Brought to you by Lowe’s
About three years ago my husband and I were driving down the street when I saw what appeared to be a wooden toy box just sitting on the sidewalk. After acting like a spoiled brat, I got my husband to stop the car so that I could get it under the condition that he would not help me get it into the car. I summoned my inner Hulk (trust me, you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry) and I got that toy box in the back of the car.
The darling street find or street merch served its intended use for three years and although our kids are still smack dab in the middle of “the toy box years” (I may have just coined that term, but probably not) we are done using this particular toy storage contraption. My husband suggested I put it back out on the street to be found by some else, but I said, “Hells to the no!” To which he rolled his eyes. Why would I get rid of this toy box when I could turn it into a flower box instead?
Flower box it is! ‘Twas easy, too!
- First we drilled holes into the bottom of the toy box for drainage.
- Then we added about two large bags of soil.
- Our choice of plants:
- Lavender
- Mexican heather
- Equinacea
- Dahlias
- Cosmos
- We loosened the roots on all of the plants and placed them where we pleased within the toy box.
- Once the plants were in, we watered them with a mixture of fish fertilizer and water.
And now our lovely toy box is a lovely flower box.
Disclosure: I am a member of the Lowe’s Creative Ideas Blogger Network. I was provided with a gift card that I used to complete this project. All statements and opinions are mine. You can connect with Lowe’s on…
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what a great idea! i love your choice of flowers, too! xoxoxo
I really love this idea and it came out so pretty!
Well, that’s just too cute! When my Grans get through with the toybox I have for them, I just may have to follow suit. I am wondering about the wood rotting and wonder if you did something to prevent that from happening. Happy new week!
We were going to weather treat it, but decided not too. Both my husband and I are okay with it not lasting forever. He is the master of the garden and nothing ever stays the same, it’s always changing or he’s ripping things out or putting new things in. By the time this DIY planter rots, he will be ready to do something different. It used to drive me bonkers, but I’ve come to embrace his view of gardening.
Very pretty, Claudya! I’d do the same!
Good for you!!! I love your flower box! I’m always picking up stuff from the curb but rarely do I score as big as this.
Great job! xo jj
I like the idea, good job, nice photos!
I wish I would have seen this about a month ago. The lid to our toy box fell off and the screws were protruding. Very dangerous for the kids. I threw out the box not knowing what else to do with it. =(
Your’s looks lovely!
Fabulous & Creative.
That is so cute and it looks adorable with the flowers in it!