It has been a crazy busy week for me as a blogger. I finally showed The Face Behind the Paper Bag (thank you all for the kind reception, I was very nervous) and I flew to Charlotte, NC to visit Britax headquarters in my role as a Britax Hispanic Digital and Social Media Outreach Blogger.
Now that what I look like is no longer a secret, I can show you a pick of me with my now in-real-life friend Helena from Pink Guayoyo. Such a treat to meet her on this trip.
When I was invited to join Britax, I was excited. Britax is a company that is synonymous with child safety and I was sure that I could stand behind them. I’m very careful about the companies that I choose to work with and many times I turn down offers because I don’t feel like they are a good fit in terms of my lifestyle and beliefs. Britax and their commitment to child safety seemed like a great fit, but I had no idea that I would completely fall in love with the company, their employees, and their products.
I learned so much and feel like I was embraced as a family member and partner. My fellow blogueras and I were treated excellently, engaged, embraced, and shown the operation up close and personal.
I feel proud and excited to be able to share what I learn with you now and in the future because although Britax is a for-profit company and therefore in the business of making money, they are also in the business of saving children’s lives and they take their business SERIOUSLY. No joke. My eyes were opened to my own negligent practices. I found myself texting my husband and telling him that we needed to replace our current car seats and until we got new ones we had to reinstall the ones we have because they weren’t tethered. I didn’t even know you were supposed to tether your child’s car seat. You know what they say…
Once you know better, you do better.
I highly recommend that you watch this video, even if you don’t have kids. Watch it! You will be amazed and you will need a tissue.
I have lots to tell you, but I’m on the plane back from Charlotte (yup, I’m blogging on the plane baby), so I’ll just give you a few highlights.
This was my first trip away from my kids since becoming a mom.
- Best part: SLEEPING!
- Worst part: I forgot my breast pump and I’m still nursing #BREASTFEEDINGFAIL. I ended up having to hand express into a cup. Not so much fun. I can’t wait to get home and get some help from Luna Pie.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
What an interesting post. On the subject of car seats, just two days ago we had front page news headlines telling us about a small child (5-ish) who was sitting in his mother’s lap in the front seat of their car. There was an accident and the child was hurled out of the car and came under the wheels of another vehicle. Everyone else is safe. Can you imagine?
Britax is lucky to have you on the team. Hugs. You’re a star.
That’s just tragic. I really did not expect to learn as much as did from Britax. I had no idea what I was really investing in when I buy a car seat. It’s not a purchase you want to cut corners on if you can avoid it.
30,000 foot internet – that’s the best. Quick trip to NC? You probably missed their great mountain greenery. Thanks for the tip on this company.
I’m sure we’ll all be learning valuable stuff, thanks to your connection to Britax. Thanks for sharing.
Very interesting, Mami, especially since I am in the market for a new car seat. I have 3 grandkids still little enough to be in one and the one I have is way beyond it’s recommend use period. I will be trying to do some educated shopping.
Not for nothing, but please if you can afford it consider buying Britax. Seriously the best out there.There are some promotions through Babies R Us where you can take in your old car seat and they give you some kind of a discount on a new one. I’m not sure when they run that promotion, but you should look into it. When I bought the ones I have now, I really did not know what I was cutting corners on and now I’m mortified that I’ve let my kids ride in them this long. I thought I was just buying plastic, foam and fabric, but what you are buying is the technology behind the product. Other companies manage the force of an impact through a child while in the car seat because it is easier, Britax manages the force through the actual seat so that your child takes much less of the force of impact through their body.
When Joey was in his spica cast (when he was 13 months old for 3 very long months…and again when he was 4 years old for 2 very long months) we rented a Britax car seat. It was their Hippo car seat. While it is a gigantic car seat (Joey was in a gigantic cast!) I felt safe keeping him in the seat and am thankful for Britax.
I’m getting new seats for both the girls and they are both much bigger than the seats we have now because they have all kinds of side impact protection. No one will be able to sit in the back seat between them anymore, but I think it’s totally worth the loss of space.
Hope you got some good ZZZZZzzzzz’s. Congrats on your big week as well!
My husband does public safety type things, and one thing they do is check that the car seats are properly tethered, if you bring your car in. And never ever buy a used car seat! my kids are older now but they know they have to buckle up every time.
How cool to finally see you. I’ve been exposing myself a bit more recently too. Oops in the nicest possible way of course. 😉
Bless your heart! I remember those breastfeeding days – – – mama needs baby as much as baby needs mama then!
It was such a pleasure to meet you! You should have added that my face was of complete happiness – as I am one of your biggest admirers/followers! Hope to meet again soon. Have a great weekend!
It’s amazing the info out for today’s parents, 18 years ago when my baby was born we had to go at it with a wish and a prayer. I think of all the mishaps that could have been prevented by just knowing more!glad you found a great company to stand behind.
So exciting! Glad you had a great trip.
I’ve seen that video before, but I really appreciated watching the story again. It sure pays to do your homework when it comes to car seats!
How exciting for you. Minus the breast pump. 😉
It was fantastic meeting you and can’t wait to start working with you on such a great product.
Sounds like an awesome trip. Britax is a great GREAT company!!!
Ohhh I feel for you & the hand expressing, so not fun. Even though I haven’t nursed in a year I could totally feel my boobs tighten up at the thought of not being able to nurse when you need to. OUCH!
I am going to mark this as unread so I can come back and watch the video when I have more time. I love learning the best and safest ways to keep our families safe.
Glad you had a nice time.
It was great meeting you! I too was just floored at the amount of testing and care that went into each one of their products. Glad to be a part of this awesome group.
It’s great to actually see your face! And congrats on your new business connection!
it was very nice to meet you! 🙂
It was a treat to meet you too!
It was great meeting you! You are living in my City! Truly, I left my heart there years ago, if you find it, please mail it back to me! 🙂
So your first trip away from your kids since becoming a mom is a working trip about infant/child safety. I think that is termed ‘a busman’s holiday’ right?
Hey, did I miss the un-veiling photo during dinner?
So nice to meet you too. I think you might have to come and visit your heart in SF.
You didn’t miss the unveiling at dinner. It didn’t happen.
It was great meeting you! I am also very excited to begin working with such wonderful brand accompanied by a group of bloggers tan Cheveres! Feliz Semana =)
It was really wonderful meeting you. BTW, I love the word chevere!
Mujer! No pump?! Ahhh! If I was there, you could have borrowed mine! (that’s gross, right?) I’ll be sure to pack it for our next Britax event 😉