Awhile back I mentioned that Unknown Papi wanted to start a business coming up with blog names (he thinks he has a gift for it). Today he came up with a blog name for himself. He said that if and when he starts a blog he will call it, “The Prominent Proboscis”. He happens to be gifted with a larger than average nose, so it’s perfect.
This week one of my Twitter updates was, “Either I’m grouchy or everyone else is annoying.” I’m still feeling that way and I would like to believe that everyone else is annoying, but since I happen to be the only constant in every interaction then the rational side of me has to conclude that I am grouchy and it is not everyone else. I think being rational is HIGHLY over-rated.
Pregnancy Update: I am 15 weeks along and things are going well. I’d have to say so far this pregnancy has been easier and more pleasant than the last. I am however far more tired than last time. The crazy pregnancy-induced dreams that I am having are not helping at all. From the second I fall asleep until the moment I wake up, it’s non-stop dreaming. Here are a few examples of my most recent dreams.
- I was dating Sean Combs a.k.a P.Diddy, we would only see each other at night and we had to be very careful because his mother was trying to shoot him. On one of our dates he complained that I never dress up to see him and I said, “Yeah, I’m supposed to dress up so your mother can shoot us? I don’t think so.”
- I dreamt that my nose hairs were growing out of control. It didn’t matter if I would trim them, as soon as I was done the nose hairs would grow back, shooting wildly out of my nose.
Why can’t I have pleasant soothing dreams? Maybe those will come later.
And that’s all she wrote!
I’ve never had a PDiddy dream. Sounds like yours what funny tho!
The Prominent Proboscis is so much more clever than what I would have called “My Super Schnozz!”.
I can never attribute anything to being grumpy….people are always annoying. Even the nice ones. I’m awful.
P. Diddy? Wow….I would have never guessed. I had crazy sex dreams when I was prego. CRRRazy.
I love your husband!
Those certainly sound like pregnancy/hormone related dreams. Girl you need some good dreams! Hope things get better…
Can’t. Stop. Laughing.
I love the blog name but ohhhhh those dreams. That’s really special. Really REALLY special. I don’t remember having dreams like that, but if only!
I always LOVED the crazy-dream part of pregnancy!
Not a fan of those dreams – eeek!! The nose hair one is enough to scare me for months!
Those are great dreams. You could start a reality show (they are based on anything – no standards in that industry) about your dreams.
Hey just wondering being that your pregnant – are you barefoot too?
all the best
Uh… that dream, with the nose hairs… I live that EVERY DAY!
My money is on every one else is annoying.
Yeah, those dreams would wake me up too. Dang! And BTW…I think it’s VERY possible for people to be exceedingly annoying all the time. I feel that way most days. 🙂
Your dreams definitely sound different.
I am not pregnant and I have those days where I’m either really crabby or everyone I come in contact with is a complete moron. I’m not convinced the latter isn’t true.
i’d still go with everyone being annoying. because most people ARE annoying so, it’s pretty much a fact, which makes it science…and you can’t argue with science. or something.
at least you weren’t dating The Situation in your dreams as I was last night. it wasn’t pleasant.
have a great weekend!
You have the best dreams!
I NEVER have dreams like that. I wonder what is wrong with me.
I hopeyour pregnancy stays “pleasant.”
Welcome to being pregnant. I remember being grouchy and having weird dreams as well. I like the one about P. Diddy. Made me laugh. Sounds like something I’d dream. Well, here’s hoping that the dreams subside and you can get a good night’s sleep.
when your preggers you get a pass for being grouchy…glad this pregnancy is easier on some fronts…honestly I can not imagine being preggers you ladies ROCK! any and all pregnant mamas! I just couldn’t do it
Ahhhh the pregnancy dreams. Kinda makes you feel like you are some psycho huh. Soooo glad to hear all is going well. I was more tired with each of mine as well, I think it has to do with being older each time & of course already having one to take care of.
I have crazy dreams all the time…only I’m not pregnant!
Oh, those are two very scary dreams! Maybe Unknown Papi’s suggested blog name triggered that nosy dream? – G
Sometimes P Diddy stops by my dreams too…like he isn’t involved in enough stuff??
I get the exact same way–like every other human in the world is trying to be the most irritating towards me that they can possibly be. Luckily it only lasts a few days at most. Unluckily, I can’t claim that I’m pregnant as an excuse!
Sometimes P Diddy stops by my dreams too…like he isn’t involved in enough stuff??
I get the exact same way–like every other human in the world is trying to be the most irritating towards me that they can possibly be. Luckily it only lasts a few days at most. Unluckily, I can’t claim that I’m pregnant as an excuse!
You seem to be showing your nose obsession in this post – Prominent Proboscis and uncontrollable nose hairs? – There’s probably a 12 step program for that.
You seem to be showing your nose obsession in this post – Prominent Proboscis and uncontrollable nose hairs? – There’s probably a 12 step program for that.
So that’s what really happened with J Lo…his mother tried to shoot her? I better emphasize JUST A DREAM before one or both of us gets sued…
Oh those mad pregnancy dreams 🙂 Creating blog titles sounds like a great idea – love your husband’s name for his own.
I’m grouchy too, but I also think everyone else is annoying: I think the two go hand-in-hand.
Great name for your husbands’ blog. Cool that he is even considering blogging. I love it when my hubby has a blog. He just doesn’t keep them very long. Ha. He likes making changes, thank goodness he changes everything else except me.
it’s not just you — people are annoying the crap out of me lately – and I know it’s really just me and hating on myself!! Glad you are feeling well…hopefully the bad dreams will subside soon – those are some interesting ones. The nosehair issue is troubling 😉
I’m going with everyone else is annoying. Because it can’t be me.
Sean Combs? :-/ Ma$e would have been a better choice.
What? ::innocent look::
In my conscious state I am not the least bit attracted to Mr. Combs, but apparently the subconscious me feels differently.
1. CONGRATS!!! 2. I’m jealous. HA! I’ve got baby #2 fever in a baaaaaaad way!
Wow. Even in your dreams you are putting your man back in his place. GOOD FOR YOu! 🙂
Omigoodness–The ear hair nightmare is crazy! I love it. Sorry you don’t! 🙂