For years now, my youngest daughter has been going to see the yearly production of “The Velveteen Rabbit” put on by ODC in San Francisco. This year, inspired by the performance and instructions provided in the production’s program, she decided to make her very own velveteen rabbit.
She’s 8 and made the whole thing without any help, so I’m thinking it’s a great project for any child that is old enough to use scissors unsupervised. Also, proud mother that I am, I just had to share it with you.
Thank you to ODC for the inspiration and instructions.

DIY Velveteen Rabbit
- A sock
- Rice
- Buttons, felt, scrap cloth, faux jewels or googly eyes
- Pom poms
- Rubber bands
- Ribbon or pipe cleaners
- Scissors
- Glue
Fill the sock up to the heel with rice and tie it off with a rubber band.
Tie a ribbon around the center of the sock to make the bunny’s head. My daughter used pipe cleaners instead of ribbon.
Cut the top of the sock down the middle to form the rabbit’s ear. Shape them as you like.
Glue buttons, felt, jewels or whatever you want to create eyes and any facial features that you want to give the bunny.
Glue a pom pom to the backside of your bunny to give it a tail.

Bringing velveteen rabbits to life.
San Francisco, CA
ALSO READ: DIY Melted Crayon Christmas Ornaments
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I love it! She did a beautiful job.