Some took it upon themselves to cleverify the dog leash signs in Duboce Park. Love it!
San Francisco, CA.
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Personally, I like the dog in the first picture the best.
Brilliant, I love them!
Those are hilarious. I love the creativity!
Love them! So creative and still purposeful!
Wonderful and hopefully your dog owners understand what it means.
Love it!
They are very clever! How cool to match the clothes of the person to the dog! 🙂 I love how you find the cutest things, Claudya!
I love them too. Nothing like a little creativity to keep us smiing 🙂 Thanks for hosting this meme, Mami. Love that too 🙂
They all look like the dog is walking the person rather than the other way round *laughs
Those are awesome!
Those are fun.