Last Friday, I went to the movies with a good friend. I had free movie passes that were about to expire and I called up my friend and asked him if he would like to take me out. He said yes! We ended up seeing “Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work”, mostly because he wanted to. I will be perfectly honest and say that I was not that excited about the film, but I was so excited to get out as just me, not someone’s mother or wife, that I didn’t care what we saw. Well, the movie was FANTASTIC! I’ve never considered myself a Joan River’s fan, but this woman truly kicks ass. The film was honest, touching, sad, and inspiring. I am so glad that my friend wanted to see it because otherwise I never would have seen it and it would have been my loss.
Pregnancy update: I felt the baby move, which is crazy because I am only 14 weeks, but I felt it. I was lying on my side, snuggling with Put Pie (my daughter), just about to fall asleep when I felt the tiniest little movement . It was like two itty bitty bubbles in my belly. If I had never been pregnant before I would have just dismissed the feeling, but that was my baby.
We had some crazy hot days in San Francisco this week. It is not normally hot here during the summer. When the rest of the country is burning up, we’re wearing sweaters. We heard on the news that the heat causes delays on BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) trains. The following conversation ensued:
Unknown Mami: I don’t understand why the heat causes train delays.
Unknown Papi: Yeah, I don’t get it either.
Hours pass…we are now in bed, talking about something totally different…
Unknown Papi: Wait! I know why the heat causes BART delays.
Unknown Mami: Why?
Unknown Papi: Because the drivers take the day off and go to the beach.
Unknown Mami: Hahahahaha…
I looked it up and the delays are caused because the heat affects the metal on the tracks.
And that’s all she wrote!
You felt your baby…that’s wonderful! I remember those times, and it was such a great feeling.
You’re right about San Francisco! I remember going on vacation there about 20 years ago in July. Froze my bootie off!
Haha, I like Papi’s theory better.
I remember those special moments of feeling my baby. I think that I missed quite a few of the early ones not knowing what it was…..but hopefully if I’m blessed with a second one I will feel those early moments like you did. What a precious thing.
That is funny about the trains. I think the beach theory is correct! =)
Stopping by from FF… I love Joan, didn’t know she had a movie until today…. I will have to check it out!
Ahh… the metal probably “swells” in the heat, affecting the slide-factor. Interesting.
Yea, Baby!!
I watched the trailer-It really does look good. I’ll see it. Should I see Eat, Pray, Love first?
I vote for Unknown Papi answer for the BART delays. Oh I guess the system was named before the Simpsons aired on TV – right?
I must have missed the post about you having a baby! Congrats! That is very exciting.
It has been terribly hot (110) and humid down in SoCal. We are not usually humid like this and I’ve had just about enough of it. Oh, to wear a sweater in August.
I can imagine the Joan Rivers’ movie is fascinating.
It’s lovely you felt your baby; fun and exciting.
I thought the trains would be slow because more people use it instead of walking.
Congrats on feeling the baby! I miss that part the most. Have a great weekend. Happy FF!
The one and only thing about pregnancy that I feel sentimental about is the baby moving, especially those early flutters. Just wonderful 🙂
You felt your baby? Oh.. that made me smile. That is what makes women so special and wonderful, isn’t it? Life. Feeling and nurturing and growing life.
I may go see the Joan Rivers movie. She has chutzpah.
Oh you felt the first flutter! How excited I am for you! I didn’t think I wanted to see the ‘Joan Rivers’ film but now I’m rethinkin’ it.
You have yourself a fantastic Friday sweetie!!!
Awww…..I almost started crying over the baby movement! So miraculous! Incredible! It sounds like you had a great night with friends!
Have a great weekend!
I remember how exciting it was to feel those first little flutters. (I read somewhere that you feel it earlier if you’ve been pregnant before.) So happy for you!
I find Joan Rivers irritating. The Voice and that weirdo nose she now has. I can’t stop staring at the nose and I lose whatever else is going on. Very strange.
sounds like a movie I need to see……congrats, how cool to feel the baby;)
Steven Anthony
Man Dish~Metro Style
Life in the Fish Bowl
Good for you to venture out with a friend and see a movie that you wouldn’t normally want to see. Thanks for the info on the movie. I wouldn’t have been interested in it either.
Give the new baby a hug from me. This is exciting.
ooo, kicking baby – how cute… :)I watched the trailer – I want to see that movie!
