Tell the truth, do you believe in ghosts? I don’t, not really, except for when I’m scared by a sound in the middle of the night or that time I lived in a haunted house. My mother on the other hand, that lady sees ghosts so often she should just start having regular poker nights with them.
What about you, do you have some good ghosts stories to share? Or are you a total skeptic?
For someone who doesn’t believe in ghosts during the day, I sure am focusing a lot of attention on them, aren’t I? I can’t help it, this particular ghost has had me in stitches. You can watch this even without the sound, but I’m warning you, you will see a ghost in it…
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Face your ghosts.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
I think I do believe in ghosts though I have never actually seen one. I at least belive in spirits….or that there are things “out there” beyond what I have the ability to understand.
I do believe in ghosts and demons and angels. You should follow me on FB and see some of the things that we have gotten pictures of from our fire pit. I honestly believe our land has some Indian history on it and possibly some slavery history. Several people have taken photos of the fire pit in use and everyone has something appear in the pictures. Different cameras, different times, and there is always something there. My youngest son talks to people all the time. Has since he has been little and if you take a picture with him in it odds are there is going to be an orb or anomaly of some sort visible in it as well. He calls himself the ghost whisperer lol.
I am a major skeptic and I really don’t believe in much unless there is some scientific evidence to back it up. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen ghosts though. When I was a child, I’m sure I used to see the ghost of my great-grandfather (we lived in his house after he had passed). In fact, I have vague memories of talking to him. Then, years later I saw something ghost-like at the public library where I worked. A few of my co-workers saw the same thing also, so I know it wasn’t my imagination.
So, I’m torn. If anyone asks, I would tell them that, no, I don’t believe in ghosts, because that’s just crazy. However, I have some really vague anecdotal reasons to believe they exist.
HOW does that little girl keep her composture? I’d be cracking up laughing on my butt if I were her!!!
Yeah, I think she deserves some kind of award. I don’t think I could keep it together like she did.
I’m not sure!!! But I love watching scary movies.
I saw that ghostly elevator thing. I believe in ghosts and have had a couple of “what on earth was that?” moments.
I’ve been having problems with your commenting system here recently.
I’m sorry about the commenting issues. It acts up sometimes.
I’m on the fence – but whenever we go to Charleston I am tempted to take the ghost tour where they use the equipment to monitor the ghosts 🙂
You should take the tour. I saw it on someone else’s blog and it looked pretty cool.
I believe in spirits like angels and demons. I was foolish enough to be involved with a seance once in high school, and scared myself for weeks. I saw something that was hard to erase from my memory.
But that poor woman!!!! Holy cow, I would have defended myself if some apparition attempted to scare me 😉
At first this freaked me out. I listened to it with and without the noise. It’s HYSTERICAL either way.
I totally don’t believe in ghosts, but when I was 9 or 10, I bought a Ouija board at a garage sale. I used to play with it by myself, and I swear it moved on its own. Finally, I asked its name and it spelled, “Esther.” I never played with it again and couldn’t give it away fast enough!
Completely and totally freaky!!!
I think there are malevolent spirits in this world. In fact, they work in ways that are more prevalent than we know, in my opinion.
I agree. I think there are spirits, too, but to me they are different from ghosts. I guess I see ghosts as something that makes an appearance visibly — kind of like in the movies. I wanted so badly to believe it was my grandfather communicating with me through the Ouija board, which is why I asked it’s name. I knew no one named Esther, so it was goodbye, Esther!
I gotta tell you, I’m fascinated by Ester.
So was I. Like, too fascinated. You read The Exorcist, right?
What just happened? Why am I not Bee? 🙁
It was the ghost of Disqus!
No, I did not read the Exorcist. I’ve never seen the movie either. I can’t handle it. Too scary for me.
I believe in spirits. Ghosts? I am not sure. However, I am hooked on a BBC comedy /drama series that features three housemates: a ghost, a vampire and a werewolf. It’s played straight which makes it even funnier. It’s called Being Human.
Hmmmm – – – interesting question.
