Hola, Cariños! I hope you had an eggcellent Easter. If you celebrated with children, you may find yourself up to your elbows in plastic Easter egg carcasses. Before you throw them away, might I suggest you make some wobbles out of them? You know, the kind of egg-shaped dolls that wobble, but don’t fall down. It’s super easy, the kids will have fun and you’ll get to reuse those plastic Easter eggs.
I was inspired to make this craft because there is a wobble Minnie Mouse doll that’s been getting a lot of play in our house and it was easy to get the kids excited about making their own version.
- Plastic Easter eggs
- A glue gun with plenty o’ glue sticks
- Frijoles or black-eyed peas like we used
- Sharpie markers
Open up each individual Easter egg and weigh down the bottoms with beans (or whatever you use) that have been glued in place with the help of your hot glue gun. Make sure you add enough weight to the bottoms. I made a few that ended up not working well because they weren’t bottom heavy enough.
You can use some of the hot glue to permanently glue the egg tops to the egg bottoms, if you like.
Once the glue has cooled, hand the now bottom heavy plastic Easter eggs to your kids and let them go at them with the Sharpie markers.
Optional: We has some buttons that we used to decorate the outside of the eggs. You can do something similar, BUT be careful not to add to much weight to the top part of the egg or else it won’t be able to wobble itself upright.
Do you notice the resemblance the doll on the far left has to Frida Khalo? I’m not eggsactly sure how or if they are related.
This is awesome! I loved it. Thanks for sharing next year I”ll be sure to make these with my little guy 🙂
Love the Frida Khalo one by the way…hehe!!
That Frida looks like my Fofia, same brows! 🙂 I have a hardly-used glue gun, beans (of course) and a gazillion eggs–and I am SO gonna do this! Thank you!!! 🙂