But boy, why has she spoiled her look with botox and several face lifts…Why is it so difficult to age naturally?!
Joan Rivers has really renewed and remade herself.
Ah, the miracle of life. And you get to feel it. Enjoy mom.
Free movie passes expire?! I have a couple, I better check the date!!!! I love Papi’s reasoning about why the BART is delayed on hot days, hahaha!!!
Joan Rivers? I’m definitely not a fan. I hate that she had so much plastic surgery that she looks like she is perpetually coming out of her mother’s vagina, cursing all the way. That just annoys me. But, I might give this movie a chance…
How exciting, to feel your baby move!! 🙂
Glad to know you enjoyed the movie and had a great night out. I read a favorable review of the movie saying that this movie is a surprise and a joy.
Love it!! you make me smile with the BART conversation LOL I didn’t know you were 14 weeks pregnant!! (en que mundo vivo!!) congratulations!! i started feeling my second baby sooner that my first one, i love that feeling.
So now you’re going to have to come up with a new anonymous name for the new baby. How about a reader contest?
Congrats!!! On baby!!!!!
The second pregnancy you feel the baby move MUCH earlier, but 14 wks is STILL pretty early! 🙂
Don’t you love that feeling?? I do. Sometimes I swear I still feel it and I know it’s not real…or it’s gas.
I’ve also heard great things about that movie!
congrats on feeling the baby move! I’m 29 weeks and this little guy has taken up mixed martial arts in an effort to increase his living space… we’re at the all arms and legs stage… but I remember those first wonderful flutters fondly! thanks for following acting balanced – I am your newest follower too!
I have not been to the movies since SATC II came out. Glad you had a fun night out.
Awww, what a fun time feeling the baby move. I loved that part of pregnancy.
Today I dreamed that I got pregnant and then had the baby at home. ha!
My brother saw the movie and I know he liked it. As you know we have been very hot in Southern California too. The cool is coming………….
Amazing feeling with the baby – precious! Bubbles, hiccups? So cute!
That Joan Rivers movie looks great, actually. I’ve always had respect for her, not a huge fan, but she has her moments.
Now I love my kid, but my wife let me feel her move once before she was born. Honestly it was like the movie ALIEN in there and it freaked me out. I know I am a wimp and it would be different if the baby was inside me, but I do not want to feel things moving around under skin EVER! W.C.C.
I wouldn’t have even thought about going to the movie either – but then again – I go to very few movies. (Of course I say this as I went to the movies last night LOL) I have a love/hate relationship with Joan Rivers, but I am fascinated with Biographies. I think I’ve just talked myself into it!
Who would have guessed that Joan Rivers would prove to be so interesting? I mean, besides Joan Rivers.
Papi is awesome.
Because you know it is considered one of the best documentaries ever made about a celebrity:)
so cool you felt the baby move…affects the metal on teh tracks…and i bet the drivers as well…
Oh, the first little flutters! How exciting!!!
I’ve heard great things about the movie. I’m glad that you enjoyed. I am more glad, however, that you had some “you” time.
We’ve had crazy heat here, too. Tuesday was 107. Even for Texas and even in August, that is CRAZY hot.
Congrats on your special “bubbles”. Like champagne but better.
Hey! You got pregnant when I wasn’t looking!
Congratulations. Hope you’re feeling well
I am glad Joan’s movie was good. I want to see it too.
Congratulations on the baby! I loved feeling the baby kick for the first time. I’m nearly 24 weeks along now, so my baby has progressed from bubble pops to full-out ninja kicks. 😉
1st…so excited to get a prego update! I loved those little bubbles! 2nd…I MUST see that movie now. It looks incredible! I have never heard of it.
How can you not find Osama, there’s one outlet in all of Afganistan… Find a plug and follow it!!!!
HILARIOUS… I loved this post 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
I don’t think I would’ve seen that movie either, but after watching the trailer it does look interesting!
I’ve always wondered about the heat related weather delays. I think UP is onto something 😉
Dearest Unknown Mami: I’m so sorry that I’ve been gone for so long this summer that I missed your pregnancy announcement. CONGRATULATIONS!
WHAT? How did I miss the fact you’re pregnant? OMG, OMG, OMG! Congratulations!!!!!!!
I remember noticing those early flutters the second time around too! So exciting!
How exciting about your baby flutters!!