What’s that? You haven’t seen me around the blogosphere lately? Oh that’s because my mother is visiting so computer time is limited. Do you see how I sacrifice for family?
I recently won a giveaway from Little Citizens of the Word. She has an awesome Etsy shop with wonderful things for little ones. Check it out!
Put Pie is going to her first class ever today! It’s just a toddler time class for an hour, still it feels like a momentous occasion. I have to give a shout out to the Recreation and Parks Dept. of San Francisco. We are a family of very limited funds. I would have loved to take Put Pie to other classes, but we just can’t afford them. Then I found this class through Recs and Parks and it’s once a week for an hour for a total of 5 weeks. Do you know how much it cost me? $10!!! That’s like $2 an hour. Amazing!!!
I love you guys. There was a natural gas explosion in San Bruno and some of you sent messages to make sure that my family and I are okay. We are fine and not in harms way at all. I really appreciate you thinking of us. What happened in San Bruno is tragic and these folks could really use your thoughts and prayers right now. So far there have been 4 deaths and 53 homes lost to fire.
Count your blessings…
Have a super time with your Mom! I look forward to tidbits later…tee hee!
My mommy visited last week and i went MIA on my blog too!
Have a super weekend!
Whoa, I didn’t hear about the explosion, glad you weren’t in harms way! And great price for Put Pie’s schooling. 🙂
Have fun with the fam! So glad the explosion was not near you, but it’s very sad.
Hooray for you and Put Pie. Learning independence for her and Me time to you. Glad you weren’t near the blast. Knew it was a bit of a distance from you based on the photos you’ve shown and a few bits and pieces of posts you have written.
How cool that Put Pie will have a chance to ease into a school situation and at her age an hour is a long time. I hope she likes it and makes some friends there.
Her first class is a huge moment! What an awesome deal!
Wow….really good (winning the giveaway, cost of classes) to really bad (explosion). I’m glad all is well with you personally.
I just heard about the fire and immediately came here – Thanks for the update 🙂
$2 an hour is awesome! I hope she enjoys it.
Glad to hear you’re doing fine and out of harms way. Lots of prayers for the family.
You know, I thought about you but I realized that if something DID happen you probably wouldn’t get my email anyway. 🙂 I might just be too cynical these days.
It’s amazing what bargains you can find when you look for them — counties are subsidized fairly well, and are using your tax dollars to create these great classes. We take advantage of that a lot.
Have a great weekend.
Thanks for this update on the explosion. Enjoy your real life family time away from the laptop. We’ll be waiting for more cute pictures and stories.
I would never suggest such a thing!!!
How nice to spend time with your Mami! 🙂
Glad you are ok. and it is wonderful that Put Pie is doing a class, yay for her! We are a family of very limited funds, too and my Serena never did go to pre-school, so when she started Kindergarten this year, it has been a huge change for her, but she is adjusting well!
I hope Put Pie had a fabulous time…and I can’t wait to hear some new mother-stories!
Praying for those in the explosion…
enjoy your mom 😉
as a guy who often digs around gas lines with machinery, I know how dangerous that they can be. The people are in my thoughts and prayers!
I love hearing about recreation programs for kids that are affordable! So important for communities. And my prayers to those in San Bruno. I didn’t know about the tragedy until now, but prayers are always never late, I’d say.
I didn’t hear about the gas explosion. That’s terrible! What a deal on the tot class. Have a great visit with your mom!
I can’t wait to hear about Put Pie’s new class! Please share pics! I hope your time with Grand Mami is fun for all.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Yay for the Toddler Classes for Put-Pie. I bet she LOVES it!
I’m glad you are safe!! I am happy that you found an affordable toddler class to do!! I feel the same way, my kids’ friends are in dance and gymnastics etc. and we can’t really afford those things. I found a Tae Kwon Do class that is just their thing, and it’s much more do-able!!
I heard about the explosion on the way home tonight. I can only imagine the PTSD that’s going to result from such a freakishly violent event. My heart goes out to the folks affected.
Yea on the class! She’s going to love it 🙂 Have a great weekend.
Glad you’re OK. That explosion was something else. Kind of makes one wonder about how fragile life is. Hope you are having a good visit with your mom.
I actually did think of you when I saw that fire this morning. Glad you are doing okay, but I feel for those families.
I just waxed my arm hair. Hurts like heck.
are you suggesting that the computer is not a member of the family???!
Yikes! Thank goodness you and your familia are fine. Unfortunately I don’t know my geography too well. I thought San Bruno was a city near San Francisco. I guess it’s similar to Lincoln Heights in LA? It’s not a city but a regional part of Los Angeles city.
Enjoy your visit with your momma.
Have lots of fun with your mother.
Prayers to the people in your town.
That would be a hell of a way to lose someone. Very glad your family is safe.
Thank you! Hope you are well.
So glad you are okay and keeping them all in my prayers.
I actually thought about you when I heard about the fire over there….whoah!
My parents are coming to stay for a bit, too, so I know how you feel. 🙂
I am so glad you and your family are safe! We had a gas explosion here on Thursday. 4 died..so sad..
Enjoy the time with your Mom.
All of my grand kids go to a camp sponsored by our local community college (student teachers run it for grades) it is 8 weeks and the cost is $20. The kids all love it.
You have a positive and powerful week!
I hope your mom has a great visit and that you all are having a grand family time.
My thoughts are with the people in San Bruno.
What an amazing deal — I am so glad that you found an opportunity for Put PIe and for you!
When I first heard the headline at the top of the news, they said San Francisco and I immediately thought of you. I am so sorry for those in San Bruno who lost their lives, loved ones, or homes. They are in my prayers.
All my best,