I just found out about Don Roberto Jewelers and I spent some time looking at their baby and children’s jewelry and I have to tell you that it brought back a flood of memories for me. I was one of those Latina babies that had her ears pierced at such a young age that I can’t remember when it was done and I also grew up wearing pieces of gold jewelry that were gifted to me and I loved them. Ha! It’s kind of funny because I feel like I wore more jewelry as a kid than I do as an adult. I always had on earrings, a necklace, and an ID bracelet.
Look at these Children’s Ball Stud Earrings and tell me they aren’t iconic baby bling?
I don’t know what happened, but somehow I grew up to be an anomaly as a Latina mom because although I have two daughters, I have not pierced their ears. I have no doubt the time will come and I have to say that I am so happy to see that the earrings being offered for kiddies at Don Roberto are made of gold and offer safety bell backs porque safety first mamis. You don’t want your babies having allergic reactions to some kind of weird metal and you also don’t want them to be able to pull the earrings off.
I think the first piece of nice everyday jewelry that I want to get for my girls is an engravable ID bracelet with each of their names on it.
I still have mine from when I was a child and I treasure it.
My 3-year-old, Luna Pie, has been looking over my shoulder as I look at the jewelry and she tells me that what she really wants is this gold engravable baby bangle. Isn’t it funny that kids know what they like at such a young age?
I will take her request under advisement.
If you would like to check out the lovely children’s jewelry at Don Roberto Jewelers, head on over and if you find that you cannot resist buying something for a precious little in your life, at checkout be sure to enter this exclusive discount code for Unknown Mami readers: BP25FP, good for 25% off purchase.
*The opinions in this article are my own. I do not work for, or with, any brand mentioned in this article, nor do I have any official relationship with them. I have a relationship with GigaSavvy, for whom I create original editorial content.
You are an anomaly, but that’s okay. My daughters were in second or third grade before I got their ears pierced. It is very pretty jewelry.
Have a great week!
I had a ton of jewelry for my daughter and had her ears pierced (to my hubby’s chagrin) when she was a baby. Warning- the baby safety earrings can get caught and won’t pull off. My bebe’s was caught on a blanket and tore her ear. We waited awhile to repierce. Love the site, looking for cute bracelets for my youngest.
Love them. In India, it is standard practice to get babies’ ears pierced regardless of gender. There’s a religious belief associated with it. I like Put Pie’s choice.