I would like to dedicate today’s post to romance. I am a sucker for love and romance, always have been, always will be.
I have been blessed with an abundance of love in my life. I may be lacking in some areas, but I have never lacked love.
This morning I woke up and put my hand on my husband’s back and was so grateful to have him in my life. I’m always grateful for him, but today maybe more than other days. Why? Because yesterday I found out that my bloggy buddy, The Good Cook has suddenly and unexpectedly lost her husband. She refers to him as TBHITW (The Best Husband in the World) on her blog. Her loss has really touched me. It is obvious from her posts that she married her best friend and it breaks my heart to think of what she is going through. If you have a moment, please stop by her place and offer her some kind words.
My husband is truly a wonderful person. Anyone that knows him would have to agree. I feel lucky to have him in my life. Sometimes I get scared because his father, who I am told was also an amazing man, died in his 40’s. My husband was only 16 when his father passed. Treasure what you have while you have it because EVERY SINGLE DAY is a gift.
Have you ever seen, The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics? I love this piece. I remember it from childhood and love to revisit it. It’s about 10 minutes long, I know that’s long for a blog post, but sooo worth it. Check it out if you haven’t seen it and share it with the kids in your life.
The Dot and the Line : A Romance in Lower Mathematics
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Hi Mami…. I am crying like a baby after reading The Good Cook’s post about her husband, and your post about yours. Today and always I am taking an extra minute to look my husband in the eyes and tell him how important he is to me a how very loved he is.
Big sigh.
xo jj
What a touching post! I am so sorry for your friend’s loss.
Going over to pay respects to your friend now. I can’t imagine losing my husband. Like you, I fear this a lot because his dad was barely 50 when he died suddenly. To lose your partner in life? You best friend? I feel sick just thinking about it.
Thank you for letting me know about this. Thank you for reminding me to pat my husband on the back and to kiss his sweet head.
How sad! I’m so sorry for her loss and I’ll go and visit her.
We definitely need to treasure those that we love!! Thanks for the reminder.
Live every day like it is our last and be grateful for what we have together. I am also married to my best friend. Recently one our very best male friends died of cancer at 53, a cruel death so this post hits a tender spot. I do not know your friends blog and do not want to intrude, but I have quietly read a few of her recent posts. Maybe you will pass on condolences to her via this post.
I haven’t been over to the Good Cooks site, but I did watch the Dot and the Line. I don’t recall ever seeing it before, but I loved it. Thanks for showing it today.
I’m just furious with my husband today and of course I read something that makes me rethink the whole thing. Thank you for that.
I’m glad you liked The Dot and the Line. I think it’s wonderful.
Passing away is always a sad event.
Death does remind me of living and those living in my world. It does add some importance to getting together with friends.
I had never seen or heard of the dot and line but it did draw me in.
It is so easy to take our loved ones for granted and they can be gone so quickly.
I watched the entire video. Hubby asked from the other room what I was watching. I told him and he said cool and watched it. The good cook is hurting. And her children too. This is so darn sad.
What a horrible loss. I’m so sorry for her. We do have to appreciate each day we hve.
great post…
keep being romantic, it makes your life more interesting!
I will go by “The Good Cook” – I’ve never visited her site but I am so sad for her after reading her post. Yours today was very sweet and makes me stop and think of all those near and dear to me in my life. It is good to remember this often in the hustle and bustle of our everyday existence.
Thanks so much for alerting us to The Good Cook. I will visit her often. L
very nice post. my wife and kids are away on vaca until the end of the month and this is the first time I don’t have them around. man, let me tell you, walking home to an empty house after getting your ear used to your kids cheering you are home, is not a good feeling. so grateful right now.
I love that one! Thanks for sharing.
From time-to-time I hear about bloggers losing someone close, and it’s always sad. We’re all part of a blogging community, and even though you don’t know them personally, you still feel a sense of loss. I hope she has a good support system to hep her through it. The older I get, the more I appreicate the people in my life.
I, too, am married to my best friend and can’t imagine life without him. I’ll go and visit the good cook now. Great post, as usual!
I’m happy that you realize what you have with your husband. I know that in time I will be able to smile at the memory of our life together. Time. It is fleeting and you are right to take a moment everyday for thanks.
Ok I am an asshole. I was feeling all disgruntled towards my husband because he is working so much lately leaving me to care for 3 kids and entertain his out-of-town family. Thanks for the perspective,I needed that. I love him, he has a job, our kids are healthy and we have a huge and loving family.
I am sorry to hear of your friend’s loss. I lost an actual blog follower and blogging friend this week unexpectedly (she was 40) and it was tough for me to take. Much tougher than I thought it would be.
Hey, I am going to be doing my first “Sundays in my city” tomorrow, I think and hope at least.
Yay, can’t wait to see it!
OMG! I had no idea. How tragic. I am a regular on her blog and am very saddened.
This is beautiful, friend.
very sad for the good cook. it’s a reminder to us all: tomorrow is promised to no one, so **live** each day, absorb it, savor it, thank your lucky stars for it. in the end, it’s all we can do.
I watched the video, it was cute!
Today I was actually talking to a friend and I said that on my first date with Derek, I knew we would be together. It wasn’t love at first site. That emotion grew over time. But when we went out and had that one-on-one time, it was like my soul said, “Ahh, there you are. I’ve been looking for you.” *click* It was…. magic. I’m a very sensible, reasonable and fact-loving person but that day, I felt like the universe gave me a message and had been trying to tell me about him for some time. I’m only sorry it took nearly a year to listen. And now, we’ve been together for over 2 years, which I know is not that long but I don’t remember what life was like before him. He’s my friend, my partner in life, my husband and my family.
That is so very true, and I love that you have love. With that, we can do and be anything. And I love that you aren’t complacent with what you have but embrace and DO love.
Awesome post! How did I miss this one?
I am deeply moved by this post, Mammi.
I am so glad for you! ’cause love is a very splendid thing!
Big hugs
B xx
P.S. Came back from vacation. Missed you!
Even thought it’s the middle of the night, I think I’ll go give the hubs a kiss. We truly should appreciate every second we have with our loved ones!
I remember that…and it’s still just as cool.
I’ve never seen that video-It’s really cute (and funny). I loved the vocabulary!
I’m glad you introduced me to The Good Cook. She’s clearly a beautiful person. Such a sad story.