Fear and worry are physically exhausting. I spent a week fearing that the baby I’m carrying might not have any kidneys. I felt spent and tired. Fortunately, this Monday, I got some encouraging news; it looks like there is one kidney. One kidney is enough to live. Do you know the song “One”? It goes like this…
One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do
Two can be as bad as one
It’s the loneliest number since the number one
Well, in the case of kidneys, these lyrics do not apply. The loneliest number is zero and one can sound just as good as two to a hopeful Mami.
We got some more encouraging pregnancy news later in the week when the genetics counselor called with the results of the amniocentesis. Everything appears to be in order and it’s a GIRL!
We are not out of the woods, yet. My fluid is still dangerously low and that can cause all kinds of problems, but I have hope and hope is so much better than fear and worry. I actually had a couple of days this week where that little bit of hope made me feel ecstatic.
I have a beautiful friend that I have known since I was around 13 years old. She is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I met her when I felt so painfully awkward. I knew who she was, but I didn’t “know” her. One day during P.E. she was in the locker room brushing her hair in front of a mirror, I walked past her and she said, “Hi, how are you?” I answered, “I’m really craving banana cream pie.” She invited me to her house that weekend and we went and got banana cream pie. We’ve been friends ever since.
Today I found up that she woke up amd her significant other was in respiratory arrest. 911 was called. They are not exactly sure what happened, but he went into organ failure and most certainly has sustained brain damage. Things do not look good. It pains me that this has happened.
All I can think of are my friend’s beautiful blue eyes looking at me through that locker room mirror and offering a lifetime of friendship. I wish I could take some of this pain away from her. I wish that just for a moment I could go back in time and enjoy that slice of banana cream pie with her.
It’s hard to tell from the last week, but humor sustains me; it always has. If I were a superhero, my superpower would be the ability to make people laugh. I am not a superhero, but my superpower is still the ability to make people laugh. Since I have not been feeling particularly funny, I thought I would share some pregnancy jokes from folks that are far funnier than I.
“By far the most common craving of pregnant women is not to be pregnant.”-Phyllis Diller
“Never go to your high school reunion pregnant or they will think that is all you have done since you graduated.”- Erma Bombeck
“Life is tough enough without having someone kick you from the inside.” -Rita Rudner
“Instead of warning pregnant women not to drink, I think female alcoholics should be told not to fuck”- George Carlin
Got any good jokes to share? I could use a laugh. No jokes, how about just some good news? I would love to hear about anything wonderful or positive going on in your life.
Girl, those are some funny jokes!! 🙂
I love George Carlin.
I keep praying for you. Now I’ll add your friend and her husband to that list.
Your news about the baby is so good to hear I can’t think of any better news right now.
So sorry about your friend….not good news, but your support will mean a lot to her.
I’ll come back if I think of a joke.
Such good news about the amnio. Such sad news about your best friend. As you remain in my prayers, she and her partner shall be in my prayers, as well.
I am not a comic superhero — you truly are, IRL too. Comments and laughs are your specialties. So I will spare you any of my sad attempts at being funny on purpose (I am plenty funny unintentionally!) My good news is that my MIL came out of her major surgery well and has begun her recovery. This reflects answered prayers in our home.
All my best to you, my friend,
Positive for me this week is the fact that I FINALLY have a spider-free car!
Thanks for the update; this is encouraging.
I’ll pray for your friend and her family.
From the looks of your post, you seem to be feeling better….Good for you. Much love to you and all your fam…even the unborn.
It’s a girl! it’s amazing how they can tell those things. Hope you can get some rest and relax but it sounds like your plate is pretty full. I’m so very sorry about your friend’s husband. That’s heartbreaking.
Sending continued love and hugs your way. xo jj
Awww…another little princess! So happy for all of you. XO!
Well, I am glad that your pregnancy news has gotten better. I will keep praying that all goes well for you. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I hope that her husband can make a complete recovery. I too have a best friend like that. I met her when I was 12. She was my rock when my mom passed. Friends like that are precious.
