I went in for the follow-up ultrasound today to check up on my amniotic fluid level and to see if any kidneys could be detected on the baby.
Right before I left the house, I grabbed my journal and wrote, “I think the news will be good.”
The news was good, not great, but good.
Although my amniotic fluid is still alarmingly low, it is definitely better than last week, which goes against the diagnosis of the baby not having any kidneys.
The technician and specialist looked and looked and they could not find any evidence of a right kidney, but there did seem to be evidence of a kidney on the left side. A person cannot live without kidneys, but they can live with just one kidney. They were also able to detect a bladder, which they could not do last time.
The specialist is still cautious because having low amniotic in the second trimester is not good and can be a sign of other problems. He is wary of making promises, but he said things were better, not worse.
This is so much better than the news I got last week.
I will be getting the results of the amniocentesis in a few days. Hopefully, there will be no major problems.
I know we are not out of the woods yet and Unknown Papi is afraid to be hopeful, but this has given me permission to hope. Up until now I was preparing for the worst and now I feel like it is okay to hope for something better.
I feel like I can breath for the first time in days.
Thank you all for your support, kind words, thoughts, and prayers. Please keep them coming. I am convinced that they help and we need the help.
There is hope… I continue to hold your family in my thoughts.
Crossing our fingers for you!!!
Thank you for your kindness and support.
Mami, that is such hopeful news. I am so glad to hear it. There is no question that one kidney is a very viable situation. Looking to hear more good news soon.
Thank Goodness for better news!!! I am hopeful with you & will continue to think about & pray for you & this wee one. I do believe the power of positive words, prayers & wishes… we CAN “will” this baby stronger & healthier!!! Hugs to you my friend!
That is the best news I’ve heard all week! Positive thoughts still going your way.
Much love,
Good news is good news! I hope that your amino gives you some more good news!
Thank you fro your kind support. I’m hoping the good news keeps coming.
I am a new reader and wish to remain nameless right now but I am so happy for you. I have been checking back all day today and I am happy to see the update, and happy it’s better news then what you were thinking! My thoughts are with you!
I’ve been wondering about you all weekend and hoping you would hear good news. Sending good thoughts into the universe.
🙂 Great to hear.
I’m relieved that the news was better today. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Sounds encouraging; much better than last week so we will just hope & pray for the best now.
OMG! that’s so good to know.. I keep having you and your family in my prayers every day.. Trust God! he knows what he is doing. I’m sending you a HUGE virtual hug and Tons of blessings.. and if your house feels packed is maybe because I sent a la Virgen y a todos los santos to the rescue.
Friend!!! I’m so happy, I continue to pray. I told my husband and now he’s praying too! And he said to me last night, and this is weird because how does he know, but he says, “I think it’s going to be alright.”
Love and prayers continue to head north from Oregon.
Two members of my family were born with only one kidney and one of them didn’t even know it until she was 63 years old, and found out by accident during testing for a different problem.
Some women have a lower than “normal” amount of amniotic fluid. It does NOT have to mean anything bad, you just need to be a little more careful the further in the pregnancy you get. (more scans to keep an eye on it, etc)
I have a very good feeling that this will all be part of your baby story when the little one has his/her first birthday 🙂
That is much better news. ((HUGS)) Keeping you in my prayers and I pray that the tests come back with nothing but good news. Hope is a good thing and God does answer prayers.
You’re in my thoughts.
Thank you for your kind support.
You know we’re all pulling for more good news. I’ve been thinking about you all day.
Tears of happiness for you right now! Breathe, hope and hang in there. Thinking about you all.
Glad you can get a sense of relief. We will keep the positive energy flowing.
You know what they say….hope keeps us afloat friend. I’m hoping with you…
One kidney is so much better than no kidney. Maybe, just maybe you are not as far along as they think you might be? When are kidneys supposed to develop anyway? Lots and lots of prayers for a healthy UnknownBaby!
One kidney is so much better than no kidney. Maybe, just maybe you are not as far along as they think you might be? When are kidneys supposed to develop anyway? Lots and lots of prayers for a healthy UnknownBaby!
my youngest son has a pelvic horse shoe kidney. It didn’t show up so well the first time raising alarms. He is doing well with the ‘one’ kidney. Hopefully you will continue to get good news. *hugs*
I’m so glad your breathing again. You and my baby have been in my daily prayers. Hope is something no one can take away from us!
