Stop the presses! The Price is Right has a male model.
Did you know this? I had no idea. Rob Wilson won a contest to be the first ever male model for The Price is Right back in October. Why didn’t any one tell me this?
The only reason I found out is because I’m sick, my whole family is sick and my husband had The Price Is Right on and said, “Look, they have a male model.”
My reaction: It’s about friggin’ time!
You know what will really freak me out is if I turn on the Spanish-language television stations and along with the gorgeous scantily clad female glamazons, I also see some equally stunning men being paraded across the screen for no apparent reason. If we are going to objectify, then let’s objectify both genders.
Or we could just stop objectifying. Yeah, that’s probably not going to happen.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Beauty knows no gender.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
Photo of Rob Wilson courtesy of CBS.
yeah that’s not going to happen.
Six pack – I can only related if there is a bottle opener involved. However, I agree that eye candy should be provided for women too. Of course, my candy was emptied out long ago.
Hehehe. 😀 Get well soon Unknown Mami! 😀 Hugs!
To be honest, the thought of a male model on a show like that never once crossed my mind. I never watch it and pretty sure the male models won’t change that for me.
You know models of any gender don’t really work for me. I think I must have seen so many naked models at art school that now it all a bit “whatever” to me now! Or I’m just getting old. 😀
When I was a kid I thought those models were more strange than anything. And funny thing is that this guy looks a little….strange and plasticy as well. Hmmm. I wonder if they will act out little stories together now like the gal models used to on stage. That would be sort of hysterical.
I’m surprised this show is still on, too!
Huh! too little too late.
I saw that when we were visiting my father. What took them so long!
I’m all for male models, but his abs are creeping me out a little… Glad you’re feeling better!!
NICE Pecks! Mmmm.
I’m going to have to head to Hooterd now. Maybe they have male servers now. Lol!
why does the show need models? xoxoxox
I haven’t a clue. Apparently, someone needs to caress the prizes.
Sent from my invisible mini-van.
Hope you are feeling better – I had a similar reaction when I caught an episode of TPIR while we were home in Canada on vacay… no cable here, so I was out of the loop 🙂