I do believe in the Holy Ghost. I do believe we all have souls, and that when our fleshly bodies die our souls go on to life hereafter.
What I’m not totally sure of is if at any time souls can cross over from the hereafter to be seen, and perceived as a ghost, in this world.
It certainly makes for interesting speculation.
My mom and her friends went out of town one weekend. The friends wanted to stay in a reputedly haunted B and B. My mom staunchly refused, and she stayed alone in another B and B. She made the right choice. That place is renowned for bad and evil stuff happening. The Holy Spirit led my mom to make the better choice.
Oh my gosh. I saw this on someone’s facebook page the other day. I don’t believe in ghosts but I would have had an everloving heart attack if I had been in that elevator.
I keep thinking they could have killed someone with that joke, but I still love it.
Funny video. I don’t know what I would do. I don’t think I would be frightened I would probably try to talk with the “ghost”.
No I don’t believe in ghosts, but I have changed my mind slightly since I can’t help feel this house may have one and my eldest has definitely had some sort of visions, so now I’m not so sure.
I’m definitely not a skeptic, that’s for sure. And I have plenty of bumps, sounds, and weird “I’m not alone” feelings to fill an entire book. LOVE the comment about your mother and how she should play poker with her ghosts!
OK, now, i’ll never get back to sleep, chica! LOL xoxoxoxox
I don’t believe in them but we do have a ghost story in my family. Maybe it was a temporary ghost. I’ve seen that clip. I really think they went over the line on that one. I was wondering if the show paid for the people’s follow-on therapy.
I am starting to believe we live in a haunted house — not kidding. I’ve been debating about writing about it. Several weird things have happened and my son came to me two days ago and told me that while he was brushing his teeth a girl in white came to stand next to him. He said it so matter-of-fact-ly, I think I believe him. So far not scared but we’ll see…
I know a few people who have seen ghosts. I believe in them. That video is so good and I it would have scared the crap out of me!
I do not believe in ghosts or anything after death at all including god. I believe we just rot away i can not fathom why people believe that us aka giant glob of mutual benifiting bacteria has a soul… Its by far the most ridiculous thing ever. If this was indeed true that we had a soul then the mold on bread has its on specified place in heaven… I believe people only see ghosts and believe in the afterlife because their brain produces more dopamine then a person who is mentally sane i assure you people are getting mad at reading what i am saying in two ways.
One being compared to mold on bread
Two being told that they have a birth defect which causes them to hallucinate and act as a childish fool.
Ya might as well believe that unicorns are hiding under your pillow.
That the keebler elves are really making cookies in tree trunks.
And your house is on gumdrop lane in lollipop city…
The truth hurts, it always has…
I have no problem being compared to mold and I most certainly know I have a chemical imbalance going onin my brain. I do not find what you are saying (writing) offensive. On my mother’s most recent visit, she told me the room she was staying in was haunted by a ghost that wants to make love. I laughed and laughed then stayed away from that room at night. I mean who knows, maybe that ghost is into moldy chemically imbalanced daytime non-believers, but nighttime scaredy cats. Now excuse me while I throw some salt over my shoulder to ward off some kind of evilness.
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Now that is hysterical!!! I can appreciate a good wholesome dose of sarcasm like the rest! I understood the origin of your article which was in relation to nighttime vs daytime fears. The only difference between the two is how much you can see and hear. At night you see less hear more and during the day its the exact opposite. The mind fills in the blanks at nighttime causing hallucinations… During the day its hard not to see the reality unless you have truly gone all the way down looney tune lane!!! To add to this nighttime fear issue is the millennium of religious beliefs grinding into the human brain that evil lurks in the dark. We have been bred to fear the dark, and if it were not for the chemicals in our brains chipping in to fortify this issue this article would be un necessary… You could ask then why is it i do not see things in the dark that are not there? Its a fairly simple answer it has to do with genetics and the church… They could not kill all of the people without chemical imbalances… Some of them learned to keep their mouths shut!!! Does that answer your question? Lol