Dealing with insecurities lately. I’m so wrapped up in myself that any little thing makes me feel insecure: an innocent comment left on this blog by a regular reader and commenter, an off-handed remark by Unknown Papi, the wording of an email from an old friend. I’m reading way more into everything than necessary. Maybe sometimes there is no hidden meaning, maybe sometimes people mean exactly what they are saying.
Surely, no one else is as obsessed with me and my feelings as I am. Or are they? Are you as obsessed with me as I am? Or do you have your own insecurities to deal with? Are you wondering if you are the reader/commenter that left the comment that made me feel insecure? Well don’t worry about it because even if you are, it’s not really your comment that made me feel insecure; it’s my own insecurity that makes me feel insecure.
So how do you deal with insecurity?
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
You are not alone, everyone feels insecure at one time or another.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
Great post. I am not normally insecure but have bouts lately that make me wonder “What is going on in my head?” Have a great weekend!
As I’ve got older I feel less insecure. I do have certain trigger points though, and when you emailed me recently to find out if I was okay you found out one of my main areas of insecurity is. We all have something that is our own personal area of weakness I think. Dealing with our insecurities is to try and accept ourselves as we are. Not always easy.
Oh dear poor you, but you are right I think most of us worry about our insecurities and of course I immediately had to think about recent comments I had made here. Take Care, you are stronger than you give yourself credit for. 🙂
Oh, ho, you are definitely not the only one. We all go through it. If someone doesn’t, I feel kinda sorry for them because they’re not stopping to examine themselves and how they impact other people. If you are an emotional, feeling human being, you will be insecure. Be secure in your insecurity! 🙂
I used to think I had no impact on anyone at all. NOBODY. Nobody seemed to react or to get emotional over anything I ever said. So I told it like I saw it. Finally someone called me a bitch… and that stopped me in my tracks. That broke my heart. But it forced me to stop and think, really think about what I’ve said, what I’ve acted like, etc etc and realize that well, I guess I do have some impact on some people. It hurt me when someone called me a bitch, so I must have done something to hurt that person in order for them to call me a bitch. I have to watch what I say. And if you want to be a good listener, you will listen to people but you are not supposed to be a mind reader, so you cannot always know their true intentions.
Now, if somebody said something to you that made you feel insecure once and twice and thrice, multiple times that same thing made you feel insecure… just look at it from a 3rd person perspective if possible. See what you can learn from it… you know?
I love that you’re an emotional, feeling person! 🙂
I liked this post very much. I read something a few days ago about insecurity. This quote is from Pastor Steve Furtick, “ The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare out behind-the-scenes with everyone elses highlight reel. ”
That is a great quote.
How do I deal with insecurity? Unfortunately, I wrap myself in it like a blanket and cover up any attempt to see beyond it. I am really good at talking others through their insecurities and can see how unrealistic their concerns are but am terrible with myself. But as you are you and not me, I can tell you as real as your feelings are, they do not reflect reality. You are surrounded by people who love you and think you worthwhile of their time and effort. They would not visit your blog regularly, email you, or more importantly marry you if they did not think you rocked. Include me in them! I hope that helped turn down your insecurity blanket just a little. Otherwise, I might just get insecure about my ability to help others with their insecurities — xoxo!
Oh you are good!
I was wondering if I was too blunt or lacking good taste in a comment I’ve left. Glad you left us all off-the-hook on that. If confidence is the opposite of insecurity (not sure if it really is) then I might have an issue. I certainly don’t have the confidence I had years ago. I believe most of our feelings are complex and almost impossible to pin down.
Don’t worry I’m still obsessed with you.
Freaky dude! I was just thinking about you. I miss you and I want to meet your beautiful baby. Give everyone a big hug for me.
If we never felt insecure, that might be a little scary. I think the feeling can help us stay on our toes, but shouldn’t in any way keep us from being who we are. Great responses from your very wise readers! I think we need to accept ourselves, love ourselves and occasionally get out of ourselves to connect with another human being.
You are one of the wise ones as well.
I think as a whole most people are way too insecure and worried about what others do and think. In reality most are so busy worrying if they are doing or saying the right thing that they don’t even notice when others may mess up. So yes- just love yourself and realize what an awesome woman you are!
Great post! I hate my moments of insecurity…and they happen often. I am working on trying to focus on the positive.
It’s the old “button pushing” syndrome. We all have buttons and when those buttons get pushed our insecurities well up and overwhelm us.
I just hope I was not a button pusher for you, and if I was let me say here and now that I’m sorry ’cause I think the world of you!
I think the world of you too.
At my age, I no longer give a shit what others think which eliminates the need for insecurity.
I like that quote from Debra Winger. Do you know, her brother is my boss! I’m sure you didn’t know that, but whenever I see something about her I remember her brother is the head honcho of my school district. 🙂
I completely agree with insecurities, they are so internal most of the time. Hang in there!
No, I did not know her brother was your boss.
Feeling insecure from time to time is quite normal, I am told. Thank God. I generally get that way when I have too much to do and know for sure I won’t finish everything in the time frame I allot myself, quite unrealistically.
Gosh, I hope I am not the creep who said something – I would never ever intend something like that.
Yes, I am obsessed with you – in a very very nice way 😀 as in worrying if you don’t post and feeling thrilled when you do. Hugs and love – and don’t forget to take care of yourself. Vidya
I feel you, Mami. I truly do. Sometimes it’s the smallest thing that sets me off, but more often than not it’s really me – myself – that makes me feel that way. It stinks when it happens but I battle through, and I know you will do so, too!
I went from feeling insecure one day to on top of the world the next. It ebbs and flows.
def have to confront it head on….i ask the questions to make sure i understand so i dont have to harbor the angst…..
My first thought was that I had offended you with one of my comments. Because that is my insecurity! And I have a bad habit of thinking people are referring to me when talking about something when probably 99% of the time they are NOT!
I love Debra Winger. Lets get that strait first.
Insecurity? Sometimes I drown inside of it.
On the other hand, sometimes I feel as if I can RULE the World!
I am having the hardest time with my photography insecurities. I want to just give up on the whole thing, then I get insecure about that. Because really? Do I want to be a quitter? Then again, what if I do? Why should I care what other people think…if I’m okay being a quitter….right?
I get it. I do.
Love these quotes.
You are amazing. I can’t imagine you being insecure about anything.
I can’t imagine you being insecure about your photography. I want to be as good as you. I look at your pictures and think, Ugh, will I ever be that good?
Oooh Love this post:) Insecurity, yikes! I’ve been insecure my entire life, I’m a little better now that my older however, that nasty little feeling still hovers over me. I think I read into what people are really saying and sometimes I drive myself crazy. It usually passes in about 24 hours and then I move on!
I can be very insecure and hard on myself, thinking that people think the worst about me, but I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, if only because I need that myself. If someone becomes an icky repeat offender, then I may cut them off (if not physically, emotionally) I rarely get to that place because I’m becoming better at choosing friends.
As I get older, that’s one thing I’m starting to understand: No one else thinks of me nearly as much as I think about my faults… At least I hope not. We all have our weak spots. I like the quote someone gave you below. Good point.
There’s nothing a good cup of coffee can’t fix – including insecurity.