I’ve been out of the loop and didn’t even know you were pregnant! Congrats! Pregnant women do not need ANYTHING additional to worry about because worry wells ups from out of nowhere over nothing – it’s a good thing you’re combating your worrying with humor. Of course I’ve got nothing funny to add. Sorry. I will offer up prayers though, you’ve got a heavy plate between baby kidneys and your friend. If only banana cream pie would fix everything!
That is wonderful news about your baby! I will keep praying for and hoping with you!!! I’ll add your friend and her husband to my prayers as well.
No jokes, but a comment that Hubby made to our son keeps making me smile. Before bed the other night we had the boys wash their hands; it was all I could muster, since I didn’t have it in me to give them baths. Immediately after, while standing naked and waiting for me to hand him his underwear and pajamas, Baby B started scratching his, uhm…let’s call it a “truck and trailer” and digging in his butt-cheeks. Eww! Hubby told him, “It’s a good thing we washed your hands, Son. We wouldn’t want your ‘truck and trailer’ to get dirty.”
a little girl! how exciting!! continuing to pray for you
geesh, I live such a boring life, I’m trying to think of something unusual or good or funny that happened this week……
well I made it to the gym 5 days this week, 5 days last week. When I was gone getting in shape, Koda (dog) makes himself quite comfortable on my pillow; everything I own or wear has corgi hair on it……yet I wouldn’t change anything about how spoiled he is
I hope you all have a nice weekend!
So proud of you for turning into a gym rat.
Visit me at: http://www.unknownmami.com.
I am going to continue to pray for you and your daughter. Sounds like the news so far is very good. So sorry to hear about your friends significant other, I will say a prayer.
I LOVE George Carlin, he has such a subtle way of putting things doesn’t he?
Fab news about Baby Girl, hope is a wonderful thing!
Still have you at the top of our prayer chain.
umami you left a funny comment over on my blog – thanks
I replied and I think you’ll enjoy it.
all the best
Wonderful news about your amnio …and a girl! This is such encouraging and good news and I’m really happy for you.
Such a terrible shock for your friend – what a terrible thing to happen and to have to deal with. I’m sending all positive thoughts to all of you over there.
Jokes … I’m hopeless at remembering most jokes but I came across this one-liner on Facebook recently that you may or may not have seen and that made me smile:
“I don’t want to brag or make you jealous, but I can still fit into the earrings I wore in high school.”
Will that do to raise a smile?
Have a wonderful weekend. 🙂
“Diaper backward spells repaid. Think about it.” (McLuhan)
Such good news about the baby. I keep praying for you and your friend and her husband as well..so sad about your friend.
And thanks for the encouraging update
B xx
I’m so glad to hear your good news!
Sorry to hear about your friend, I’m quite sure your friendship does help her. She’ll need people to simply be there for her, possibly with banana cream pie.
My good news for the week is we’re on school holidays for the next 2 weeks! We’ll be off on a dark ages camp next weekend and we get to take the dog with us this time. I anticipate several sleepless nights as she responds to every sound outside the tent by growling to warn me about the axe murderer who is CLEARLY out there – can’t you HEAR him Mum? Should be all kinds of fun 🙂
My bed broke this morning. Sadly all I was doing at the time was reading a book. Now, if it had happened last night I might have a much more salacious story to tell…
You said you wanted a joke…
A giraffe walks into a bar and says, “Hey guys! The high balls are on me!”
Hi, this is my first time here and I’m amazed at your ability to laugh when faced with such tough issues. Hats off to you. Keep the faith.
A sense of humor is a life saver. Glad yours is intact. Having hope regarding your baby girl can make such a difference to you and also to the baby. Enjoy each day with both your girls.
Hope is a good thing
Thinking of you
I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. And I’m heartened by your good news…
Joke: What do you call cows with a sense of humour?
– Laughing stock.
It’s refreshing to hear good news from you about the pregnancy, and let’s keep going in that direction.
Wife says to husband during the world series, “it’s me or baseball, which will it be?”
Matty says……”gosh, I’m gonna miss you”.
Your funny!
love your fragminted mind 😉
So happy to hear the great news about la nina and the fact that her prognosis looks very good.
I will pray for your friend and her husband. I believe in miracles.
