Sometimes it feels like my life is one fascinating pile of laundry after another.
Does anyone ever grow up dreaming of doing laundry? I don’t think so, but I guess we don’t grow up dreaming of so many things that we will end up doing time and time again.
Sisyphus has a rock, I have laundry.
I don’t particularly like doing laundry. I don’t think it’s fun, but it’s also not awful.
As I fold wrinkled clothes that I let sit too long because I was busy doing things that are far more important or enjoyable than laundry, I think. I think of how terrible I am at folding clothes. I think about how my husband needs new underwear because the ones he has are getting old and how more often than not he chooses to get “us” something instead of getting himself things. I think about how lucky I am to have Luna Pie’s tiny clothes to fold because for a while doctors didn’t think she would ever make it, but she did and now I get to fold her clothes. I think about how big Put Pie is getting, how she is no longer a baby and how I never knew I would like her as much as I do…I mean I knew I would love her, but I had no idea I would like her so much. I think about how my clothes don’t fit like they used to, how my body has changed and how much my body does for me and my family.
Like I said, sometimes it feels like my life is one fascinating pile of laundry after another.
I don’t envy Sisyphus and his rock, but I bet Sisyphus envies me and my fascinating laundry.
Now that you put it that way. I think I’ll go do some laundry and be thankful I get to do it. Your so smart Unknown Mami. . .So smart. Thanks for helping me remember. . .and the good news is after laundry I get to wash the sink full of dishes my kids left last night. 🙂
You know ~ I don’t I mind as much as I did before I came to your blog this morning. As I just said to my husband before he left for work ~ ((Who by the way, we just found out needs a defibrillator because his heart is very, very weak…he is young, healthy, other then the heart thing and thin…who knew?? )) ~ anyway….I told him “We will take one day at a time and be grateful for the little things.” ~ like doing his laundry. 😉 xoxo
What an interesting perspective of gratitude.. from behind a pile of laundry. It’s pretty basic and says that life is being lived. What could be better than that?
I hate laundry too. But I’ve never thought about that stuff while folding. Mostly I think: “what the crap is monkey getting into now? He’s too quiet” LOL
This is awesome. Little Luna’s laundry. I bet it’s sweet. And my husbands underwear….I should do a blog post on them. They are so old they have worn holes and the seems have come apart, he needs new underwear and undershirts in a very bad way.
One of my favorite things about laundry is… finding money swirling around in the dryer. Money you forgot you had… or somebody else forgot they had in their pockets. Because, in this case… finders keepers!!!
love you, unknown mami. you have some seriously great perspective.
And that is how we are suppose to look at life. Thanks for the reminder for laundry, too, is my rock.
What a great post!!! Shows how to find blessings everywhere!! Love this!!
Laundry really does have a lot to say doesn’t it! At my house, it never stops!
I’m sooo glad that you get to fold tiny clothes too. Thank God she is her & gets to wear sweet little tiny clothes. How true about Put Pie! I think that about my girls at times too. Who ever thought I’d really enjoy them as much as I do. Glad for that though since I never get away LOL.
Damn you just reminded me I need to do laundry today….I hate laundry but I like your spin on it! Have a great day!
I don’t do laundry. I send it to the drop-off spot in my neighborhood. There have been times where I’ve had them pick it up from my apartment AND drop it off! 😉
I used to be a personal assistant and the man I worked for would have his laundry picked up and dropped off. If I could afford to do it, I would too. There are certainly more interesting ways for me to be mindful and thankful, until then I’ll keep doing laundry.
LOVE this – we must share a paper bag brain – cause I feel like this too. Laundry is my Sisyphean task. I hated going out to do laundry, but I’ll admit, now that I have a washer/dryer cramped into my little apartment – it’s not so bad. And I try to fold clothes while watching mindless television. (As a former Gap manager – I can perfect fold anything.)
What a sweet post to warm up my day with.
I enjoy ironing my boxer shorts. No really. Just call me anal.
Wow that’s some deep meaningful laundry you have. Thanks you just reminded me to empty the dryer. Now if I can only remember where it is.
Finding gratitude in the small things…wonderful.
You are blessed to have their laundry to do. I do not like doing laundry and even just the two of us now have tons of it! I never let it sit, it has to be folded. I will admit to it being fluffed several times!
You’ve just reminded me of the only time in my life I’ve ever enjoyed doing laundry… when I was married we used to do laundry together (in the beginning at least) and he would always make silly jokes about my “doll-sized” clothes… though in my defense, they were only doll-sized in comparison to his gargantuan clothes. He was a big guy. Those were good times… Now laundry just means my mother yelling at me to take my clothes out of the dryer where they’ve been sitting for days getting more and more wrinkled. ::sigh:: One day I’ll like my life again…
Just lovely. I shall never look at folding laundry the same.
I actually don’t mind the act of folding. It’s the putting it away that makes me crazy.
Well, let’s never do laundry together because I go through all of those thoughts too. It would be one dramatic folding affair. LOL
Actually, that sounds like a reality tv show in the making…
Yeah, Sisyphus’ definitely wasn’t as interesting.
I like how I like it when I read about feelings I feel. When I cook, as I cut the vegetables and get everything else ready, my overall feeling is one of complete gratefulness, that I get to do the things I do.
Very beautiful post, UM. Hugs to ya.
I’m indifference about laundry. I don’t hate, but I don’t love it. However, it is a great feeling when it is DONE! The worst folding is the fitted sheet…UGH!
LOL! I hate my mountain of laundry too!
Thats beatiful. And so true. It’s in the simple things of life that we find true meaning. Big events are only momentary entertainment, but the true depths of out lives are always there for us to grasp, its just a matter of realizing it.
This is a really sweet post. I love the part about the kids clothes…awww I’ll remember that for the future when I’ll have even MORE laundry 😉 Right now its just me and not so fun but if I’m helping mom and dad out I’ll be able to see the sweetness of it all!
I hate doing laundry, but it has to be done. I wish I could have someone come to my house…and clean and fold all my laundry for me. *sigh*
What an amazing way to see the beauty in the every day tasks. It still isn’t helping me want to deal with my own laundry.
Kind of amazing how reality hits at the weirdest times.
I dislike laundry…and then I remember the Jersey days when I had to go to a laundromat…and suddenly, it’s not so bad anymore.
It’s good to know I’m not the only one left to fold wrinkly clothes because I let them sit way too long!! I loathe laundry too, but find myself often thinking similar things as I fold. I can’t get over how just the other day I was folding itty bitty clothes and now they are so much bigger. Time goes by so fast! Now if only laundry washing and drying would.
Laundry not the most inspiring subject but you still manage to make me smile with your post and the one about the mobile phone message. Stumbleupon I have heard of but cannot face joining another social media site but sure you will pass on to us interesting stuff you find there. Sorry about the all in one comment but lots to catch up on since my last call by. I had no internet for four days thanks to a storm and have got behind with blog reading!