- And the winner is:
- This is what my husband made us for dinner last night:
- Blogoholism update: I’m behind on my blog reading list and it’s driving me crazy. I did find the time to take a quiz and
- My inspiration:
Funny San Francisco Latina Blogger
81%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
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Hahaha, that is one sexy bag 🙂 That pizza looks delicious. Have a good weekend 🙂
July 17, 2009 7:19 AM
Stacy (the Random Cool Chick)
Your video cracked me up!! Especially the part of using your daughter’s lost head for drawing the winner… ;)How cool is your hubby making dinner? :)Your comic inspiration was funny, too! ;)Happy FF! 🙂
July 17, 2009 7:55 AM
Tammy Howard
Your daughter lost her head! Awesome!Feel better!
July 17, 2009 9:25 AM
Joanna Jenkins
I’ll say it again…. “Your daughter lost her head…” HYSTERICAL!!!Hope you’re feeling better
July 17, 2009 9:31 AM
Ms. Wanda
OMG how funny is that bag on your head, I love it!!! That dish your
husband made looks sooooooo good can we like get the recipe? Hope you
feel better soon:)
July 17, 2009 9:58 AM
Thanks for visiting my blog. Yum on the pizza. Double yum on your hubby cooking. Have a great weekend!
July 17, 2009 10:10 AM
4 Lettre Words
Last night’s dinner looks pretty darn good! (I should say “dang good” b/c I’m a Georgia Peach. Oh, well!)
July 17, 2009 10:15 AM
I posted a reply comment on my blog but I will post it here also. I am
truly sorry if I have in some way offended you but please read on:Unknown–I
never said I would segregate them. I’m glad that I and my children have
seen a different side of things. I said that if they were my children
they wouldn’t have privileges (well–many of them wouldn’t). I have been
talked back to, hit at, kicked and screamed at, my children called
curse words I wouldn’t dare utter, things thrown at my children…etc.
We feed these people dinner and try to help them in any way possible.
They tell me “I’m not here for you, I’m here for dinner…and I don’t
need your church program but my mama said she don’t want’ me around the
house”….some of them are wonderful….truly wonderful. On the other
hand I separated two kids beating each other with belts. One turned and
said that she wasn’t going to put her belt back on or give it to me, but
that she would hit me with it. That is what I’m referring to. I don’t
want them to be segregated….I want their parents to CARE!! I want them
to realize that they can be better than what they see but unfortunately
many of them have made up their minds by the time they are in 5th grade
or so that they don’t like school and don’t want people to help them. I
have quite a bit to say on this subject myself! I have had to get
assistance myself…but I gaurantee you I’m not driving a Lexxus around
while on Food Stamps and living in Govt. housing. I guarantee you that
my 6 year old child won’t tell you to “get the f*&^ out my
face”….in order to be better they have to want better….or they won’t
get anywhere. I had a woman who came because her child was hysterical.
When her child wouldn’t come with her the mother said the child would
“be fine” and left her. Twice. It seemed the only thing she was worried
about was pawning her kid off on someone else. She wouldn’t even come in
the building with the kid….just sent her with me. I’m sorry if I have
offended you…but I truly have seen more this week than I ever needed
to. They have to want better to do better….and I don’t want to
segregate anyone. I simply want them to want better. Period.
July 17, 2009 10:47 AM
Wow that pizza looks good!
July 17, 2009 11:34 AM
YaYa is right…that looks delicious! I commented in my comments….but all the same here you go:–Unknown–Ok….I’m
sorry if I got on the defense…lol..This is the bad thing about
blogging/texting/other ways of written communication. You can’t ‘hear’ a
person’s tone. It is stupid to segregate them…but then the rich
people controlling everything don’t want to live next to “those kind of
people”…what ever would they do? I have truly enjoyed working with
some of these kids…and some of them not so much. I wish that they
could see things differently…I am a firm believer that you either
unconsciously decide to be just like (or pretty close to) your parents’
ways of doing things…or make a conscious effort to do
better/differently. Especially when it comes to things like
that…unfortunately…many don’t change. I saw a girl the other day
that I went to school with. She grew up in these neighborhoods. She had
close to a 4.0 GPA in high school….yet she has chosen to stay in the
“projects” and now has several children of her own running around the
projects un-supervised…yet they drive a car I could never afford.
Thank you so much for taking the time to come back. I’m so happy to have
‘resolved’ this….and apologize for immediately getting defensive
instead of looking at things differently.
July 17, 2009 11:49 AM
Can your husband come cook at my house??
July 17, 2009 12:13 PM
Your husband is creative. The pizza looks yummy! I loved your video!
July 17, 2009 4:59 PM
The pizza looks divine :)Congrats to the Winner (I had to turn it off 1/2 way through due to protest in the family room (no headphones)!I have so far resisted taking that test, because I’m pretty sure I’d get 100%. Maybe…
July 17, 2009 5:07 PM
Congrats to the winner! The Pizza looked awesome:) Loved your blog.
July 17, 2009 8:46 PM
Oh the drama, the intrigue you have brewing at your blog! What did I
miss while I was at my SITS party? Gonna have to stay up later to
stalk, damn! And, I knew I loved you for a reason! Westside!
July 17, 2009 8:51 PM
OMG I love the video thing! I soooooo want to do that! Love the bag on your head…Dinner looks like a receipe I have used from Pampered chef??? Just wondering…Hope you feel better soon!~waves~
July 17, 2009 10:38 PM
The Redhead Riter
You can’t go wrong if the recipe has one ingredient called POTATOStopping by from SITS to share the blog ♥ !Have a great Saturday!
July 17, 2009 11:10 PM
Wooo hoooo! I win!!! =) Thanks girlie! Cant wait to get the Mag and dream of the house I dont currently have! lol =)
July 18, 2009 9:43 AM
Helen McGinn
You are freakin’ awesome…*LOL*!
July 20, 2009 5:31 AM
Helen McGinn
BTW…awesome looking pizza! Rock on unknowndadi! xx
July 20, 2009 5:33 AM