Life had been a bit on the hectic side and I’m feeling discombobulated. Much of it has to do with the fact that I have been mismanaging my time. It is what it is.
I feel like my head is going to explode every time I look at my google reader. I have never been this behind on reading.
I found out that a friend is pregnant. I’m very excited for her., but I have to say my ovaries ached a bit. My husband and I have talked about having another baby, but we just aren’t there financially. Hmm, apparently my ovaries don’t care about our finances. Selfish ovaries.
Part of why I’ve been busy is because Nancy and I launched a new site! We are so proud of our little baby. Life 2 Us is a website where you can submit posts, find new blogs, new readers, speak your mind, and interact. We hope you will help us grow this community! We went “live” on Dec. 1st we’ve had a fantastic response. Please stop by if you haven’t already.

For those of you that have become members and contributed posts, thank you so much for your support. There is so much talent out there and it’s really exciting to have a forum in which to showcase it.
I’ve got a really good-lookin’ husband waiting for me in the bedroom so I’ll catch you later! Have a great weekend!
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
If you leave a comment and I do not return the visit it’s because you did not include your blog address in the comment form. I want to visit you, but I have Mami-brain and I need your help!
Oh my I am SO behind in everything too. I have been desperately trying to catch up and enjoy some summer as well. youngest grand baby turned 2 in June. She was #11. I cannot afford any more but I sure would like one:)