at the hospital with Dominic and his allergic reaction Saturday night, TWO nurses told me how cute he was and that I should try and get him on tv or something. I don't want to inflict this on my kid. I think he's gorgeous but I have no desire to turn him into the next Halley Joel Osmet. Ick.
Unknown Mami,
Thanks for your info. That may help a lot of people!
Sounds csamy to me as well.
Hey there – Long time no comment! Sexy new site lady ;0)
It is so hard to know which are scams and which are not. I advertise alot on my blog too, thanks for the heads up I will watch out for this type of email.
Good advice & good on trusting your instincts. Lots of people probably don't know this info & it will be helpful for them even if it's just on being contacted for ads.
Scammy scam scam. Got a similar one…not the same one though… a few days ago….
If it stinks, it is poop :o)
Have a great day ♥
That is crazy-insane and I know stuff like this happens scams and such but it is a darn shame
Hey there. did you sort out my disqus stuff for me. I didn't do anything and it now appears fine. maybe it was just protecting you from an onslaught of unhelpful comments from me. anyway, thanks. when i thought it would be a nice way to earn money, i sent pictures to agencies i had heard of. Ford models was interested several times, and what I learned is that people who are working with babies are not as nice as you might hope they would be. I was willing to forfeit the millions as it was not my dream to have famous babies. Just happy ones. Great post especially helpful a sweet and unsuspecting mother who feels honored to have “been chosen” for celebrity for just 12$.
My son is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY cuter than MJ and Ashley..then and now. LOL. He is worth 12 a pop. 🙂
So glad you have a good eye and would pass on something like this. I was an agent for years and it was sad how many parents got duped by some of these things.
HEY! I got that SAME email. Jerks. I have to tell you though, I forgot what else I was going to say because I see handy manny and really and now I am going to go read that.
Great tips. Of course everyone thinks their children are the cutest ever so if could be easy to be blinded by that love and fall for something unsavory.
yes, nice site, by the way, gave it away.
Good for you Mami : ) That is so nice that you took a stand! I never got Kaish into modeling but I surely did think he was the cutest kid on the block 🙂 Oh yes I did! And still do! I know Unknown Bambino is the cutest thing on the block too! I can see it from the back of her head and her tiny baby curls : ) Lovely as can be is she!
Kendall and I have been talking for a couple years now about her doing voiceover work, but we just never seem to get around to it. Sure would be nice for college money. Maybe this year….
Good thing you have a great head on your shoulders, I hate to think of the people out there that have been duped by scammers like that. Reminds me of an email I received once with the subject line: Your Yahoo email account will be closed for improper use! – then once I opened it and read the email it went on to say that if I sent them a reply with my login and password they would then reset my account for me and I could continue to use it penalty free. HA! I let the people over at Yahoo know about it immediately, but I couldn't help but wonder how many people had gotten scared into giving these scammers/criminals their private info. Creeps.
okay trying this again, I love your blog and read you daily, but have been having issues leaving a comment…maybe its user error:(
Sassy Chica
I hate spam that is about my blog, is an offer to make money and is too good to be true!
I love me some blog comments and I really love me some extra money—-why must they tease us this way???
Sorry for the difficulties. I'm sure it's not user error because you my dear are perfection. Perhaps Disqus just thinks you are too sassy. Hopefully, the issue will resolve itself because you know I love your comments.