Put Pie will be starting kindergarten next year, but the way the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) public schools work, you have to apply November 5-January 22, so the work for parents begins now. In an effort to get better acquainted with the process, we attended the Enrollment Fair on November 3 and this is the scene we walked into…
Of course, I had to share on FaceBook…
Still, I’m glad I went. I picked up an application, talked to a few principals, and hightailed it out of there before I was overwhelmed by the crowd. As much as I don’t want to get wrapped up in the competitiveness of it all, it’s hard not to want the very best for my precious girl. It’s hard not to feel a bit of anxiety.
It’s natural to want your child to go to a great school. I wish that all schools were GREAT so that no one would have to feel any misgivings about sending their child to any public school. Let’s make that happen people.
For now, we’ll work within the system as it exists. Wish us luck!
If you are going through the same process, here are some key dates in 2013:
- January 22: Application dealdline.
- March 15: Placement offers mailed to families.
- March 18-22, April 1-12: Parents/guardians must register at schools to accept offers.
Online Resources:
I love Put Pie’s hair. It must take you hours to wash/comb/tame. Hard work pays off though. Lovely hair!
And no way! Kindergarten 🙂
I love her hair too and it is definitely a struggle to keep it from turning into dreads. Fortunately, I have similar hair so I’ve had over 40 years to learn how to care for it.
Unfortunately there are too many parents who just don’t care what type of education their kids are getting, they just want their children out of their hair for eight hours a day. I think if you segregated families into desiring good education and just wishing they were ‘busy’ you would have a huge outcry.
I also love your daughters hair! You know what, if I walked into a situation like that of the magnitude of crowds and busyness, I’m not sure I could’ve handled that. I would have frozen up.
I had been warned that it would be crazy so I had a list of about 5 schools that I wanted to talk to and I went directly to them and then left. It really is too much!
Good call 😉
Kay Duncan
Hebrews 12:1
I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition. ~ Martha Washington
I had three kids that went to schools, both public and private, in several cities over the years of their schooling, though never in really big city school systems. I believe that what matters in the long run is the individual classroom teacher and the parent’s advocacy. With you on her side Put Pie will do well. I have 2 granddaughters who will start kindergarten in the fall.
How huge is the school district! Holy Moly! That’s a lot of parents! We live in a smaller school district, so our enrollment is nothing compared to what you saw. I would be very overwhelmed. Especially if it was my first child.
We have similar fairs here in our area. My daughter started at one magnet school, then a pilot program, then another magnet, charter, and now she’s in Catholic school… The boys have been in one charter school and so far so good. So much work. (And Put Pie’s hair is so gorgeous!!!)
Giving your kids a good education is one of the greatest gifts ever, along with loving them of course. Good luck!
Really, I’ve never heard of that. I just went to the school office to register my children.
This is a bit overwhelming. When my kids began school, I walked to the school nearest where we lived and filled out papers, showed their shot records, and it was done. Parents were welcome to come eat lunch with their children occasionally and to help in the classroom when we could. I worked to support my 3 kids, so making much time to be with each one occasionally was difficult, but manageable. I have never liked crowds, so I would have a very hard time at this function.
Wow!!!!! That’s intense. GREAT pictures!!!
Holy Crap! all that just for kindergarten! amazing!
Wow! Even in public school you have to “apply”. You don’t just get to go to your neighborhood school. That’s a shame it’s so competitive. All schools SHOULD be great.
Crazy! I hope you get the school you want.
Put Pie has beautiful hair.
I feel your pain… my oldest two are both at competitive Magnet schools … one because we went through the lottery process, and the second because that’s where an Autism spot opened up… but I’m not looking forward to doing it all over again in a few years for Erik.
Exciting time!
They don’t have to audition or anything, do they?haha So, you just have to choose which one you want her to go, apply, and wait, or do you apply to a few? How does she get transported if you don’t live near the school? Just curious.
Also, the principal is your PAL, so now you will never again forget how to spell it (unless that was just a typo, of course). I wouldn’t have said anything, but I want you to think of me for the next 20 years, every time you write principal. 🙂
Total typo! How embarrassing! I’m so glad you pointed it out. On principle I should not rely on spell check to let me know if I spelled principal correctly. Duh!
You list the schools you want in order of preference. You can list as many as you like and then it’s some kind of lottery system. I REALLY want a bilingual immersion school, so Put Pie will have to be tested for language skills, which makes me super nervous because she is very shy and does not like to be alone with strangers.
Also, once you get your offers there is another round of selections after people accept and after the second round there are wait lists.
As far as getting your child to a school that is not near you, it’s up to you and your car or public transit.
Interesting… And when does she start kindergarten?
By the way, you’re welcome to return the gesture ANY time 🙂
She starts next year. 2013-2014 school year.
That’s crazy!! Well, good luck with the process!