Yes! Still hoping and praying…
I understand why you are hoping just a little and why UP is afraid to hope at all. That’s why I’m going to hope tons and tons for you. Here’s why: Kenley had low amniotic fluid and you know all the doom and gloom they gave me about her. And now she’s crawling! So I’ll keep up the hope, praying (in my own way) that your baby will turn out to be just as healthy as mine turned out to be. This is very good news! xxoo
There is always hope. My niece was born with one kidney — they weren’t sure about her either, but she’s now 11 and thriving. Always hope. Love you, Mami! Hang in there. Prayers heading your way…
Still praying and getting others to do the same. Wonderful news!!
that is good news……..HOPE!!! thinking of you!
Hope is a good thing. Be well.
I am a firm believer in the power of prayer and I’ll keep them coming your way. Take a deep breath and sleep good tonight.
xoxo jj
PS My 22 year old nephew was born with only one kidney.
This news is MUCH better than last week’s news. Let’s all pray for a miracle, aim high, all! Keep us posted. Thanks for telling me to feel better. I have a cold on top of Lupus and other stuff, but when I heard your good news it pumped me up!
I am glad to have a prayer of thank you in my heart for the encouraging news. I know that your struggle is not over, but please know neither are my prayers. I am here for you in spirit, in life. You have not left my thoughts today as I hoped for an update and I, like you, will allow hope to carry those prayers.
You are NOT alone.
I’m so happy you can hope again!
Thank you for being so wonderfully supportive.
Visit me at: http://www.unknownmami.com.
Good to read you have news that offers hope and relief.
all the best.
I’m so relieved. Keep thinking positive thoughts, and I will, too!
If it’s any consolation, when we were pregnant with Kendall, they thought she had one of the Trisomy disorders that would result in certain death before she was a year old. It was very scary for a few weeks, and as you know, it all worked out. I’ll pray for more good news for you, too.
I’m so glad to hear this! If I feel like I can exhale for you just a little bit…I can only imagine how you feel! Continuing to pray for you and your baby!
I am so glad to hear this. Will continue to keep you in my thoughts and hope that the news only gets better.
Thank you, Jesus!!! We will continue to pray for peace and rest for you and Papi along with complete healing and wholeness for unknown baby.
BTW…My son-in-law was born with one kidney and you would never know it.
Love you ~
Toes and fingers crossed here, prayers continue for you and your baby.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Praying for you and your baby
I am thanking God for answered prayer because I asked that he would show kidneys (I hoped for two, but he knows best). Thank you Lord! I will continue to pray for your baby and pregnancy
That is encouraging!!! Have faith….and BELIEVE!!! I will keep you in our prayers!
I couldn’t think of anything else all day! I will continue to keep you in my prayers! 🙂
Gracias, Amiga.
Thank you.
Oh, any positive news is good news! My 17 year old cousin was born with one usable kidney and the only thing he’s not allowed to do is play contact sports. He’s healthy and happy. Continuing my good thoughts. Take care of yourself.
That is a wonderful start. Lets keep hoping things keep looking up.
Thank you for your kind words and support. I got some more good news today from the amnio results. Everything seems to be good. I just need to be careful about my low fluid, but I am feeling so much more positive.
It’s great to hear this encouraging news. All positive thoughts coming your way ….
There is plenty of reason to hope 🙂 My husband and I talked about you lastnight and I told him I was coming on here first thing in the morning to see if there was an update. Sending you lots of love and prayers from The Netherlands 🙂
Thank you for your support, my friend.
I am so happy that there are good news… the great news will come, just keep be positive :).
A big hug!
Keep yourself happy and surround yourself with postive thoughts and the love and prayers of your friends. All shall be well with you. That’s God’s will for you. Accept that and believe it. You and your baby will come through this together and be a beacon of hope for others…
Yesterday I came over from Serena’s blog and read your story. I’m so glad you received better news and that there is more hope again! Praying for you and your baby!
