We had family visiting and I couldn’t stop laughing after a particular exchange…
It was between a mother and son.
Son: Why are you leaving now? You are just going to hit traffic.
Mother: It doesn’t matter when I leave, there is always traffic.
Son: You should just wait.
Mother: I should just lose some weight?!
Son: That’s not what I said.
I made an announcement yesterday. In case you missed it: I’m pregnant. Going on 12 weeks. I’m due on Feb. 20th. I’ve been trying to keep it to myself until after the first trimester, but it has definitely been affecting my blogging. I lost the contract to my work from home job about a month and a half after I confirmed that I was pregnant. I was already stressed about losing the job, but knowing that we have anther little one on the way really intensified my worry. Anyway, that’s what’s been going on in my life and it’s distracted me from blogging.
If you are interested and haven’t entered already, I am hosting a giveaway for $100 gift certificate to CSNStores.com. Click HERE to enter.
If you have a moment…
And that’s all she wrote!
That's an awesome conversation if I ever heard one.
And I'm sure you, Papi and the two Mami Jr's will do great. 🙂
Congrats on your new baby! Best wishes for an easy and enjoyable pregnancy.
Woah…I so admire the 'Target lady' for taking a stand. The reality however is that whilst she may receive comments of support, the majority of people talk the talk but don't walk the walk. I say this, sadly, through bitter experience.
And whilst I'm here, can I just say !! yay !! again on the good news. Have faith about the job, finances and wotnot … these things have a way of working themselves out.
Congratulations on the pregnancy! May you have a great pregnancy, short and easy delivery and a healthy happy baby!
Good for that woman to take such a strong stand. I would probably go into withdraw if I couldn't go back to Target. I'm not 100% sure, but our Target only donates to local schools. They have a chart on the wall showing updates of the amounts of $$ they have given to each school.
Don't worry! You will be fine. I know you will. You are a strong woman and you will take care of what needs to be taken care of. 🙂
Ok, first of all…I wondered what was up with you? I kind of noticed you absent a bit. I hear that you are stressed and the job situation is yucky, but I hope it's okay that I am SO happy for you and your family! Congrats. I'm a big believer that people with big hearts like you have good things on the road for them. I really think everything will work out.
And the Target video. Man….I was feeling really conflicted about the whole thing and now this Grandma makes me cry. I'm not conflicted about Target's wrong doing. It's sad and it makes me angry. I'm conflicted because I don't shop at Walmart for similar political reasons. I have to choose between the two because they are my only choices for my family shopping. Ugh! How frustrating.
In other news, I know you have written about the Arizona ugliness with immigration laws. We emailed about how my church has been protesting? I got news on my facebook that the Unitarian Universalist Church now has a national campaign and they have been protesting in Arizona with “stand on the side of love” t-shirts! I thought you might like that?
Again, Congrats on the pregnancy!
All the best,
lol on the conversation, pregnancy does affect your hearing eh? smiles.
That's awesome about your church.
The Target situation is really bumming me out because I love shopping at Target, but I am going to refrain for the time being.
Oh My Gosh…That is wonderful..Congrats..Im glad Im back to hear the great news….The work will come…Take care of yourself..!
That conversation is hilarious! And congratulations on #2! Woot-woot!
I was the only one at the time that found that conversation hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing.
OMG – Feb 20 is the best day EVER!!! That's when I was born!!!
I can't believe that video! I'm off to do some research. I love Target!! I hate that companies have to get all political and ruin things!!!
Hear, hear!
Well, that is an auspicious day!
Hey Fragmented Lady — there is a big thank you for you over at my place. Come see when you feel up to it. And don't worry, there is absolutely NOTHING for you to do but bask in my adoration. You are a blog goddess, with or without morning sickness!!!
WOW, WOW, WOW!!!! Congratulations Mami. I'm gone for a day and missed your big news. Thanks for the second post about baby #2.
I know how stressed you've been about your job. I wish I could turn you on to the perfect job opportunity. But I'm cheering you on and hoping things work out for you VERY soon.
In the meantime, REST and don't worry about blogging so much. We'll still be here and cheering you on.
xoxoxoxoxo jj
May your pregnancy bring nothing but smiles to your lips, laughter to your ears, beauty to your eyes, and lots of gross food that is only yummy during pregnancy to your tummy!
