This week I pulled a total dumb-ass maneuver. I opened an email with an attachment from “DHL”, which was not from DHL and ended up with friggin’ Trojan Horses on my computer. As soon as I clicked it open I started trying to hit the rewind button, but life does not have a rewind button.
My husband was home at the time and as I was freaking out he said, “You shouldn’t have opened that email”. Uh, no shit Sherlock or shall I call you Master of the Obvious?! There is nothing like someone pointing out you are a bone-head when you are in the middle of dealing with the consequences of your bone-headedness.
The stupid Trojan Horse disabled my security software. I downloaded Malwarebytes, which is free, and I think my computer is all better. I know none of you are bone-heads so you won’t be dealing with this issue, but if you have a bone-head in the family or know one, you can tell them to use Malwarebytes it beats paying Geek Squad $149.
I’m going back to the eye doctor after spending over a month putting steroid drops into my BIG BEAUTIFUL BROWN EYES to combat iritis. I am hoping that it is all better. Wish me luck. I am so tired of worrying about it and having blurry vision from the steroid drops. I just want my eyes back.
I asked my mother if she would write a memoir of sorts that I could save for my daughter so that she would know more about my mother’s life. My mother started laughing hysterically as she said NO. I asked her why she wouldn’t do it and why she was laughing. She told me that her life had been full of too many painful experiences that she had no desire to write about and that she was laughing because if she didn’t she’d start crying. I started laughing with her.

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