Greetings from Germany!
I’m so happy to hear it, my friend! That is so hopeful news. 🙂
Sending positive thoughts your way!
B xx
Dear Lord, remind me to be hopeful and that your will is the way. I will find peace and happiness.
Sorry. It is the only thing I could think to say…
Bless you all.
I will not stop hoping, praying and sending positive thoughts your way. Thank you for taking the time to post and update us…I am thankful that you are able to breathe…together, all of us can believe. XX
Thank you for your prayers. We got some more good news today. The results of the amnio were good and everything seems to be in order. My fluid is still low, but I’m feeling so much more hopeful.
Anything is possible with the intentions of so many. And I know it is everyone’s intention that this little baby is fine. Still praying for you and yours!
My thoughts remain with you 🙂
{{hugs}} and prayers
This is very encouraging Mami. And of course, you do have permission to hope. We are all hoping along with you.
Oh man, such a scary thing. I’m so glad that is was good news. Hope everything continues to go well with you!
i have been following this and am encouraged too! continuing with the good thoughts and well wishes in your direction.
Thank you for your kind words and thoughts.
There is hope! And I will continue to keep you in my prayers my friend.
big hugs
Will continue to think of you and think positive thoughts and send positive vibes your way. Lots of hugs.
Oh my goodness!!! Praying even harder if that’s possible!!! Hugs!
Such good news. Will continue to hope for even better news down the line.
I have been praying and praying for you. I have personally known so many women who were told horror stories and then had very healthy babies. I am staying confident for you.
That’s is great news!! I’m keeping hopeful to hear more good news to turn into Super GREAT news. {{Hugs}}
That is encouraging and I will continue to pray.
Also, a dear friend of mine has a son born with only one kidney. He had several regular kidney “check-ups” when he was very small, but now he is 5 and a new kindergartner. He’s never had one health issue!
Thinking of you all
Hope is good. In fact, hope is wonderfully good. I’m continuing to pray, pray, & pray.
Sweetie, know we’re still standin’ in the gap for your precious little one. I’m hangin’ on to that miracle for you both.
Have a beautiful day and just stand on His promises!!!
Hold onto hope. I saw a request for supportive prayers for you on another blog! Please know I am sending good wishes and prayers your way.
So glad to hear good news! I’ve been thinking about and will continue to!
That’s wonderful to hear and know that you are still in my thoughts.
I am so glad to hear your good news!!! I will continue to pray for you and your little one!!!
Hope is alive. I’ll keep you in my prayers!
sweet Mami, I am glad it was better news than you expected, that is a very good sign, you and your family are in my prayers every day. I hope the very best of news comes your way. stay as positive as you can. hugs to you my friend.
Hope is good. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and heart.
Thank you for being such a thoughtful bloggy buddy. I am grateful.
I just had to find a network collection in the wilds of Utah to find out the news. I am so very pleased to hear that the news is encouraging. I read up on all this after hearing your news last week and as you say, people can live very full normal lives with one kidney and until recent times many people never even knew they only had one. I hope all the signs continue to be encouraging and that the amnio results are positive.
Long time, no blog…I know. Sorry to hear about your difficulties. Glad that the news is getting better. I will keep you in my prayers.
Praying for you, Mami!
Sending good wishes your way.
Wow, I have been out of the loop! I’m so sorry about all of these complications! My thoughts and prayers are with you xoxo
That does sound encouraging!! Keeping you in my prayers.
I like this news…i like it a lot.
I’ll keep my fingers and toes crossed though!
Me, too!
Hoping that the good news continues and that things improve over the next few days.
I’m glad to hear the news. You’re in my prayers.
Great news!! Yay! Continued prayers and congrats another girl!!!
I’m glad the news is good… praying for it to be great soon!! Lots of hugs and love to you and Unknown Papi!
Thank you!
sorry to hear this 🙁 praying that everything works out OK.
This is encouraging news. I pray it keeps getting better.
Still holding you and your family tight against me as I think of you all, and pray, and send you out all the positivity I can muster.
I’m so relieved that you received better news than expected. I know it’s still scary but I’m just so thankful that there is now hope.