Congrats on the new baby! My guess is that Target supports the candidate not for his views on gays, but because he probably supports business interests. I hate it when people make election decisions based on only one issue.
OMG YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats!!! When the time comes will you find out if it's a boy or a girl or just wait for the birth?
How exciting!
Oh, what lovely news! I really do wish you all the best. Try not to get stressed – there are always stressors around whatever is going on in life, but when you look back later you'll realize that there was really no need to worry at all. I've had four babies under conditions that were less than ideal and everything turned out okay. Just keep your wonderful sense of humour no matter what happens and you'll be fine! xxxxxxx
Congratulations on the new baby! Hope you solve the job situation soon.
Awww, congrats!! I hope you find a job you can feel comfortable with!! Don't worry, work will always be somewhere, having babies has a window!! I'm feeling that way here, anyway. Good luck!
I think I heard Target was already issuing an apology?
Yay, you are doing well with your pregnancy. I send you such big hugs and love it when you feel like posting on your blog. This is awesome news.
February is such a nice time to have a little love-bug!
I'll look into the apology because I really like shopping at Target.
I'll find out the gender. I'm not a very patient person.
Congratulations to you and your husband. Wonderful news. I pray that you have lessworries so you can enjoy this time.
I'm not sure what to tell the lady who is boycotting Target. Um, most large companies do donate to both sides of the fence. They hedge their bets. I'm not sure what this Tom person has done or said. I hope she votes against him. That would help. Also, she may find that her boycott doesn't last long. My mom is still boycotting K-Mart, I think. She's mad at how they treated my Aunt Mary. She tried to drag me in on it, but I ignored her. I just let Walmart walk all over them, so I now I shop there because it's a better store. And speaking of boycotts, there's a ton of people who boycott Walmart for various reasons. All I know is I have to shop somewhere because I'm not about to grow my own food or make my own clothes. Hard to live in an imperfect world.
Apparently, Target has issued an apology. I think that Target will keep making money no matter what, but I think it's great that we can voice our opposition on certain things and be heard. Enough of their client base spoke up that they were forced to at least re-visit the issue.
And maybe your mom's boycott worked because K-Mart's not doing so hot. What, you don't think your mom's one-woman boycott is the reason so many K-Mart's closed down? Probably not.
Congratulations on your news – sorry to hear such joyful news coincided with being told you had lost your work from home job.
Awww – CONGRATULATIONS Mami 🙂 Things always find a way of working themselves out. Take it easy!
So this guy is running for Minnesota governor and I did a quick check on the issues page of his web site. He clearly states that he is opposed to same sex marriage. I'm not from MN so I don't know anything else about him.
Two things bother me a little about this – 1) I wish people didn't get so focused on just one issue and looked at the big picture. (like I said I don't know anything more about the guy and since he is R party I probably wouldn't agree with much of his views)
2) People really need to wake up about big companies buying influence. It's not a good system and I think it is going to get much worst.
Regarding sex and marriage – CONGRATULATIONS to the Unknowns and may you always have another paper bag handy for the web shared photos (I assume your family gets the unaltered photos).
Hilarious conversation!
I dunno, I'm not around for a while and all this stuff happens! Humungous congratulations and best wishes for the months (and years!) ahead 🙂
The Target thing just kills me. Why couldn't it have been Wal-Mart? I already knew they were bad news.
Congrats again on this pregnancy. It will all work out, dear friend.
Ahh! YAY, congratulations you! Fingers crossed it all goes well. I can't wait to hear all about the new crying voice in your home soon. It'll work out somehow, right? *hugs*
That conversation is so awesome. Ha ha!
Congrats on the pregnancy! Every kid deserves to be born to a great mom like you.
Geez… now I wish I shopped at target on the regular so that I could join the movement. Unfortunately, I can't boycott where I don't shop.
It'll all work out. I'll pray for y'all. 🙂
I missed the original announcement! Congrats to you mami!!
Congratulations hon. I'm really happy for you. ((hugs)).
Loved the video; that woman was obviously distressed and very brave…good on her!
HOORAY!HOORAY! CONGRATULATIONS!! I am SO happy for you!! It will all work out, I'm certain. And look at it this way–now you have something to blame that extra weight (mentioned in your other post) on!
What a powerful tool the Internet is, and I love it. That woman's video is yet another example of what makes America great.
WooHoo!!! Another Put Pie.2
Should I crochet in pink or blue or …..?