I got all worked up because I had to go to the psychiatrist. I take medication for anxiety. I am grateful for this medicine and do not feel ready to stop. Even though I am grateful for this medication, I am having issues with my weight and I believe the medication is contributing to my girth and inability to degirthify. What to do?
I wanted to ask the psychiatrist to try a different medication, but I was sure he would dismiss my concerns. I had this imaginary argument with him in my head. I walked into the appointment all stressed out and his response was that my concerns were reasonable and that of course we could try something else. He also suggested I get my thyroid checked. Yup, he was totally cooperative and responsive. I had a fight in my head with him for no good reason and based on nothing other than my own issues. And this is me on anxiety medication, can you imagine me not on it?
I am very behind on blog reading and it is stressing me out! Why am I getting stressed out by something that is supposed to be fun?
And that’s all she wrote!
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