I’m about to share a million dollar idea with you. This idea was inspired by Mrs. 4444 (pronounced fours) because she encourages us all to Just Say No. The thing is so many people have such a hard time saying no that they say yes instead and commit to doing things they don’t want to do. Then there are the people that manage to say no, but feel compelled to give all kinds of excuses. Well, are you ready for it? I have come up with a solution: No Can Do! No Can Do! is a service that will say no for you when you can’t bring yourself to do it. Here’s an example:
Phone rings, you answer.
Your friend/relative/acquaintance: Hey You! How’s it goin’?
Your…: I was wondering what you were doing this weekend.
Your…: Well, I was wondering if you could help me out. Could you come over with your pick-up and help me move? It shouldn’t take very long…
This is where you start to panic because you do not want to spend your weekend helping this numskull move. Aha! Enter No Can Do!
Your…: Sure, but don’t leave me hanging. I really need help.
You call No Can Do! and explain the situation. We take all the pertinent details and you never have to worry about it again.
No Can Do! calls Your… back.
Your…: Hello.
Your…: Yeah?
Your…: Yeah.
Your…: What?! But, why? Can you tell me why?
I’m telling you, there is a market out there for this service. Remember all original content on this blog is copyrighted so don’t go trying to steal my idea.
I have skin issues. Yup! I do and you really want to know. I won’t go into all the gory details, but I have super-sensitive skin that rebels, cracks, and causes me discomfort. My hands in particular cause me problems. I need to keep them moisturized, but since I have very sensitive skin there are few products that agree with me.
A while back I was sent Skin MD Natural a “shielding lotion for face, hand, and body”. I wanted to give it a try, but I wasn’t too hopeful about it. Guess what? I like it and so does my skin. It’s very lightweight so it absorbs quickly, it is fragrance and colorant free (which can I digress for a moment – why does everything in the world have to have added fragrance?), and the very best part of is that it is paraben free. Parabens are the devil my friends. Do not use parabens! Do your own research, make up your own mind, but mine is made up and I do not use products with parabens. My skin does so much better without fragrance, without parabens, without junk. Anyway, if you are interested click on the image below and check out their info.
And that’s all she wrote, folks!
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