Really, I’m wondering if you ever just wake up angry. In one of those moods where nothing in particular made you mad, but everything is conspiring to keep you that way. I wonder because this is something that I have been struggling with for what seems like my whole life.
Not only is it bad for me, it’s bad for anyone in my vecinity because I start spreading my anger around. I’ll complain about how much I do and how little everyone else does. I’ll get upset about something that is bound to happen before it even happens and I’ll tell anyone who will listen why I’m going to get mad even though I’m actually already mad, I’m just going to find a way to get madder.
Mind you the only people who really have the misfortune of seeing me this way are those that are closest and dearest to me. They are the ones that end up suffering through my bitter mood.
I am wise enough to know that this behavior does no one any good and I will say that as I get older the days when I wake up in a rage are getting fewer and farther apart, but they still happen and I swear that one day I will able to smother my anger with joy, but I’m not there yet.
So tell me, do you ever wake up just pissed at the world?
I use to wake up angry and anxious quite a bit. But as you said the older I get the less often that happens. Maybe it was caused by sleep deprivation or maybe it was high blood pressure. Either way since I have gotten older and am on medication for my blood pressure those mornings are few and far between. Not sure if either has anything to do with it but am glad to be in a better frame of mind in the mornings.
I think it must have something to do with it. I am medicated for anxiety and panic disorder and I know that is part of why I don’t wake up angry as often as I used to.
During my 50’s, I was angry almost every day. I took a few meds, but they were for thyroid and cholesterol. I figured it was a combo of meds, teenagers and menopause. I think age has mellowed me a lot, as well as, the new attitude I developed from recent lifestyle changes. It’s all good now. The anger still comes and goes, but I’ve learned better ways to deal with it. You will too, friend!
Yes I of course I have but my concern is for my daughter who wakes up angry at the world every day…….
I’m so happy it is not an every day thing for me because it is hard enough to deal with on the few mornings it does happen.
😀 I do sleep feeling pissed, but never wake up that way. The pissiness develops over the day 😀 You are so wise to realize anger doesn’t do anyone any good, least of all the one who’s angry!