I’ll come back with a joke…nothing is working in my head right now! Keep thinking about how you and Papi will have two gorgeous little ones soon!
A little girl, that’s such great news. You and your friend will be in my thoughts.
That’s wonderful news about your baby! I feel badly about your friend and her husband though, I hope things turn out okay. Humour is wonderful to help cope…I wish I had a good joke right now, but it’s tough to top Carlin.
Life is sure full of it’s ups and downs.
Cool to hear about the kidney. Can one donate a kidney to a baby? I have two and I’d be willing to part with one.
I don’t know, you might want to save the kidney for when you get 600 followers. Perhaps, you could have a kidney giveaway.
I’ll be by soon. Still trying to catch up with everyone.
Oh I am so glad that the news keeps getting better, and a lovely girl to boot, that is exciting…as for news here I am spending my day in my yard spending my bday alone as I chose as my company has just left. probably a romantic supper tonight. good news about you just about makes my day perfect. I am so sorry about your friends hubby. I will hope for the best. my favorite kind of pie, yes homemade banana cream pie. hugs to you, maay your hands and heart be full of hope. hugs.
Happy birthday!
I love hearing your good news about the baby, I miscarried our only child and haven’t been able to get pregnant since, even though I thought your blog would be difficult to read it’s been a real high point. I guess it should be it’s been 2 yrs and most people think it’s time to move on. I had a decent week, my boss texted me on Friday night and told me to do something nice for myself and that felt good. As for a joke
What did the egg say to the pot of boiling water? ” I don’t know if I can get hard today as I just got laid this morning!
Most people aren’t you and haven’t been through what you’ve been through. You don’t have to be on their emotional schedule. This is your journey.
Loved the joke. Told it to my husband and mother.
Thank you for saying it was my journey sometimes it’s only the “birthday” that bothers me which would have been in March.
I am so happy I found your blog though! I am going to have to get my digital camera out to start doing Sundays in my city and pick up blogging again!
Oh, I hope you do join us for SIMC. It’s so much fun to visit with each other. Plus, I can never afford trips, so vicarious travel is always welcome.
I’m so glad that things are looking up. A girl? How precious! What ever will you do with two of them? Thinking about and praying for your friend (and still for you).
Soooooo happy to hear the good news – and that you’re having a girl ♥ Still keeping you in my prayers, lifting you up to the Lord daily!
Can’t think of a joke at the moment… hmmmm, good news… cooler weather has arrived in Kansas! Happy Happy Joy Joy! Yippeeeeee! (Yes, I’m tired of sweating, LOL!)
Lord love you, child ♥
If you watch Jaws backwards, it’s about a shark that throws up people until they are forced to open a beach :º)
Congrats on the better news – Love you, Mami!
Great news about the kidney! Like Macey, my prayers will include your banana creme pie loving friend.
I’m continuing to pray for your little girl! She’s already showing you what a strong girl she is.
I’m also going to say some prayers for your friend & her partner, I cannot imagine waking up to that.
Love those jokes and love that you’re getting encouraging news. So sorry though for all the stress you are going through though 🙁
Hope is so much better than fear!
I’m glad to hear you are feeling better, and the news bring new hopes to you. You are still in my prayers, miracles happen everyday and babies are not as fragile as we thought.
No so glad to hear what is happening to your friend, I will add them to my prayers as well.
I am so glad the news is so encouraging for your baby! And sorry for your friend. Also out of jokes. I think I lost them somewhere around the fifth vomiting episode (my daughter’s, not mine) las night. But supporting – definitely supporting!
Hi Unknown, I love that you marry humor with your struggles. Life is too short to let our hardships hold us down. I had a rough pregnancy years ago, they way I looked at it was, I trough the monkey off my back and embraced all the pampering because once the baby was born my name becomes the baby’s name, “Hi Isaiah’s mom,” yeah-good times. 🙂
So happy to hear you received some positive news!!! Praying that you continue to get good news. Saddened for your friend 🙁
Sorry about your friend.
Thank goodness for the great news (I say this awkwardly considering your dear friend’s news) of the kidney. I hope you will soon be showered with better news.