So, I love The Office! Did you see last week’s Koi Pond episode? Well it started off with a Halloween party and everyone had some pretty awesome costumes, but my favorite was Jim’s.
See, I love that kind of stuff and since I didn’t have any costume ideas, I decided to rip Jim’s off. Here’s my version:

I know you can’t tell from the picture above, but I have BIG BEAUTIFUL BROWN EYES. The kind of eyes that light up my face, the kind of eyes that might make you fall in love with me if you look into them too long. You probably think I sound immodest, but now is not the time for false modesty. You see, today I got some sad news about my BIG BEAUTIFUL BROWN EYES. I won’t go into all the details because I’m tired of crying, but basically I was told that if I continue to wear contacts I will lose my vision or even worse my eyes.
The choice is easy, I will no longer wear contacts, but I feel so unbelievably sad that my eyes, my BIG BEAUTIFUL BROWN EYES are so compromised. I will have to find eyeglasses that go well with a brown paper bag.
I’m sad. I feel like I am falling apart at the seams. All I wanted today was for someone to take care of me. My husband came home early and I made a beeline for his arms. It felt good to have someone hold and console me.
I love blogging, not just the writing, but the visiting of, reading of, and commenting on other blogs. Today I got a very nice email from one of my favorite bloggers from A Cat Named Anabel. She wrote:
Hi, Mami!!! I’m writing to let you know how much I always enjoy your comments. I wish there was a job “commenter” that paid $100 per comment because you would get that job and get rich! I love your comments on your blog (the next day, laughing all over again) and I also love your comments on other blogs. We read some of the same ones and I always love yours. You’re not just a wonderful blogger, you’re a gifted commenter!!!
I was very flattered by her kind words because I really do try to spread the comment love.
Having said that, I ask you to forgive me if I lag on the comments the next few days. I find my spirit feeling a little crushed and I need to take it easy and find a way to lift my spirit.
Have a wonderful weekend and if you have a moment can you please send my BIG BEAUTIFUL BROWN EYES some healing thoughts? Please.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
If you leave a comment and I hope you do because I go weak at the knees for comments, please leave your blog url (if you have one) so that I and others can visit you. I have Mami-brain and I need your help! Don’t let a Mami down.
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